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of genuine time travel
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Welcome to The Big List of over 850 time travel movies & shows.
Movie and videomakers have machined, tracked, policed, stopped, tunneled, mastered, shifted, stolen, kept,
looped and travelled time for over a century. Which is why our list of vids is so huge.
Many of these vids have multiple titles, but are only listed once use your browser's
FIND function to search our entire list.
Know of a time travel movie or time travel show not listed here?
Let us know.
Listings last updated 2015.02.27 - Page cleanup 2023.08.07
A spasso nel tempo
1996 Dec 13 - Italia
Time-hopping comedy in the mold of Bill and Ted, but with an Italian flair. IMDb: "While visiting Universal
Studios in Hollywood along with their respective families, two Italian tourists get on a real time machine and got lost in time."
MagicDragon says: "One of the few Italian Time
Travel films."
A spasso nel tempo: l'avventura continua
1997 Dec 11 - Italia
...and yet it was good enough to make another, apparently.
The ABC Afterschool Special
series; 1972 Oct 04 - 1996 Oct 24
IMDb: "'ABC Afterschool Specials' was the umbrella show name for various educational shows that were shown
in the afternoon, occationally. Each episode was produced by a seperate company."
"My Mother Was Never A Kid"
Season 9, Episode 7; 1981 Mar 18
TV.com: "A 13 year-old girl with a fetish for trouble takes a trip back to the 1940s, when her mother was
her age."
Dennis Higgins writes: "You have a great list. There is a good one missing and very rare. I have a taped
copy on VHS which is not very good and have been looking for this for years. It's called 'My Mother Was Never a
Kid' and it originally aired as a ABC after school special and then went to Nickleodeon. From there it was lost.
It was based on Francine Pascal's novel called 'Hangin' Out With Cici'. I'm sure I was responsible for getting it
on IMDB and my review is still there
although the email listed there is long gone." Excellent catch, and thanks for sending it in to Timelinks!
A.J.'s Time Travelers
series; 1994 Dec 03 - 31
A.J. Malloy takes his time machine, the "Kyros", into the past for educational excursions.
After the first four episodes on Fox, the series went to syndication... and to court. The series seems to
have made it to video anyway.
About Time
2013 Sep 04 - UK
Men in the Lake family can travel time. The women, I guess not. According to the IMDb blurb, Lakes can't change history, but
can change... their own history... um.... Well. Romantic comedies exist to make one forget about cause and effect
Thanks to Timelinks reader Rob C. for sending this one in!
The Adjustment Bureau
2011 Mar 04
Smartly-dressed gentlemen wield power over fate, rubbing Matt Damon's politician character the wrong way. A promising opening half
eventually chases down a simplistic moral at the end. Based on "Adjustment Team" by Philip K. Dick.
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
series; 1993 Aug 27 - 1994 May 20
Short-lived series, the main story arc involves a villain from the future posing as a villain in the
Old West, attempting to gather all the scattered time-controlling Orbs for himself.
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
animated series; 2002 Jul 20 - 2006 Nov 25
The hyperintelligent CGI wunderkind invented three time machines in his first season alone...
"The Big Pinch"
Season 1, Episode 3; 2002 Sep 13
Time Warner Cable: "Jimmy uses his Time Pincher to bring Thomas Edison into the present."
"Time Is Money"
Season 1, Episode 4; 2002 Sep 20
TV.com: "Through the wonder of time travel, Jimmy goes 15 years into the past to a time
when his parents were swinging sweethearts."
"Sorry, Wrong Era"
Season 1, Episode 20; 2003 Sep 05
Jimmy invents yet another time machine, trapping himself and some friends back with the dinos.
"The Tomorrow Boys"
Season 3, Episode 2; 2005 May 23
Jimmy gives some liquid megalomania to Libby, which a trip to the future proves was a bad idea.
The Adventures of Timothy Pilgrim
series/shorts; 1974 - Canada
Young Timothy discovers a trunk that magically transports him back and forth to 1875,
where he helps a snake oil salesman come unstuck in time.
Against Time
2001 - aka All Over Again
Teen meets his elder self, a senior citizen from the future, who warns him of impending bad decisions.
Timelinks fan 'Michael' writes: "For the longest time, (no pun intended), I searched out the movie 'All
Over Again' which appears on your List, but to no avail. Just this past week, I found a movie named 'Against Time'
in the bargain bin of my local KMart. What I found out is that 'Against Time' is actually the very movie
you list as 'All Over Again'!" —Sad, since the DVD only came out under that title on 12 June 2007. But
we've switched the title and the aka—thanks for the heads up!
series; 2012 Jan 16 - Mar 26
The prison on Alcatraz Island wasn't closed in 1963, the occupants simply vanished. Now they reappear in the twenty-teens, ready to
get up to their old tricks. The government seems to have been expecting them.
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour
series; 1962 Sep 01 - 1965 May 10 - retitled continuation of Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Anthology of dark mysteries hosted by the original deadpan commercial-despising British auteur. Rarely diverting into science fiction,
the entry below is a notable exception, and likely made the cut due to the inclusion of murder...
"Consider Her Ways"
Season 3, Episode 11; 1964 Dec 28
Under the influence of a Venezuelan narcotic, Dr. Jane Waterleigh awakens in a future where only women exist, and thrive in a caste
system inspired by ant colonies. She learns who was responsible for creating the virus that vectored off and killed half the human race,
and upon her return, hunts down and kills him. There is a small gendered problem with the time travel that she does not first consider.
Based on the 1956 novella by John Wyndham.
Aliens in the Wild, Wild West
1999 Aug 17
Two teens visit a ghost town, are transported back to 1880, and have run-ins with said aliens.
The All New Alexei Sayle Show
series; 1994 Jan 06 - 1995 - UK
Broad-humored British comedy/variety show.
"Drunk In Time" sketches
Season 2?; 1994?
Six tiny MPEGs of Sayle's Time Tunnel parody are still hiding at the
Archive of NeoLASE's pages: "For this affectionate spoof, the BBC painstakingly recreated the Project: Tic Toc set, from the Tunnel
itself right down to the hourglass symbol on the floor."
Always Will
2007 Mar
Young Will uses a relic to change events in the life of an even younger Will.
Another Timelinks tip from Mike H. —thanks!
The Amazing Mr. Blunden
1972 - UK
Ghosts ask for help from two children who prepare a potion to travel back in time.
Amazing Stories
series; 1985 Sep 29 - 1987 Apr 10 - aka Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories
Anthology showcase of Spielbergian wonders.
"Alamo Jobe"
Season 1; Episode 3; 1985 Oct 20
Message-bearer from the 1836 battle arrives in the 1980s.
American Dragon: Jake Long
animated series; 2002 Jul 20 - 2006 Nov 25
Jake Long, high school weredragon, spends his downtime saving the preternatural inhabitants of Manhattan.
"Hero of the Hourglass"
Season 2, Episode 8; 2006 Aug 12
Wikipedia: "Jake discovers a time traveling device and decides to travel back to June 27, 1986 to give the note from his teenage mom
to teenage Dad telling the truth about being a dragon."
Amityville 1992: It's About Time
1992 Jul 16 - aka Amityville: It's About Time
A timepiece provides a link between an unsuspecting family and that überevil house on Long Island.
series; 2001 Oct 02 - 2005 May 13 - aka Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda
Dylan Hunt is stuck near a black hole for a couple centuries, and discovers his interstellar commonwealth is
gone bye-bye. One of the several new crewmembers he acquires is Trance Gemini, a colorful alien babe with
special insights into causality
(played by Laura Bertram, who resembled a youthful version of exec producer Majel Barrett).
"Under the Night"
Season 1; Episode 101; 2000 Oct 02
The opening episode where Dylan finds himself in the dark future with his work cut out for him.
"Angel Dark, Demon Bright"
Season 1; Episode 106; 2000 Nov 06
Andromeda slipstreams back to before the Nietzschean attack. Many "tough" decisions result in the
predictable non-altering of history, and the inevitable return to the dark future.
"The Banks of the Lethe"
Season 1; Episode 108; 2000 Nov 20
Dylan is able to communicate with his wife in the past, but dare he join her there? Didn't we just sit through the inevitable
agony of irresolute TV time travel two episodes ago?
"The Lone And Level Sands"
Season 3; Episode 305; 2002 Oct 21
The Andromeda encounters a lightspeed Earth ship launched 3000 years before.
"The Unconquerable Man"
Season 3; Episode 310; 2003 Jan 20
Gaheris Rhade, Dylan's traitorous first officer, is shown as the captain of Andromeda, trying but failing
to restore order in a future Dylan is no longer alive in. Trance meets herself, and after a few knowing words,
tells Rhade he has to go back and let Dylan kill him in the first episode after all.
"The Dark Backward"
Season 3; Episode 312; 2003 Feb 03
Trance does her stuff, and sorts through a variety of timelines.
"Abridging The Devil's Divide"
Season 4; Episode 417; 2004 Apr 12
Harper is forced to build a time bridge, and in come the Magog of the future.
series; 1999 Oct 05 - 2004 May 19
Joss Whedon's Buffy spinoff, set in the City Of.
"I Will Remember You"
Season 1; Episode 8; 1999 Nov 23
Wikipedia: "Angel spends a day with Buffy, but makes a deal that takes him back to the beginning of the day."
"Happy Anniversary"
Season 2; Episode 35; 2001 Feb 06
Wikipedia: "Angel and The Host search for a physicist who plans to freeze time."
Season 3; Episode 52; 2001 Nov 12
Sahjahn, "just your average time-travelling demon," coaches an Eighteenth Century vampire hunter on the
Twenty-First for the hunter seeks revenge on Angel and Darla.
Season 3; Episode 55; 2002 Jan 14
Wikipedia: "Cordelia learns that she will die unless she goes back in time and chooses a different path in life."
"A New World"
Season 3; Episode 64; 2002 May 06
Connor left Angel as an infant, but soon returns from hell as a grown teen. Even Joss Whedon couldn't make babies
and children coexist inside an ongoing dramatic series.
"Time Bomb"
Season 5; Episode 107; 2004 Apr 28
Illyria becomes so mighty, she unsticks herself in time, ultimately resulting in her embarrassment.
An Angel for May
2002 Aug 10
Boy discovers a storm-swept path into the past, and into lives that are to be damaged in World War II.
Another Day
2001 Dec 04 - Canada/USA
Shannen Doherty left Charmed to star in this interminably slow TV movie. She wakes up on
Friday May 12 (probably 1995) some five years before she conked out. Some standard time travel bits, like shock at
seeing the dead alive again, and unheeded Cassandra warnings, but generally not worth anyone's time.
1994 Feb
What could possibly go wrong with sending a robot, armed to the teeth, back in time to spook around? Yeah. That.
Argaï: La prophétie
animated series; 2000 Sep 02 - France - aka Argai: The Prophecy
In AD 1250, Prince Argaï's bride-to-be falls under an evil spell cast by Queen Orial. Orial's from 2075, so he goes there to kill her.
Army of Darkness
1993 Feb 19 -
aka Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness; Captain Supermarket; The Medieval Dead
It's a 7 o'clock based on Bruce Campbell at his intense finest, not the time travel content.
Arthur's Quest
1999 Mar 03
Merlin sends boy Arthur to the 20th Century to escape Morgana, then arrives 10 years after
to discover his king has become a cynical hipster teen.
As Time Goes By
1988 Sep 29 - Australia
Australian comedy about a drifter who is sent off in time by an alien trapped inside a diner in the Outback. Thanks to
"Stormin' Norman" for sending this one in to Timelinks!
Ashes to Ashes
series; 2008 Feb 07 - 2010 May 21 - UK
Sequel to Life On Mars wherein police psychologist Alex Drake, studying the post-coma stress and suicide of
Sam Tyler, suddenly wakes up from her own brush with death—in 1981, and facing down DCI Gene Hunt.
The Atomic Man
1956 Mar 04 - UK - aka Timeslip
Scientist's consciousness is transported 7 seconds into the future, and becomes embroiled in a standard mystery. Well, London
could be destroyed by a plutonium blast, but you'd hardly know it for all the standard intrepid-journalist procedural.
While the scientist answering questions before they're asked is intriguing, the concept is ultimately buried in a lot of
nonsensical fifties techwaving, including injections and geiger counters.
short; 1995 - Deutschland - aka Extinct
Reviewer from Munich, torsten.dewi, writes at IMDb: "This one has it all: a great story (a scientist of a plague-ridden world
goes back to dinosaur times to find an extinct plant that might hold the key to a cure, but bungles up the timelines in
doing so...)"
Austin Powers in Goldmember
2002 Jul 22
Mike Myers lampoons his own creation as well as the 1970s in this third installment of the time travel/spy
spoof film series.
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
1999 Jun 08
Dr. Evil's inability to get with the decade reaches an hilarious fever pitch as he explains his new
"time machine" to his minions, all of whom have a far better grasp of what to do with it than he does.
Aventuras en el Tiempo
series; 2001 Mar 19 - Aug 24 - Mexico
Typical Mexican soap opera, only geared for children, and with the added bonus of watching five kids
pop around time. (Time Warner: "Cinco niños aventureros viajan a distantes lugares en el tiempo.")
Babylon 5
series; 1993 Feb 22 - 1998 Nov 25
Chronology.org has a list of
all Bab 5 episodes involving prophetic dreams, visions, and time travel, including:
"Babylon Squared"
Season 1, Episode 20; 1994 Aug 10
Babylon 4 resurfaces, being caught in an unexplained time warp. Includes odd prophetic moments like Garibaldi
dying in some future firefight screaming, "I understand now! This is what I was born for!" The series has better eps.
"War Without End, Part 1"
Season 3, Episode 16; 1996 May 16
"War Without End, Part 2"
Season 3, Episode 17; 1996 May 23
Back to the Future
1985 Jul 03
In 1985, Marty McFly flees Libyan terrorists in Doc Brown's Delorean, and finds himself stranded in 1955, and
messing up his parents' timeline.
Back to the Future Part II
1989 Nov 22
Weakest of the trilogy, partially because of the incomplete nature of the plot, which carries over to the next
sequel. But the saddest bit is that Doc's (perfectly reasonable) explanation of how to travel along a split
timeline has already been broken earlier in the film, when Old Biff returned the Delorean. (Oh yeah, and why
would a villain return a working time machine?) The scene where Marty gets a Western Union delivery is effective,
Split-screen synch of the
"Enchanment Under the Sea" sequence from Parts I & II.
Back to the Future Part III
1990 May 25
Marty heads to 1885 to rescue a stranded Doc, who is falling in love with a local schoolmarm.
Back to the Future: the Animated Series
animated series; 1991 Sep 14 - 1992 Dec 26
The cartoon series featured all-new adventures and a Tannen in every time zone.
Back to the Planet of the Apes
1981 (1974) - aka The New Planet of the Apes
1981 TV movie spliced from two 1974 episodes of the Apes series. More astronauts arrive in the simian future,
circa AD 3085. Why do we keep sending them up? Maybe this is why the space program was scaled back in the
Barbie and the Rockers: Out of This World
animated short; 1987 - aka Barbie and the Rock Stars: Out of This World
Mattel's favorite daughter travels through space to find rock 'n roll fame, but returns to Earth in the 1950s. A
case of Back to the Future envy if ever we saw one.
short; 1988 - Brasil -
aka Curta os Gaúchos- Barbosa
A man's childhood disappointment drives him to try and change the outcome of the 1950 World Cup (Brazil vs. Uruguay).
1991 - aka The Bionaut
Self-proclaimed "worst movie of all time", Beasties is the story of a spacetime traveller who uses gremlin-like
critters to do his recon.
Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time
1991 Aug 23
Marc Singer's barechested nature boy Dar comes to battle his evil brother on modern-day Earth. Succeeds with help
of animal pals; wins girl, car.
Before You Say "I Do"
2009 Feb 14 - USA - aka Then Again
Hallmark TV movie about a guy given the opportunity to fix his fiancée's first wedding.
Thanks again to Mike H. for another contribution to Timelinks!
Being Erica
series; 2009 Jan 05 - 2011 Dec 12 - Canada
Dr. Tom sends Erica back into her past to events where she had a persistent sad, and fix them. Notable for reachng beyond the genre expectations of
coming to terms with one's past, the series also explores the ramifications of its central conceit, as Erica begins to discover how
this network of time-psychiatrists really operates.
Another Timelinks tip from Mike H. --thanks!
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
1970 May 01
Another astronaut shows up in AD 3955, runs afoul of apes, and discovers mutant humans worshipping a supernuke underground.
It all ends in tears.
Berkeley Square
1933 Sep 15
A 20th Century American is whisked off to 18th Century London.
Between Time and Timbuktu: A Space Fantasy
1972 Mar 13
Chris Huber's Vonnegut pages (now vanished): "A made-for-tv film based on several short stories of Kurt Vonnegut,
and pieced together in a screenplay for a public television broadcast on March 13, 1972."
series; 1964 Sep 17 - 1972 Jul 01
One of the quintessential 1960s sitcoms, often parodied and criticized for making light with the black arts.
Time travel frequently played a part...
"I'd Rather Twitch Than Fight"
Season 3; Episode 82; 1967 Nov 17
Endora draws Freud into the Stephens house to help their marriage, and the sage Viennese gets into a
fistfight with a contemporary psychiatrist. Title is a play on the old Tareyton cigarette ads ("I'd rather fight
than switch").
"My Friend Ben"
Season 3; Episode 85; 1967 Dec 08
Aunt Clara summons a 60-odd-year-old Ben Franklin, who gets himself in trouble in the 20th Century.
"Samantha for the Defense"
Season 3; Episode 88; 1966 Dec 15
Franklin's modern-day trial.
"Aunt Clara's Victoria Victory"
Season 3; Episode 98; 1967 Mar 09
This time, Aunt Clara brings Victoria, Queen of England and Empress of India, into modern America.
"Samantha's Thanksgiving to Remember"
Season 4; Episode 117; 1967 Nov 23
The Stephens and Gladys Kravitz are whisked off to 17th Century Salem, where Darrin winds up getting tried as a
"Samantha's Da Vinci Dilemma"
Season 4; Episode 122; 1967 Dec 28
Aunt Clara summons Leonardo, who gets upset at his work being appropriated for toothpaste ads.
"Samantha Goes South for a Spell"
Season 5; Episode 142; 1968 Oct 03
Sam is transported to 1868 New Orleans, where she contracts amnesia; Darrin has to go rescue her.
"Paul Revere Rides Again"
Season 7; Episode 204; 1970 Oct 29
Paul Revere is dropped from 1776 into 1970, and mistakes 20th Century market capitalism for a British invasion.
"Samantha's Old Salem Trip"
Season 7; Episode 206; 1970 Nov 12
Esmerelda sends Sam back to Salem in the 1600s, where she again contracts amnesia, and Darrin again has to go
rescue her.
"How Not to Lose Your Head to King Henry VIII (Part 1)"
Season 8; Episode 227; 1971 Sep 15
Sam tries to rescue a nobleman trapped in a painting, and is cursed to wander around 16th Century England, yet
again with amnesia...
"How Not to Lose Your Head to King Henry VIII (Part 2)"
Season 8; Episode 228; 1971 Sep 22
Darrin's attempt at rescue is jeopardized by King Henry's intent to make Sam his next bride.
2005 June 04
At one point, well into this headache of a remake, Samantha (Nicole Kidman) decides everything has gone wrong,
and casts a spell, rewinding the entire movie.
No one involved with making this picture took their own hint.
Beyond the Time Barrier
1960 July - aka The War of 1995
Mid-20th Century pilot is surprised when he finds his experimental jet has landed in 2024. Then he discovers he's the only
fertile guy around.
1986 Jun 19 - UK -
aka Biggles: Adventures in Time
W.E. Johns' WWI ace has a "time twin" in a 1980s adman, and swaps places with him throughout this odd film.
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
1991 Jul 19
They thought they'd get away with a title like that, and not have to pay. Has some good bits and all, but
Bill and Ted don't work as well facing Death, Satan, and God as they do goofing on historical figures.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
1989 Feb 17
The tongue-in-cheek premise that a rock band will save the future of mankind is just the beginning of the absurd
mayhem in this surprisingly tightly-scripted piece. A gem of time travel playfulness in a shining display case of
eighties slacker sensibilities.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures
animated series; 1990 Sep 15 - 1992 Sep 05
The time slacking continued, courtesy Hanna-Barbera. Then DIC bogarded the license for the second season, and
the franchise got totally wasted, dude.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures
series; 1992 Jun 08 - Sep 09
The time slacking struggled on for eight more live action episodes, on Fox.
Black Knight
2001 Nov 15
Martin Lawrence gets the Twain treatment in this screwball comedy.
Blackadder: Back and Forth
1999 Dec 06 - UK
Rowan Atkinson's beloved family-of-one finally gets ahold of a time machine in this pre-millennial special.
Blue Moon
2000 Jan 16
Wish creates time warp causing an older couple to encounter their 1959 younger selves.
The Blue Yonder
1985 Nov 17 - aka Time Flyer
A more sympathetic view of the grandfather paradox: What if little Jonathan borrowed his neighbor's time machine
to go back and stop his grandfather from a deadly attempt to fly solo across the Atlantic?
The Boy and the Pirates
1960 Apr 13
Bert I. Gordon adventure with a magic genie and buccaneers. Earns some points for an effort at historicity and couple choice
moments: "Not be a pirate!?" huffs Edward Teach. "You want to be a miserable crawling rat, sponging for your rum, instead of
setting sail on the seven seas on a fine brig like this?"
"I'd rather travel by jet," Jimmy the Non-plussed sighs.
The Brak Show
animated series/shorts; 2000 Dec 21 - 2003 Dec 31

Some of Space Ghost's nemeses in their own spinoff family sitcom.
"Time Machine"
Season 1; Episode 3; 2001 Sep 02 - aka "Diff'rent Braks: Time Machine"
Brak and Zorak keep stealing Thundercles' time machine to try and convince their junior selves that they have to do
their homework. Predictably, this results in hundreds of Braks and Zoraks with incomplete homework.
Brick Bradford
serial; 1947 Dec 18
Based on the 1930s comic by William Ritt and Clarence Gray, it features two-fisted Brick and his Time Top. DoCMuZiK
writes at IMDb: "Brick and company travel to the far side of the moon which suddenly has an atmosphere
and a lost civilization that other people from Earth have PREVIOUSLY visited. They also travel back through time
to the days of the pirates to find a lost scrap of paper with an equation relating to nuclear physics on it."
1954 Sep 08
A mighty prayer saved the Scottish village of Brigadoon from evil witches in 1754 but with the devilish twist
that it only appears for a day once every hundred years. When an American falls for a local girl, their love seems
doomed. Will Tommy ever be reunited with his Fiona? Is this a classic '50s musical?
1966 Oct 15
TV version of the musical. Marta Dawes at IMDb writes: "Very different than the Hollywood version, this Brigadoon
was quietly romantic and vividly atmospheric."
Brødrene Dal og mysteriet med Karl XIIs gamasjer
miniseries; 2005 Jan - Norge
The Brothers Dal return for more wacky time travel, messing up Norwegian history in 1716, 1718, 1814 and 1905.
Brødrene Dal og spektralsteinene
miniseries; 1982 - Norge
The Brothers Dal build a time machine from plans left by an alien.
Brother Future
1991 - aka The Exchange; The Kangol Kid; The Eight Ball Nightmare
1990s Michigan teen is purchased by someone in 1822 South Carolina, and becomes entangled in the
plans of a doomed slave rebellion.
Bu Bu Jing Xin
2010 Dec 06 - 2011 Mar 22 - Zhōnghuà Rénmín Gònghéguó - aka Scarlet Heart; Startling by Each Step
"Bu Bu Jing Xin" Induces Time Travel Scam in China [JayneStars, 2012.02.15]
Wikipedia: "Zhang Xiao, a young woman from the 21st century, suffers a near-fatal accident that sends her back in time to the
Qing Dynasty during the Kangxi Emperor's reign. She finds herself trapped in the body of one of her previous incarnations:
Ma'ertai Ruoxi, the teenage daughter of a Manchu general."
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
series; 1979 Sep 20 - 1981 Apr 16
Buck is frozen in his spacecraft in 1987 and returns to Earth 500 years later. We don't think he time travels ever
again in that faraway Century... but we can't bring ourselves to see it again after all these years. Because all we
can remember of the movie or series... is Twiki. And we're not looking at that devilspawn of Artoo and Mel Blanc
ever again.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
series; 1997 Mar 10 - 2003 May 19
Joss Whedon's iconic masterpiece about a young woman destined to save the world, a lot.
"Life Serial"
Season 6, Episode 5; 2001 Oct 23
Evil spell puts Buffy in a time loop, serving the same Double Meat for eternity.
"Get It Done"
Season 7, Episode 15; 2003 Feb 18
Buffy falls through a time portal to confront the Shadow Men, who created the Slayers in the first place.
The Bullwinkle Show
animated series; 1959 Nov 29 - 1973 Sep ?
aka The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle; Rocky & Bullwinkle and Friends; Rocky and His Friends
The regular segment "Peabody's Improbable History" was home to the original time squad: Sherman, Mr. Peabody and
their WABAC Machine.
Bùnéng shuo de mìmì
2007 Jul 27 - Zhonghuá Mínguó -
aka 不能說的秘密; 不能说的秘密; Secret; The Secret That Cannot Be Told
The secret is that something in the protagonist's school allows time travel. We should really tell you what it is,
but you can just look it up online.
The Butterfly Effect
2004 Jan 23
Young man has inherited the power to send his consciousness momentarily into his junior self, and tries to use it
to undo the deaths and maimings of those he loves. Naturally, he keeps messing up. One nice touch is that his brain
keeps getting denser as he remembers all his different pasts whenever he snaps back to his "present"... Not to be
confused with A Sound of Thunder (2005), the plot of which partially inspired the term "butterfly effect".
The Butterfly Effect 2
2006 Aug 10
Sequel released in the US direct-to-DVD, October 10, 2006.
Fitted808, an astute observer on YouTube, noted: "....No one from the first movie is in here."
Butterfly Effect: Revelation
2009 Jan 09 -
aka The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations
Another boy travels time to discover who murdered his girlfriend.
Captain N & The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3
animated series; 1990 Sep 01 - 1991 Mar 01
Mario needed no help from upstart Nintendo employee Captain N, and went on to more seasons and series without him.
"Toddler Terrors of Time Travel"
Season 1, Episode 8; 1990 Sep 29
Kooky Von Koopa invents a time machine in order to stop the Mario Bros. from ever entering the fateful drainpipe to the Mushroom
Kingdom. Wikipedia: "...as a result of the turbulence, the Time Tube malfunctions and de-ages the bodies of the Mario Bros.,
Toad, Bowser, and Ludwig into baby bodies."
Captain Z-Ro
series; 1951 Nov - 1956 Jun 10
Captain Z-RO and Jet go forth in the ZX-99, exploring space and time! TVAcres.com sez: "The Captain's time machine
featured an Electro Generator, a Trillatron, and the Lectric Chamber with Spector Wave Length..." Good luck, in Time and Space!
animated; 2000 Feb 09 - Ireland/France
Fable of children drawn through time to an evil carnival where visitors turn into still life. Beats being a donkey
in Italy.
2006 Sep 10 -
Netflix: "An insomniac grocery clerk. The ability to freeze time. The freedom to undress his female patrons -- all for art."
Ben Willis, insomniac grocery clerk: "And would it be so wrong? Would they hate me? For seeing them. I mean really seeing them."
Yes, Ben. It would be wrong. They would hate you. I mean really hate you.
series; 1970 Feb 15 - 1971 Apr 04 -
11th Century wizard accidentally ensorcels his way into the 20th. Humorous mistakes are made. Thanks to Timelinks reader JB for sending this one in!
Cave Girl
1985 May
A crystal with power over time is used by a bullied nerd to try to get laid. All too sad.
CBS Schoolbreak Special
series; 1984 Jan 24 - 1996 Jan 23
CBS's offering in the afterschool lecture genre, in pursuit of that lucrative child-nonplussing demographic.
"My Past Is My Own"
Season 6, Episode 4; 1989 Jan 24 - USA
Wikipedia: "While Justin and Kerry sleep that night, they are mysteriously transported to a small town in Georgia in
the early 1960s." If one person dreams of the past, it's probably not time travel. But if two people share the exact
same dream...
Cesta do pravěku
1955 - Československo -
aka Journey to Prehistory; Journey to the Beginning of Time
Kids enjoy a trip to the Museum of Natural History, then take a Central Park boat ride into the distant past. There seems to be some
suggestion that the lake opens onto the Hudson, which itself runs through the Land That Time Forgot. Czechs are landlocked, so you can
kind of forgive them for not knowing that North American rivers don't empty into the Paleozoic.
Challenge of the Superfriends
animated series; 1978 Sep 09 - Dec 23
The mighty rainbow coalition of justice, in their third effort at a series.
"The Time Trap"
Season 1, Episode 4; 1978 Sep 30
The Legion of Doom gets ahold of a time machine, and strand Superfriends all across whenever. But then
Superman shows off that ability to travel time, all on his lonesome.
"Secret Origins of the Superfriends"
Season 1, Episode 8; 1978 Oct 28
The Legion attacks the mightiest of the Superfriends' origin timelines. Then they get slapped back!
"Conquerors of the Future"
Season 1, Episode 11; 1978 Nov 18
The Legion decides to conquer Earth in AD 3984! They are discovered and defeated because the Riddler
tipped the Superfriends off again. Time travel and blabbermouths don't mix. Someone should seriously look into
shutting Riddler the hell up.
"The History of Doom"
Season 1, Episode 16; 1978 Dec 23
The Legion finally succeed in destroying life on Earth. But then some time-travelling aliens arrive
and open up a can of deus ex machina.
Cha-ojí Xuéxiào Bàwàng
1993 - Hong Kong -
aka 超級學校霸王; Super-School Tyrant; Future Cops
Street Fighter characters from 2043 descend upon an unsuspecting 1993.
series; 1998 Oct 07 - 2006 May 21
Not to be outdone by Bewitched, the long-running WB series also dabbled in the chronomantic arts.
"That '70s Episode"
Season 1; Episode 17; 1999 Apr 07
The Three go to the Me Decade to stop a warlock from making a pact with their mom.
"Morality Bites"
Season 2; Episode 24; 1999 Oct 07
Prue and Piper travel to 2009 to save Phoebe from a latter-day Inquisition.
"All Halliwell's Eve"
Season 3; Episode 48; 2000 Oct 26
The Three find themselves in the 17th Century aiding a pregnant witch.
"A Knight to Remember"
Season 4; Episode 72; 2001 Nov 01
Paige summons a mediaeval knight, then the Sisters get sucked back with him to his time.
"A Paige From the Past"
Season 4; Episode 76; 2002 Jan 17
Piper: "Darryl, I'm sorry, but what do you want me to say? My sister was just possessed with a supernaturally born
killer and my husband is in 1994, and I do not mean in the fashion sense. He time traveled back with my other
sister so the only one left to help me is you."
"The Three Faces of Phoebe"
Season 4; Episode 80; 2002 Feb 14
Phoebe summons her past and future selves to help her decide if she'll marry Cole.
"A Witch in Time"
Season 5; Episode 96; 2002 Nov 10
Efforts to defy the deadly fate of a boyfriend leads demons and witches into a time travel mess.
Season 6; Episode 122; 2004 Jan 11
Paige travels to January 13, 1967, and threatens to alter the past.
Cheon gun
2005 - Daehan-minguk -
aka Heaven's Soldiers
A comet causes a time rift, sending seven Korean nuclear scientists into the 1572 war zone of... Korea.
The Chronology Protection Case
Director Jay Kensinger's take on Paul Levinson's Nebula-nominated novelette. Is physicist-turned-coroner Phil D'Amato
just being paranoid? Or is everything really out to get him...?
2006 Jun 22
Adam Sandler vehicle where a remote lets him fast forward and rewind his life. Plus other silly business.
1998 - USA/Romania
Kids discover a time machine, and sure enough, mess up the space/time continuum. Then they work on fixing it.
2002 Mar 17
Teen acquires time-stopping watchlike device. Evil government contractor wants it back. DJ Wackiness ensues.
Jammin' franchise announced! Audience yawns.
If the teen pandering doesn't annoy you, the inconsistencies and made-up fixes likely will. In the shiny
climax, lead teen Zak Gibbs, already in "hypertime" suddenly uses the watch to enter an even faster plane of
existence (über-doober-goobertime?) where he can pass through walls, but never the floor, and still hit people.
Unexplored plots include the government of Venezuela knowing the US has a time machine.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
1977 Nov 16
First, they were returning various boats and planes in perfect working order. But as the visitors at Devil's Tower
disembark the humans they've already guested a tally of the missing shows that even those gone for decades
haven't aged a day.
The Cold Room
1984 Mar 24 -
UK/Deutsche Demokratische Republik -
aka Cold Room - Kalter Hauch der Vergangenheit; The Prisoner
At least four different sites have this synopsis: "A young woman visiting modern day East Berlin with her father
is plunged into the barbaric horrors of Nazi Germany when she enters a strange room located behind her hotel wall.
She is somehow transported back in time."
Colonial House
miniseries; 2004 May 17 - 25
26 modern people are thrust into hardscrabble English colonial life circa 1628, courtesy WNET and a clutch of
corporate sponsors. Inspired by 1900 House and its sequels.
Come Back, Lucy
1978 Apr 23 - May 28 - UK
WillieGetaway at YouTube: "When Lucy's Dear Aunt Olive dies, orphaned Lucy is sent to live with
her riotous cousins. Shocked by unhappiness and unwilling to accept her new-found family,
Lucy meets the mysterious Alice who lived in the house 100 years ago."
Conceiving Ada
1997 Sep 10 -
USA/Deutschland -
aka Leidenschaftliche Berechnung
Emmy Coer attempts to bring 19th Century Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace, into the late 20th Century
using computers and the code trapped in her DNA.
A Connecticut Yankee
1931 Apr 06
Will Rodgers is more an Oklahoma Sage than some New Englander in this charming outing of the classic.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
1921 Mar 14
1920s youth dreams of travelling back to Arthurian times, and there invents nitro and motorbikes.
According to silentera.com,
only three of eight reels survive.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
1949 Apr 07
Hank Martin (Bing Crosby), a pre-WWI mechanic, is bumped on the head and awakens in AD 528, where he starts
putting all that know-how to use in taking over Arthurian Britain.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
1989 Dec 18
Young black girl falls off a horse, and into Arthurian England. Lancelot and others call her a demon, though the various
6th Century English subjects of African descent don't offer an opinion about that on screen. Sure enough, her career path is
technological sorcery.
Les Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2
1997 Sep 10 -
France -
aka The Visitors II: The Corridors of Time
Godefroy de Montmirail has to come back to his future to reclaim his family jewels and his fertility
(Is that a joke in French? Gotta be) in this sequel to Les Visiteurs.
Crime Traveller
series; 1997 Mar 01 - Apr 19 -
Short-lived series about cops with limited time travel capacities. They have "Ten Rules of Time" that seem to be
made up as they go along.
Los Cronocrímenes
2007 Oct 11 - España - aka Timecrimes
Suburban homeowner has to cope with inexplicable brutality around him, and then hides in a nearby time machine. Its creator has
to have a few words with him.
DreamWorks-crafted American remake
titled Time Crimes may be on the way.
series/shorts; 2009 Jul 13 - Aug 25
NBC web series about a Nestea-soaked keyboard that allows an office worker to Ctrl-Z RL.
Cube 2: Hypercube
2002 Jul 29
Eight strangers awaken in a cubic tesseract, "a perverted funhouse world ... where time is sped up for one
person and slowed for another, with no way to say who is at 'normal' speed ... and where alternate realities,
different what-ifs, play out with results both poignant and repugnant."
Cyborg 2087
1966 - aka Man From Tomorrow
Michael Rennie vehicle about time travellers struggling for a future free of thought control and their time
travelling enemies out to keep history the way they prefer it.
Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
1966 -
Will Doctor Who (Peter Cushing) and his companions be able to stop them? What do you think.
Danny Phantom
animated series; 2004 April 03 - 2007 Aug 24
Nickelodeon's tale of a half-ghost boy. Only Nick could get away with making an entire series out of what others
would dismiss as a one-line riff on impossible genres of meta internet memes.
"The Ultimate Enemy"
Season 2; Episodes 28 & 29; 2005 Sep 16
Danny comes under the unyielding eyes of the Observants, who send Clockwork to ensure that Danny doesn't trick
corporate America become evil by cheating on his school aptitude test. Cheating on an exam gets you a visit from
a time-travelling ghost? Time was, you had to live a lifetime as a miser to get that kind of attention.
"Masters of All Time"
Season 2; Episode 36; 2006 Mar 24
Wikipedia: "Fed up with Vlad, Danny asks Clockwork to travel back in time to prevent the accident that caused Vlad
to be half ghost..."
"Infinite Realms"
Season 3; Episode 42; 2007 Jul 09
Danny gets ahold of the Infi-Map, and gets his chuckles bopping around Ancient Rome and Puritan Salem.
Dark Shadows
series; 1966 Jun 27 - 1971 Apr 02
The travails of the Collins family are played out in three different centuries, with various time trips via
the dark arts.
Dark Shadows
series; 1991 Jan 13 - Mar 22
- aka Dark Shadows: The Revival Series
Remake follows Victoria Winters to 1790, where the confused girl gets accused as a witch.
Dave the Barbarian
animated series; 2004 Jan 23 - 2005 Jan 22
Disney attempt at making inroads into Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon edginess with a mock-Conan family vehicle.
"Ned Frischman: Man of Tomorrow"
Season 1; Episode 3; 2004 Jan 23
21st Century nerd tries to conquer Udrogoth via video game addiction.
Day Break
series; 2006 Nov 13 - Dec 13
Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide: "The surrealistic ABC cop drama Day Break was aptly characterized by most observers
as '24 Meets Ground Hog Day.'" Cop wrongly arrested for the murder of a D.A. keeps being shown the death of his
girlfriend, and then sent back to beginning of the same day, only to fail in stopping her demise again.
The Day Time Ended
1980 Nov
- aka Earth's Final Fury; Time Warp; Vortex
A solar-powered house only leads to trouble, as its occupants discover when they are visited upon by spaceships and dinosaurs.
Déjà Vu
2006 Nov 22
Denzel Washington as an ATF agent given the chance to travel back and stop a terrorist attack. The plot is
surprisingly well-scripted for a Jerry Bruckheimer production, (despite the transparent apologias for discarding
liberty that, say, Minority Report refuses to sanction,) and the time travel is pretty tight, too.
Déjà Vu
series; 2013 Nov 03 - 2014 Mar 24 -
Zhonghuá Mínguó - aka 回到爱以前
Ballerina's man and unborn child are killed, but upon gaining the chance to relive her life, her guy is no longer
interested in her.
Déjà Vu Darling
series; 2013 Oct 11 - France
Independent soap miniseries made at the 2013 NISI MASA workshop. IMDb: "After the loss of their father, 3 sisters fight against
each other for the two houses of the family. They are time travelers, magicians and hold a lot of secrets. The men of their
lives tend to only complicate the things."
Déjà Vu Serie Web
series/shorts; 2013 Mar 5 - May 21 - Columbia
Sebastian has the power of foresight. Mainly of crimes going south.
Denver, The Last Dinosaur
animated series; 1988 Apr - 1990 - France/US
Skateboarders find dinosaur, turn him into rock star.
deathandtaxesmag.com: "Oh,
also- a part of his egg allows the gang to travel back in time to the prehistoric age and see more dinosaurs. Because pieces
of eggshell are usually able to do that."
The Devil's Arithmetic
1999 Mar 28
Gary Hoffman writes: "A
teenaged girl cared little about her Jewish heritage until she was transported back through time to a Nazi
death camp." Works every time. Please don't bring any Nazis back with you, though. That's never good.
Devil's Pass
2013 Feb 28 - Rossiyskaya Federatsiya/UK/USA aka The Dyatlov Pass Incident
Most critics were pretty harsh on this presentation of five American twentysomethings who go missing in the Urals, which
is arguably what they were trying to do, since they are making a documentary about the Dyatlov Party.
Suffice to say: Some of their found footage? It's of their found footage.
Dexter's Laboratory
animated series; 1995 Feb 23 - 2003 Sep 26
- aka Dexter's Lab
Cartoon Network has shown their penchant for time travel (see Samurai Jack and Time Squad)
and it showed up here on Dexter's first.
"Dee Deemensional"
Season 1, Episode 4; 1996 Apr 28
BCDb: "Dexter sends Dee Dee back in time to save him from attack when he releases an inter-dimensional monster.
But the Dexter of the past doesn't believe Dee Dee..."
"Morning Stretch"
Season 2; Episode 49; 1997 Aug 06
Dexter invents a helmet that stretches 30 seconds into 30 minutes... but only for him. Dexter waiting for his
shower water to fall from the spigot is a gem of the genre.
Season 2; Episode 91; 1998 Apr 01
- aka "Backwards"
TV.com: "Dexter creates a belt that can have its wearer do everything backwards, only to get in trouble when
Dee Dee manages to get control of the time directional switch."
Dimension 5
1966 Oct - aka Dimension Four
Agents Justin Power and Kitty are all that stand between the Chinese and their plans to blow up L.A. Luckily, our
heroes have access to a time-travel belt.
Dinosaur Valley Girls
Rotten Tomatoes: "The discovery of a magic stone catapults Hollywood action hero Tony Markham backwards through
time, into a mysterious prehistoric land populated by fierce, predatory dinosaurs...and nymphomaniacal cave vixens
in strangely modern animal-print underwire bikinis."
short; 2007 Jan - USA
IMDB: "An EMT junkie, recovering from post traumatic stress after 9/11, is given a portal to save himself from a
tragic mistake when he brings home a mysterious antique phone."
2010 Aug - USA
Student discovers phone that connects her to her deceased mother, before she was murdered.
DNA2: Dokokade nakushita aitsu no aitsu
animated series; 1994 Oct 07 - Dec 23 - Nippon - aka Dumb Nerd Always Astray
Time traveller Aoi Karin tries to prevent the rise of the male "Superlover" to mastery of the world,
but winds up creating him through her incursion on the life of a maladjusted nerd. Oversexed hilarity ensues.
Do Over
series; 2002 Sep 19 - Dec 05
Time-travel comedy series, quickly cancelled by the WB. Four episodes remain unaired.
Dr. Jin
series; 2012 May 26 - Aug 12 - Daehan-minguk - aka Time Slip Dr Jin
He's a fully qualified brain surgeon! He just travels time 'cause he likes being his own boss.
Largely a period romance via time travel, a genre popular in Asia, the first episode has Dr Jin performing surgery
in 21st Century Seoul, only to discover a fetus inexplicably growing in the patient's brain.
Soon he tumbles into the 1860s, finding himself in the middle of the medical and political situations of the day.
All good soapish storytelling with the undercurrent of risking causality that one would expect-- well paced and
researched, with nothing too outlandish... except... for that quivering anticipation in the back of your mind...
like a fetus growing in your brain.
Dr Plonk
silent; 2007 August 30 - Australia
IMDb: "A scientist & inventor in 1907, Dr Plonk, predicts that the world will end in 101 years, unless something is done
about it." And so a silent era time machine is carpentered.
Doctor Who
series; 1963 Nov 23 - 1989 Nov 22 - UK - aka Doctor Who: The Classic Series
Beloved cosmic meddler uses his TARDIS to aid various civilizations in trouble. Until its cancellation,
the longest-running SF series in the world. New official audio adventures have been released by Big Finish.
Doctor Who
14 May 1996 - USA/UK - aka Enemy Within
Sylvester McCoy returns to hand the reins over to Paul McGann... for this dull movie. The Master is a
CGI snake who wants the Doctor's remaining regenerations; there's shouting and chase scenes in San Francisco
while the new Doc slowly infodumps as he gets his memory back. The expensive sets make the otherwise typically
simple Who plot look tawdry, and the hype that December 31, 1999 could be the End of the World simply doesn't
resonate anymore. In this film, it never did.
Doctor Who
series; 2005 Mar 26 - - UK
The classic returned with all new episodes, five new Doctors (so far), and a much more dark and mature tone.
Wellll... except for the occasional dinosaurs on a spaceship.
Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death
1999 Mar 12 - UK - aka Comic Relief: Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death
Rowan Atkinson as the Doctor, Julia Sawalha as his companion, and Jonathan Pryce as the Master, all in a brilliant BBC time travel
spoof for Red Nose Day 1999, and Comic Relief.
Doctor Who and the Daleks
- UK
Peter Cushing as the good Doctor, here imagined as the "inventor" of the TARDIS. More space travel than time
travel, though, much like the series that inspired it.
Doctor Who: Dimensions In Time
short; 1993 Nov 26
- UK
Thirteen-minute "charity skit" featuring many faces from the classic series.
dr_foreman at IMDb: "Overall, a fun
time-killer that was more than welcome when it debuted during Doctor Who's long (and mercifully over!) period of
purgatory." Children's charities are always a charming effort, but the story is just a hash of Doctors and companions
pointlessly confusing themselves in a London street market. Perhaps the Rani was trying to embarrass them all into
Doctor Who: The Missing Years
- UK
Tribute and showcase to what remains of 110 episodes of Doctor Who destroyed by the BBC in the 1970s.
As of 2014, the number missing is down to 97.
Donnie Darko
2001 Jan 19
Young Donnie Darko is having prophetic visions of a devil-faced rabbitman, despite taking his meds. In this amazing
film, set in 1988, the intricacies of fate and parallel worlds slam up against the sensibilities of a
postpunk/Lynchian America.
Don't Fool With Love
1990? - Mexico - aka Don't Fool with Love: The Two Way Mirror
Trio of stories, including "The Two Way Mirror"— IMDb: "...when looking into the glass, Susana
is startled to see the image of a handsome soldier, Nicolas (from 1863), instead of her own reflection."
The Drivetime
"When the dreamtime and the daytime overlap, you're in THE DRIVETIME..."
animated series; 1994 Mar 05 - 1997 Sep 06
Eric Duckman was a minor icon of nineties postmodernism, but ironically never knew it himself.
"Once and Future Duck"
Season 3; Episode 34; 1996 Apr 13
Andy's Anachronisms: "Ajax... opens a rift in the space-time continuum with his clock radio. Duckman discovers from
a future version of himself that his future hangs on Charles and Mambo's... tuba recital."
Dungeons & Dragons
animated series; 1983 Sep 17 - 1985 Dec 07
Eighties D&D would not have been complete without this bizarre cartoon take on the game, which ran for three seasons.
Occasonal fits of unhelpful prophecy occurred, as any fiendish Dungeon Master might dangle, but one episode stands out
in the time travel genre, as the effort to stop Hitler suddenly falls to a set of children's player characters:
"The Time Lost"
Season 3; Episode 2; 1985 Oct 12
"Venger... uses his Crystal of Chronos to pull both a futuristic plane and a WWII Nazi fighter pilot who crash lands his
Stuka into the Realm. Venger intends to send Josef Mueller, the pilot, back to Earth to win the war for Germany and by
changing earth's Timeline prevent the Kids from ever coming into the realm, but after meeting the kids, Josef has other plans."
Josef is certainly Luftwaffe, but his immediate friendliness with Diana suggests he was never down with the Party line.
Durango Kids
AOL: "Children battle crooks and a corrupt sheriff for gold after time-traveling to the 19th century."
Early Edition
series; 1996 Sep 28 - 2000 May 27
Cat delivers tomorrow's newspaper to Gary Hobson, providing a new ethical dilemma each week.
series; 1994 Feb 23 - Mar 23 - UK
Subterranean anomaly delivers 18th Century drummer boy into the 1990s in this curious miniseries.
Based on the novel by William Mayne.
La edad de piedra
1964 Dec 24
- Mexico
EoFFTV: "Viruta and Capulina travel back in time to the stone age in search of a rare element." Mexican comedy duo
Viruta y Capulina in their own brand of
on-the-road buddy picture.
Edge of Tomorrow
2014 Jun 06 - Canada/USA - aka All You Need Is Kill; Live Die Repeat; We Mortals Are
Time loops train soldiers into elite masters of destruction.
Electric Blue 37
IMDb: "A nerdy college student accidentally gets sent back to 1959 when his equally nerdy roommate's time machine
malfunctions." Straight-to-video, and presumably, soft porn.
11 Minutes Ago
2007 Apr 26
A "time-tumbler" from 2050, searching for clean air, becomes an inadvertant wedding crasher.
Film Threat: "Even when you
think you might be getting confused, and worried about losing your place (which can happen with this genre) it
becomes obvious that the confusion is intentional, and that you are in the hands of a clever storyteller." While his
timeline is quite tight and attention-arresting, Pack's pick-up skills are far less convincingly believable. Didn't see the
ending coming though, we have to give it that.
1986 Jan 31 - USA/España
Evil scientist intends to use time machine to usurp ancient Rome; only a band of mighty misfits including a
cyborg dubbed "Mandroid" can stop him. Stars Denise Crosby of Tasha Yar fame, before her brief stint on
Enter Nowhere
2011 Oct 22 - USA - aka The Haunting of Black Wood
Individuals from disparate decades meet unexpectedly in a cabin in the woods. Premiered October 22, 2011 at the Screamfest
Film Festival; went to DVD in the US, April 3, 2012. Thanks to Chris L. for sending this in to Timelinks!
Erasmus Microman
series; 1988 Mar 03 - 1989 Dec 15 - UK
Television Database: "Erasmus Microman is a 1005-year old cross between Dr. Who and a mad scientist who takes
two children on an educational time-trip through their TV set."
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
1971 May 21
Cornelius and Zira travel back to the 20th Century, and discover that all this time travel has made them a
human's uncle.
Escape in Time
2006 Feb 08
IMDb: "A recluse from society, Jon lives isolated from the world until one night... He begins to dream of violent robberies
fifty years in the past... too vivid to be dreams." Not a bad film about recovery from depression. But Jon's precise visions of
a man sentenced to Alcatraz, while technically information being sent through time, is as far as the time travel really goes.
Escape Through Time
A ring that sends its users through time with a word leads to hijinks in predictably visitable eras of history (i.e. Ancient Egypt, the Middle Ages, and the American West of the 1800s.) Marclinn1 has
posted it on YouTube with the explanation:
"'Escape Through Time' was shot in 1992 just after we completed High School as a last hoorah with all our friends before we all went
our seperate ways to college. Shot in only 8 total days..."
Escape to Grizzly Mountain
Millennial boy Jimmy brings 19th Century mountain man Jeremiah forward through time to rescue a circus bear cub.
Sequel to the family cockle-toaster Grizzly Mountain.
series; 2006 Jul 18 - 2012 Jul 16 - aka A Town Called Eureka
Series about a small town full of mad scientists and those who love them.
"I Do Over"
Season 3, Episode 4; 2008 Aug 19
Sheriff Carter experiences all the joys only a time loop can bring.
The Excalibur Kid
1999 Mar 23
Another modern teen, another King Arthur, another Merlin, another evil witch.
The Exotic Time Machine
Soft porn for the chronally challenged.
The Exotic Time Machine II: Forbidden Encounters
More soft porn. The plot is better than the porn, so beware. AOL: "To save their time-travel technology, voyagers
must plant beacons that will destroy any government attempt to steal their program."
Eyes of a Cowboy
series; 1988 Mar 03 - 1989 Dec 15
- Canada
Lonesome Cooper plies his blues from here to the 1870s, and learns the consequences of singing across time.
series; 2012 Aug 13 - Oct 30 - Daehan-minguk -
aka 신의; 神医; Shin-eui; The Great Doctor
Netflix: "Admiral Choi Young -- a fierce warrior from Korea's Goryeo Dynasty -- abducts Dr. Eun Soo 700 years into the future
to save Princess No Guk, who is gravely injured."
Family Guy
animated series; 1999 Jan 31 - 2002 Feb 14; 2005 Jul 01 -

Once cancelled, the misogyfest returned in 2005, due to high DVD sales.
"Mind Over Murder"
Season 1, Episode 4; 1999 Apr 25
Andy's Anachronisms: "After his blueprints for the time machine are accidently circulated throughout Peter's
basement bar, Stewie decides to use his device to go back to a time when no one was aware of his plans." The
episode's Narnia reference doesn't hurt, either.
"Death Lives"
Season 3, Episode 6; 2006 May 21
Death takes Peter on a review of his past.
"Stewie B. Goode"
Season 4, Episode 28; 2006 May 21
First of three parts of the reedited straight-to-DVD Family Guy movie, Stewie Griffin:
The Untold Story (see).
Stewie has a near-death experience that sets up the time travel in the next two eps.
"Bango Was His Name Oh!"
Season 4; Episode 29, 2006 May 21
Second of three parts of the reedited straight-to-DVD Family Guy movie, Stewie Griffin:
The Untold Story (see).
Stewie sees a man he believes to be his father on the TV, and connives to find him in San Francisco. But it turns
out he's his elder self, on holiday.
"Stu & Stewie's Excellent Adventure"
Season 4, Episode 30; 2006 May 21
Last of three parts of the reedited straight-to-DVD Family Guy movie, Stewie Griffin:
The Untold Story (see).
Stewie struggles to rescue his elder self from his acceptance of ennui, and get his destiny as world dictator back
on track.
"Meet the Quagmires"
Season 5, Episode 18; 2007 May 20
Death sends Brian and Peter back to the 1980s, and the single lifestyle of their youths.
"Road to Germany"
Season 7, Episode 3; 2008 Oct 19
Mort, Brian and Stewie take a time machine to 1939 Poland, and get chased by Nazis.
"The Big Bang Theory"
Season 9, Episode 16; 2011 May 8
TV.com: "Stewie and Brian go back in time to stop Bertram from killing Leonardo da Vinci."
"Back to the Pilot"
Season 10, Episode 5; 2011 Nov 13
Stewie and Brian return to 1999, and begin trying to stop 9/11. And writing Harry Potter.
Family Matters
series; 1989 Sep 22 - 1998 Jul 17
Sitcom that soon centered around the curious exploits of one Steve Urkel, the quiet mild-mannered lad of whom all nerds pay silent
thanks to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that they were never as horrific as.
"Father Time"
Season 8, Episode 16; 1997 Jan 31
Urkel invents a time machine, goes to the 1970s and tweaks history to become a billionaire.
"A Pirate's Life for Me"
Season 8, Episode 24; 1997 May 09
TV.com: "Another trip in the time machine lands Carl and Urkel on a pirate ship."
The Fantastic Journey
series; 1977 Feb 10 - Jun 16
20th Century scientists blunder onto an island in the Bermuda Triangle that is rife with rifts in time. There they
team up with one Varian from the 23rd Century, and his tuning fork of many wonders.
series; 1999 Mar 19 - 2003 Mar 21 - USA/Australia - aka Far Horizon; Space Chase
The adventures of John Crichton and the crew of Moya, their struggles against oppression, and their fresh takes on
old SF standbys including time travel. A return miniseries ran, beginning 2004 Oct 17.
"Back and Back and Back to the Future"
Season 1, Episode 5; 1999 Apr 02
Crichton gains visions of possible futures, but each attempt to stop bad things from happening makes things worse.
"The Locket"
Season 2, Episode 16; 2000 Aug 25
Moya becomes trapped at the edge of a pocket universe (a "senta-hole"), resulting in Aeryn aging 165 cycles and
having lived an entire life elsewhere. Crichton goes to rescue her, and winds up stuck there, growing old with her.
The time anamolies are solved by Zhaan and Stark meditating really hard and reversing the engines.
"...Different Destinations"
Season 3, Episode 5; 2001 Apr 13
Most of the crew fall through an odd rift in time into the midst of a siege which they have to guarantee to turn
out just as history says they fail constantly, of course, but discover that what's in history books isn't
the same as what actually happens...
"Unrealized Reality"
Season 4, Episode 11; 2002 Aug 23
A mysterious being seizes and tests John to see if he can handle his wormhole knowledge, or should be killed.
The alternate-universe scenes range from profound to silly excuses for more character-swapping by the cast
but the ep is ultimately redeemed by John's learning the "correct answer" as to how one should face time travel.
Season 4, Episode 12; 2002 Dec 30
Crichton succeeds in getting the crew to Earth in October 1985. Another tour de force of the series'
trademark ability to make a tired SF plot in this case, fixing a personal timeline into something
original and real. Also notable for its broadcast barely a month before the Columbia disaster, the plot revolves
around John keeping his father off the doomed Challenger mission.
Felix Trifles with Time
animated short; 1925 Aug 23 - USA -
aka Felix the Cat Trifles with Time
The unabashed cartoon feline hits up Father Time for a trip to prehistory.
Fetching Cody
2005 Sep 12 - Canada
A junked time machine/Barcalounger is Art's only chance to stop the events leading to his girl Cody being thrown into a coma. Neither
melodrama nor comedy, it's notable for an unapologetic view of life on the street, and for showing the struggles of an ordinary kid
of that background to try and use time travel to improve other people's well-being. Barbara Manui describes it as "Near Dark,
only for time travel instead of vampires."
Fiddlers Three
1944 Oct - UK - aka While Nero Fiddled
Three sailors (two guys and a gal) step into Stonehenge and out into ancient Rome in this wartime romp.
The 5th Quadrant
series; 2002 Jan 20 - Apr 14 - Canada
Second City vet Lee Smart parodies the paranormal in this short-lived series.
"Dream Soda/Time Traveller's Cheques"
Episode 8; 2002 Mar 10
TV.com: "The 5th Quadrant uncovers troubling evidence of invaders from the distant future, and their perverse
and alarming agenda."
The Final Countdown
1980 Jul 09
Kirk Douglas leads an all-star cast and a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier back to the Pacific just before the
attack on Pearl Harbor. Well acted and thoughtfully written, but the outcome is as predictable as it was
when we watched it the first time...
First Night
series; 1963 Sep 22 - 1964 May 09 - UK
BBC anthology series. IMDb: "Only a single episode is known to survive, with the rest believed to be lost.
Please check your attic."
"The Road"
Episode 2; 1963 Sep 29
Nigel Kneale tale of spirits of Yet To Come.
EOFFTV: "18th century scientist Sir Timothy Hassall and philsopher Gideon Cobb begin to investigate a supposedly haunted
woodland clearing. But as the phenomena grow more frightening, relationships between the men break down - are they being
haunted by ghosts from the past, or are they receiving signals from the future?"
This BBC production is missing and presumed lost. Dave Andrews at missing-episodes.com forum:
"I saw it when I was 14; it was about a year after the Cuban Missile Crisis and the ending was a real
stop-and-make-you-think. I think it got talked about quite a bit, as a lot of progs did in those two-channel days. On
my memory of both of them I certainly rate it better than Stone Tape; but, out of its time, as it would be now,
it might not seem so good.
"IMO if it were remade it would require quite a bit of 'scene-setting' w.r.t. the international situation (Cold War,
Cuba etc) of its day for people to really appriciate it."
5 Days to Midnight
miniseries; 2004 June 07 - 10 - USA/Canada - aka 5ive Days to Midnight
Man discovers briefcase filled with information from his impending autopsy.
The Flash
series pilot?; 2004?
Yep. If he lost the tights, he'd be fast enough to travel time. The "series" announced by the WB was removed from
the Fall 2004 schedule. Possibilities of a movie are mentioned at
series; 2009 Sep 24 - 2010 May 27
Wikipedia: "A mysterious event has caused nearly everyone on the planet to simultaneously lose consciousness for 137 seconds,
during which time people see what appears to be a vision of their own life approximately six months in the future".
Flight of the Navigator
1986 Jul 30
Kid is shanghaied by a spacecraft, and is returned a few years late. Misadventures with a markedly evil NASA,
and some now-creepy puppy love scenes between the kid and Sarah Jessica Parker leave much... undesired. Not
to be confused with the truly excellent The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey (see).
The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang
animated series; 1980 Nov 08 - 1981 Nov 28
Jean-Marc Rocher writes at IMDb: "Richie, Ralph, The Fonz and Mr. Cool (The Fonz's dog) meet a time traveler named
Cupcake and accidentally get stuck in her time machine."
For All Time
2000 Oct 18
Pocketwatch allows an unhappily married executive to travel between the millennium and March 1896 on a St.
Louis-Somerville express train, where he discovers a new love.
The Forbidden Kingdom
2008 Apr 18 - Zhōnghuà Rénmín Gònghéguó/USA
aka Gong Fu Zhi Wang; Gung Fu Ji Wong; King of Kung Fu; The J & J Project
Martial arts movie fan travels back to ancient times to rescue the Monkey King in this fantasy starring Jackie Chan and Jet Li.
short; 2007 Aug 13
IMDb: "An old man embarks on a dangerous trip back in time to undo a tragic event that has haunted him for decades."
Based on James P. Girard's 1979 short story "In Trophonius' Cave".
The 4400
series; 2004 Jul 11 - 2007 Sep 16
A Ball of Light deposits four thousand four hundred people who have been missing from various times over the last
60 years, near Mt. Rainier. Homeland Security debriefs them and lets them go before their spooky new powers are
discovered. The spookiest: An eight-year old girl from the 1940s who keeps predicting events.
The Fourth Dimension
2012 Apr 20 - USA/Polska - aka Czwarty wymiar
International anthology effort including Val Kilmer. Apparently at least one part of it includes a Russian time traveller.
Only shown at festivals so far, unless you include
the internet.
Frankenstein Unbound
1990 Nov 02
John Hurt as a 21st Century physicist who winds up driving his car to 18th Century Europe, and taking Mary Shelley
for a spin. MagicDragon writes: "Fine
adaptation of the even better novel by Brian Aldiss."
Free Birds
animated; 2013 Nov 01
Two turkeys hijack a time machine to stop the first Thanksgiving.
1992 Jan 17
Loosely based on the novel Immortality, Inc. by Robert Sheckley. Emilio Estevez' racecar driver is
transported from 1991 to November 23, 2009 because Anthony Hopkins' rich guy needs the young "meat" to download
his old mind into. Mick Jagger's distracted performance only underscores the absurdity of the whole thing.
Frenchman's Farm
1987 Dec 15 - Australia
Woman travels back to 1944, witnesses a murder, and upon return finds she has to investigate it on her own.
of Schlock says: "Frenchmen in Australia? Another Aussie horror film? Where are these movies coming from? Please don't answer
that... It's a fairly intriguing setup, and for the most part reasonably well executed."
2000 Apr 28
Millennial cop tries to save the life of his 1960s firefighter dad when freak atmospheric conditions allows a
ham radio set to communicate to itself across time.
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
2009 Mar 13 - UK
Three pubmates discover Anna Faris has fallen in from the future via a portal in the men's loo.
Friday the 13th: The Series
series; 1987 Oct 03 - 1990 May 26 - Canada - aka Friday's Curse
While the cursed items once sold by Curious Goods always required a human sacrifice to activate, some of them
allowed for time travel...
"The Baron's Bride"
Season 1; Episode 13; 1988 Feb 20
Micki and Ryan chase a vampire back to the 19th Century to recapture his evil brooch, and run across Bram Stoker.
"13 O'Clock"
Season 2; Episode 35; 1989 Jan 07
A pocketwatch that can stop time for an hour is being abused by a couple until Ryan is alerted.
"Eye of Death"
Season 2; Episode 39; 1989 Feb 04
Antique dealer Atticus Rook uses a cursed magic lantern to travel to Civil War battles, and clean up. His primary
target: Robert E. Lee's sword, lost at the Battle of Sharpsburg, 1862.
"Hate On Your Dial"
Season 3; Episode 59; 1989 Nov 18
A racist tries to save the life of his Klan father by using a cursed car radio to drive back to the 1950's South.
"The Charnel Pit"
Season 3; Episode 72; 1990 May 26
A double-fac painting allows a professor and the Marquis de Sade to trade notes and bodies. Micki gets caught in
the past, and attempts to leave a note to her friends in the future... but her evil uncle Vendredi winds up
intercepting it, and so learns of the painting's power in the first place. Last show of the series.
series; 2008 Sep 09 - 2013 Jan 18
While largely having to do with a parallel universe, temporal incursions are also part of the Pattern in the Fox cult hit.
From Time to Time
short; 1992 Apr 12 - France/USA - aka Timekeeper; Le Visionarium
Disney theme park ride featuring Robin Williams as the Timekeeper, who makes his flying robot travel time for
some reason. All-star cast.
From Time to Time
2010 Sep 24 - UK
Young teen travels between the 1940s and the Georgian Era, unravelling a family mystery.
Frontier House
miniseries; 2002 Apr 29 - May 01
WGBH Boston takes three real modern families to the Montana wilderness to relive conditions circa 1884.
Inspired by 1900 House.
animated series; 1999 Mar 28 - 2003 Aug 10; 2008 Mar 23 - 2013 Sep 04
Philip J. Fry, 20th Century pizza delivery boy, gets himself frozen for 1000 years, and awakens into Matt
Groening's bent vision of the future. Despite the cryogenic impetus, only a few eps are really about travelling
time. Cancelled by Fox, the series kept running on Cartoon Network until the world was rightly convinced to have it back on the air.
This seems to have confused the numbering of seasons, with some sources saying the interim movies are season 6, with others skipping
them and calling the 2010-2011 season Season 6. You're all making future time travellers very angry.
"Space Pilot 3000"
Season 1, Episode 1; 1999 Mar 28
Opening episode of awakening to a new cartoon world.
"Anthology of Interest I"
Season 2, Episode 20; 2000 May 21
Al Gore, Nichelle Nichols, Stephen Hawking and Gary Gygax all guest star as guardians of time.
"Time Keeps On Slipping"
Season 3, Episode 15; 2001 May 06
A plan to beat the Harlem Globetrotters results in annoying but humorous time slips.
"Roswell that Ends Well"
Season 4, Episode 7; 2006 May 21
The Planet Express winds up crashing in New Mexico in 1947, and Fry gets to be his own grandparent.
"The Late Philip J. Fry"
Season 7, Episode 7; 2010 Jul 29
The Professor invents a time machine that only goes forward in time. Then he, Fry and Bender have to keep going farther into the future
until a pastward machine can be invented.
"All the President's Heads"
Season 8, Episode 7; 2011 Jul 28
TV.com: "Professer Farnsworth licks George Washington's head and it sends him on a trip to the Revolutionary War." That is not the
18th Century spelling of 'professor', TV.com.
Future Hunters
1986 - aka Deadly Quest; Spear of Destiny
A man seizes the Spear of Destiny in 2025, and is sent back to the 1980s, where he begs a couple, with his dying
wish, to seal it back in its sheath in order to stop its evil. One might wonder if the junior version of the spear
is already in said sheath... if the movie itself wasn't causing such excessive waves of pain.
The Future Is Wild
animated series; 2007 Oct 13 - 2008 Jul 05
Clever reworking of concepts from the original 2002 speculative documentary series of the same name.
In this series, CGI teens zoom around the future in a "time flyer" looking for a new home for humanity
among all the strangely-evolved creatures there.
Future Past
1987 - Australia - aka The Colonial Cavalry
Video store clerk summons his nasty elder self.
Murray Chapman at IMDb: "It mistakes confusion
for complexity, and assumes that the audience will swallow whatever junk they throw on the screen. I mean, there's
actually a mad scientist twirling his fingers in his hair and talking to himself as he hatches his fiendish plan...."
Future War
1997 Jan 28
Slaver cyborgs and their dino trackers hunt an escaped human from the past. Crow T. Robot's take: "It's not
the future, and there isn't a war."
Future Zone
1990 Jul 18
David Carradine's 21st Century cop is doomed to die in an ambush if not for his son Billy travelling back in
time to save him. The film does no favors to the reputation of its host city, Mobile, Alabama.
Galactica 1980
series; 1980 Jan 27 - May 04
In response to a massive fan write-in campaign to bring back the original BSG, ABC allowed Glen Larson to rush into production this
redhaired stepchild of the franchise. The time travel was originally envisoned as central to the series, with the villain Baltar
slipping off to the past in order to speed the technological development of Earth so that by 1980 it would be capable of taking on the
Cylons. Time-travelling Vipers would be sent to stop him.
ABC exes nixed that idea, so all we are left with is a villain called Xaviar trying to help the Nazis this one time. Wikipedia:
"Bellisario later re-tooled the original time travel concept and re-used it as the basis of the considerably more successful
Quantum Leap."
Thanks to Timelinks fan "Ian" for sending this one in!
"Galactica Discovers Earth, Part 2"
Season 1, Episode 2; 1980 Feb 03
Xaviar is trying to improve the V-2 rocket, and Troy and Dillon stumble over the Holocaust trying to stop him.
"Galactica Discovers Earth, Part 3"
Season 1; Episode 3; 1980 Feb 10
Galactica 1944 comes to an end as a foiled Xaviar flees further into the past.
Galaxy Quest
1999 Dec 23
Hugo Award-winning "valentine to fandom". Adequately spoofs the time travel climaxes of many of the other vids on this list.
Garth and Bev
animated series; 2010 Jan 11 - Feb 05 - Ireland
Cartoon for preschoolers where two Bronze Age kids are sent by a druid around time to discover how nature has influenced technology.
The Georgian House
series; 1976 Jan 02 - Feb 13 - UK
"Made as a seven-episode series, unfortunately only a trio of episodes are now known to exist - two in original
transmission format (Episodes 1 'New Recruits' and 7 'Look To Your Future') and one on home video held by a private
collector (Episode 3 'Treachery')." Dimensional Decade: "Two students who work at a georgian house in Bristol are
transported back in time to the year 1772 where they help a young slave boy called Ngo to return home."
The Girl From Tomorrow
miniseries; 1991 May 03 - Australia
Time travel malfunction lands a 31st century teen and a 26th Century criminal in 1990.
The Girl From Tomorrow
1992 - Australia
Movie culled from the miniseries...?
The Girl From Tomorrow Part Two: Tomorrow's End
miniseries; 1993 Jun 13 - Australia
Jenny and Silverthorn have to fix the year 2500, and give up time travel for good.
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite
1981 May 25
Obscure sequel to The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything. IMDb: "A magical watch that can
stop time becomes the focal point in a land swindle."
The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything
1980 Jun 13
Kirby inherits a watch that can stop time, and bad guys want to seize it from him. One of many possible
inspirations for Clockstoppers.
Gojira tai Kingu Gidora
1991 Dec 14 - Nippon - aka ゴジラVSキングギドラ; Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
Gary Hoffman writes: "Time
travellers from the 23rd century came back to warn that Godzilla will cause a major catastrophe (something bigger
than his usual catastrophes)." In fact, the Caucasians from the future are secretly attempting to use King Ghidorah
to destroy Japan before it becomes the most powerful nation on Earth. Oh, and be warned: "Do not drive in vehicles
when King Ghidorah is in your area."
series; 2011 Jan 31 - Mar 06 - Zhōnghuà Rénmín Gònghéguó
aka 宫锁心玉; 宮鎖心玉; Gong Suo Xin Yu; Palace; Palace: The Locked Heart Jade; Jade Palace Lock Heart
Wikipedia: "Luo Qingchuan... accidentally travels through time and ends up in the 1700s, in the
Forbidden City, during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor."
The New York Times
reported in April, 2011 that Beijing sought to censor time travel on television after this show
aired, but that assertion has been contested as a bad translation. What is certain is that time
travel has become really popular in Hunan province.
Gong 2
series; 2012 Jan 20 - - Zhōnghuà Rénmín Gònghéguó
aka 宫锁珠帘; 宮鎖珠簾; Gong Suo Zhu Lian; Palace II; Palace: The Locked Beaded Curtain
Luo Qingchuan brings her husband, the Eighth Prince, back to 2012, where she writes a screenplay called Gong, which becomes
ridiculously successful... and then some other lucky lady gets to go back to the Qing Dynasty in her stead.
Goodnight Sweetheart
series; 1993 Nov 18 - 1999 Jun 21 - UK
1990s man finds an alleyway that leads to the WWII era, and starts leading a double life, loving different women in each decade.
Gost'ya iz budushchego
miniseries; 1984 - CCCP - aka Guest from the Future
Young Kolya Gerasimov finds a time machine in a Moscow basement, and discovers adventure in the 21st Century.
Grand Tour: Disaster in Time
1992 May 09 - aka Disaster in Time; The Grand Tour; Timescape
A troop of strange tourists arrive at a bed and breakfast seeking rooms before it is ready to open. Based on the
short story "Vintage Season" by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore.
Grizzly Mountain
1997 Oct 31
Time Warner Cable sez: "1990s children meet an 1870s Oregon mountain man." For a sequel of heartwarming family
time-travel nature rescue, see Escape to Grizzly Mountain...
Groundhog Day
1993 Feb 13
Bill Murray plays a weatherman who is forced to repeat the same day until he gets it right.
Happy Accidents
2000 Aug 24
Ruby Weaver keeps picking losers for boyfriends, until she meets this great guy... who says he's from AD 2470.
And fleeing the murder of his sister.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
2004 Jun 04
True to the book, Hermione handles horological hijinks at Hogwarts.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
animated series; 1983 Sep 25 - 1984 Dec 08 - aka He-Man
Time travel visited the classic '80s cartoon about Prince Adam, Skeletor, and the glorification of action figures
with good morals.
"The Time Corridor"
Season 1; Episode 5; 1983 Sep 12
Skeletor travels to the past and hides a bomb to blow up Castle Grayskull.
"The Time Wheel"
Season 2; Episode 32; 1984 Oct 26
Tamask, ancient King of Eternia, is brought into He-Man's time and starts feeling cheated.
"Time Doesn't Fly"
Season 2; Episode 50; 1984 Nov 17
Hexon has captured the Emperor of Sinba and the Keeper of Time, and made Eternia's sun stop moving in order to
gain the throne through a legal technicality.
The Hector Heathcote Show
animated shorts/series; 1959 Jul? - 1965?
BCDB: "Based on cartoons originally shown in theatrical release, this show combined Hashimoto, Hector Heathcote
and Sidney re-runs with new productions made just for the Television show." TVAcres.com: "the animated
misadventures of a time traveling scientist who bumbled about in America's past..."
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
series; 1994 Apr 25 - 1999 Nov 27 - USA/New Zealand
And a few of those journeys were through time...
"The End of the Beginning"
Season 3; Episode 56; 1997 Apr 01
Autolycus steals the Chronos Gem, sending Herc and himself back five years to relive painful events.
"Armageddon Now, Part 1"
Season 4; Episode 72; 1998 Feb 09
Among other transdimensional hijinks, Hope sends Callisto back in time to kill Hercules' mother before he is born,
and Iolaus convinces Ares to send him back too. Ares seems more worried about using time travel itself than defying
Hope and Callisto.
"Armageddon Now, Part 2"
Season 4; Episode 73; 1998 Feb 16
Callisto manages to kill not only Hercules' mother, but her own parents before she's born. Iolaus gets ahold of
the Chronos stone, and with Herc's help, tosses Callisto into a vortex that somehow fixes everything.
"Once Upon a Future King"
Season 5; Episode 100; 1999 Apr 26
Merlin sends an evil Arthur and Mab back a thousand years, where Hercules straightens Mr. Pendragon out.
animated series; 1967 Sep 09 - 1968 Jan 08; 1981 Sep 12 - Nov 21
Tales of a faraway planet with a unique ecosystem and sociopolitical structure, ruled by an athletic family and
their intelligent creature pals, who attract a range of villains whose sole intent is to defeat them.
"The Time Creatures"
Episode 26; 1967 Nov 18
Oton, from 5000 years in the future, desires to destroy everything in the past. First stop: his own planet, Amzot.
Here Comes Peter Cottontail
animated; 1971 Apr 04
Time Warner: "Peter oversleeps and must go back in time to fulfill his Easter Bunny duties..." and to stop the
fascist takeover of the holiday by the evil January Q. Irontail. Danny Kaye's character lets him borrow the
Yestmorrowmobile to help kick said Irontail.
Herrliche Zeiten im Spessart
1967 Sep 21 - Bundesrepublik Deutschland - aka Glorious Times in the Spessart Inn
Second sequel to Das Wirtshaus im Spessart which was a ghostly redemption comedy, but this one seems to have astronauts,
time travel and cross-dressing.
series; 2006 Sep 25 - 2010 Feb 08
Uncanny ensemble cast of everyday people with incredible powers struggle to elude one of their kind who is eating
their brains to absorb said powers. One Indian geneticist plainly had a hard time finding them, since they live in
disparate areas of the globe but they seem to coincidentally cross each others' paths a lot. Perhaps this
isn't an example of a classic faux pas of dramatic writing after all, since one of them, Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka)
can stop and/or travel time at will. Another, Isaac
Mendez (Santiago Cabrera) paints clairvoyant comics of future events, like a nuke going off in Manhattan.
Early promise of the series seemed to sour the longer it dragged on.
series; 2004 Oct 17 - 2005 Dec 18 - UK
Boarding school girl gains the unwholesome attention of Azazeal, but she has a lesbian ghost pal to help her cope.
"Where the Heart Is"
Season 2; Episode 13; 2005 Nov 13
Angelic/infernal meddling leads to a date in 1928 Berlin.
The Highwayman
series; 1987 Sep 20 - 1988 May 06
Short-lived series about a high-tech semi and its crew.
"Summer of '45"
Episode 4; 1988 Apr 01
Lightyear writes: "one episode had the guys travelling back to 1945 in their futuristic Big Rig... I
can't remember much about it but I do remember I really liked that episode and I risked failing my exams
because I stayed up to watch it." Highway and his Australian buddy enter a time rift to stop a man from killing
his father, who is working on the A-bomb.
O Homem do Futuro
2011 Sep 02 - Brasil - aka The Man from the Future
Brazilian physicist from 2011 tries to improve his chances in life by visiting 1991, but gets romantic comedy.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show
series; 1997 Sep 01 - 2000 May 01
Wayne Szalinski (Peter Scolari) is the kooky inventor and absent-minded dad we all loved from the series of
Disney family films about his invention of a matter-shrinking machine. But did you also know he invented a means to
travel time? It's true.
"Honey, We're Stuck in the 70's"
Season 1; Episode 4; 1997 Oct 18
The Szalinski Time Hopper seems to hold one important flaw: the traveller stands the risk of crystalizing.
"Honey, You're Living in the Past"
Season 1; Episode 11; 1997 Dec 15
How about an invention that lets you "see yourself in the past"? Only it makes you that person.
"Honey, Meet the Barbarians"
Season 1; Episode 13; 1998 Jan 07
Losing Diane's election at her school board, Wayne decides to travel time to run a recall on his actions, resulting
in an invasion of Conan-like warriors. Maybe this is just how they do things in California.
"Honey, We're Past Tense"
Season 2; Episode 29; 1998 Nov 14
Tent invention drops the Szalinskis in prehistory.
"Honey, the Future's Coming Back to Me"
Season 2; Episode 35; 1999 Feb 06
TV.com: "Amy and Nick are kidnapped by a cyborg from the future, a result of Jennings' misuse of Wayne's environment-friendly car."
"Honey, Name That Tune"
Season 3; Episode 45; 1999 Sep 25
The pursuit of the origin of a song results in crosstime espionage.
"Honey, You Won't Believe What Happens Next"
Season 3; Episode 56; 2000 Jan 15
Wayne accidentally invents glasses that can see the future.
"Honey, It's An Interplanetary, Extraordinary Life"
Season 3; Episode 61; 2000 Feb 19
The Time Hopper is broken, and unleashes mayhem.
Honoo Torippa
animated; 1986 Mar 21 - Nippon - aka 炎トリッパ; Fire Tripper; Rumik World 1: Fire Tripper
Fear of fire causes a girl to launch herself and a boyfriend back and forth across 500 years.
series; 1964 Sep 01 - - UK
BBC2's long-running science documentary series.
"The Time Lords"
Season 33, Episode 20; 1996 Nov 29
An hour filled with explanations and interviews with the leading thinkers in time travel, circa the mid-1990s. Later sold to PBS'
Nova series, and TechTV's series Secret, Strange & True.
Hot Tub Time Machine
2010 Mar 26
Simple proof that the 1980s were a decade to use your time machine to escape from, and never
to. Transparent brofest trapping otherwise beloved comedians in a sad male-inadequacy what-if. Time travel
tropes range from the amusing abuse levied on Chevy Chase's repairman for being so damn blatanly cryptic, to the disturbing abuse a
timelost husband deals over the phone to his still-minor future wife. It all makes the unintentional point that everyone from the 1980s
doesn't really deserve anything nice that they have now.
Hot Tub Time Machine 2
2015 Feb 20
Wikipedia: "During a party in Lou's honor, he is shot by an unknown assassin." Sorry, Corddry, they already went back in time
and released The Interview before your sequel was even born.
The House in the Square
1951 Dec 07 - UK - aka I'll Never Forget You; Man of Two Worlds
Scientist travels to the 18th Century, falls in love. Remake of Berkeley Square.
Hua yue jia qi
1995 - Hong Kong - aka Love in the Time of Twilight
Love HK Film.com
Lightbulbs allow for time travel along the entire lengths of their existence in spacetime, in this romantic comedy.
Idaho Transfer
1973 Jun 15 - aka Deranged
A team of isolated scientists in Idaho discover that their matter transference research has yielded up a time
machine. But their research leads them to believe mankind is soon to be wiped out in an ecological disaster, so they
send the smartest teens they can find 56 years into the future to start anew. Notable for its prescience of the 1973
oil crisis.
If Only
2004 Jul 15 - USA/UK
Man loses his love and has the chance to live that last day with her over again.
In His Father's Shoes
1997 Jun 15 - Canada/USA
Grieving son is given magic wingtips to travel back in time, and learn about his father's life.
In the Name of the King 3: The Last Mission
2014 Feb 05 - България/Canada - aka In the Name of the King 3: The Last Job
A modern assassin is sent back to defend a mediaeval kingdom.
The Infinite Man
2014 Sep 18 - Australia
"Dean is an inventive yet unorthodox scientist who uses his technical expertise to create grand romantic gestures for his
girlfriend Lana." And then he manages to erase her from all but a small section of her own lifetime.
2014 Nov 07 - Canada/UK/USA
Time dilation is what you get when you start faffing about in the depths of space.
Into the Labyrinth
series; 1981 May 13 - 1982 Sep 08 - UK
IMDb: "Three children stumble upon the imprisoned sorcerer Rothgo and are drawn into a mysterious search through
time for the magical Nidus which has been stolen by the evil witch Belor." Part of The Third Eye series
when brought to the US by Nickelodeon.
Invader ZIM
animated series; 2001 Mar 30 - 2002 Dec 10
The insane Nickelodeon series about the least competent alien conqueror ever.
"Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy"
Season 1, Episode 15; 2001 Aug 24
ZIM builds a "space-time object-transfer device", which only accepts rubber piggies for travel to the past. His
attempts to destroy the timeline of his nemesis, Dib, merely results in making Dib a mighty, and furious, cyborg.
It Happened Tomorrow
1944 May 28
Reporter receives tomorrow's news today. Likely inspiration for Early Edition.
It's About Time
series; 1966 Sep 11 - 1967 Aug 27
Two astronauts in the spaceship Scorpio get stuck in prehistory, and have wacky adventures with a cave
family. Then the show changes from Gilligan's Island into The Beverly Hillbillies, once the crew
brings the Cro-Magnons into the 20th Century. Theme
song at tvparty.com [Realaudio]
Ivan Vasilyevich menyayet professiyu
1973 - CCCP - aka Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation; Ivan Vasilyevich: Back to the Future
IMDb: "Ivan Bunsha, an apartment complex manager, and George Miloslavsky, a petty burglar, are transferred to the
16th century Moscow, while Tsar Ivan the Terrible goes into the year 1973."
2004 Aug 21 - Nippon - aka Izô: Kaosu mataha fujôri no kijin; Izo: The World Can Never Be Changed
Time Warner Cable: "After being crucified by the Shogun, Izo travels through the space-time continuum to present-day
Tokyo where he becomes a killing machine." His method of time travel seems to be pure rage.
dbborroughs writing at IMDb: "You will either find
this to be a philosophical tour de force or you will find it a load of dingos kidneys."
The Jacket
2005 Jan 23 - USA/Deutschland
Veteran locked in an asylum has visions of his impending death.
Jacob Two-Two
animated series; 2003 Sep 01 - 2006 Jul 28 - Canada
Nelvana Studios' adaptation of Mordecai Richler's tales of the boy who has to repeat himself to be heard.
"Jacob Two-Two's Time Trials"
Season 2; Episode 15; 2004 Feb 22
Jacob's theme of repetition takes the trifecta as he travels time to fix a broken record.
Je t'aime, je t'aime
1968 Apr 26 - France
Time travel experiment goes awry.
La Jetée
short; 1962 - France
Post-WWIII experiment to send a man back before the collapse of civilization results in heartbreak. Inspiration for
Twelve Monkeys.
The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones
animated; 1987 Nov 09
Boy Elroy is just fooling around, making a time machine, when the ultimate in "stunting" happens decades
after anyone in the audience would be expected to care.
Ji dong ji xia
1989 Aug 18 - Hong Kong - aka The Iceman Cometh; Time Warriors
Tibetan prayer wheel transports Ming Dynasty subjects to 20th Century British Hong Kong.
Jikuu tantei Genshi-kun
animated series; 1998 Oct 01 - 1999 Jun 24 - Nippon - aka Flint: The Time Detective; Time Detective Genshi
Wikipedia: "Flint's job as a Time Detective was to go back in time and convince a race of time-shifters
to ally with him to protect the timeline."
Jimmy Green and his Time Machine
series; 1968 Jul 30 - Oct 22 - UK
Jimmy and his marionette friends go gallivanting about time in this televised production from The Harlequin Puppet Theatre.
This 1960s programme is believed to be lost, or performed live and never recorded.
Johnny and the Bomb
miniseries; 2006 Jan 15 - 29 - UK
BBC Adaptation of the Terry Pratchett children's novel.
Josh Kirby... Time Warrior
series; 1995 Jan - 1996 May
IMDb: "Irwin 1138 separates the Nullifier
into 6 pieces which he scatters throughout time. When the evil Dr. Zoetrope goes after the pieces, Irwin 1138 must
try to stop him, with the help of a 20th century teenager, Josh Kirby, and a half-human warrior named Azabeth
Siege." At 88 min. apiece, they're more a series of small movies, which is perhaps why the IMDb has them listed
Chapter 1, Planet of the Dino-Knights
Young Josh Kirby battles stop-motion dinosaurs and the ignorant who sacrifice to them, in this first installment.
Chapter 2, The Human Pets
Josh, Erwin and Azabeth become human pets in mediaeval England. It's where all the better time travellers get their human pets.
Chapter 3, Trapped on Toyworld
cooperlewis at IMDb: "In this chapter,
Josh randomly and inexplicably flies out of the spaceship and lands on a Toy (here, toys apparently include
Mexicans) planet where he is assaulted by an extremely horny ragdoll and a semi-retarded bear." And what, pray, is
so wrong about time-traveling Mexican toy people?
Chapter 4, Eggs From 70 Million B.C.
Azabeth Siege's people are encountered.
Chapter 5, Journey to the Magic Cavern
Rotten Tomatoes: "Josh swings into another adventure, this time crashing into an underground cavern populated by
mushroom people who are suffering at the hands of 'the Muncher.'".
Chapter 6, Last Battle for the Universe
The mushroom people hold the key to defeating Dr. Zoetrope.
Journey to the Center of Time
The new CEO of Stanton Industries is pressuring his researchers for big results from their temporal projects, and
fast. Pretty soon the cohesion of spacetime is in jeopardy from corporate foolishness. Stiffly shot and performed, the film
still has some value as period camp.
series; 2007 Sep 24 - Dec 19
Successful newspaper reporter, occasionally thrown back and forth in time, finds himself forced to meddle in other
people's lives, and his own timeline. Possible hat tip to
CºNTINUUM (he carries a spanner for no
reason in one ep), and was a good effort overall. NBC did not option a new season during the 2007 Writers' Strike.
The series still failed the consistency test, even in such matters as whether his vanishing can't be seen by
others (frequently he appears/disappears in the middle of a crowded San Francisco street) or whether it easily can
(when he's driving a car, which crashes, or whenever else the writers decide a character or crowd needs to witness
his antics). Boils down to a Bush-era Quantum Leap: a prettier and more helpless "Al", selectively
enforced rules of time, and the suggestion that his personal missions are decided by a favorites-playing God.
1977 - UK
Richard O'Brien does the time warp again as Dr. John Dee, who is called upon by Elizabeth I to reveal the secrets
of the universe, including England's future.
And behold! a post-punk wasteland does unfold, for Her Majesty's subtle pleasure.
This arthouse oddment's dated, we measure.
Judas Kiss
Student and teacher filmmakers become lovers and then rivals submitting films of the same name ("Judas Kiss") to same
festival, but in different years. A solution, if it is that, is suggested by a campus tour guide: Reedit the timeline.
First shown at the Phoenix International Film Festival (2011 Apr 01), it was released on DVD 2011 Oct 25.
Just Visiting
2001 Apr 06
American remake of Les Visiteurs with the lead time travellers reprising their roles. Critically panned,
the film has a lower audience expectation than the original.
Justice League
animated series; 2001 Nov 17 - 2006 May 13
DC Comics' super-squad in their first incarnation of the millennium.
The Savage Time
2002 Nov 09
The League prevents the Axis from winning WWII. TV.com: "Originally aired as a feature length movie - divided into three separate
episodes for subsequent reairings."
Justin Time
2009 Dec 01
A young man of Native American descent gets to try clockstopping via Native American artifacts.
series; 1990 May 23 - 1992 May 21 - UK
23rd Century kid trades places with a 20th Century one. BBC: "A children's sci-fi comedy show, not noticeably high
on laughs, that combined the time-travel element of Doctor Who with the gadgetry of Star Trek, the
futuristic speak of Luna and the role-switching of The Prince And The Pauper."
Kate and Leopold
2001 Dec 25
A rift in time results in a chance at romance for Meg Ryan's character. Some nice commentaries on the nature of
time, and on those who dream of traversing it. But the old saw of a woman choosing love in some un-air-conditioned
century over breaking the glass ceiling is pretty tiresome.
The Kid
2000 Jun 25 - aka Disney's The Kid
Bruce Willis' eight-year-old junior self appears, reinvigorating his existence.
A Kid in King Arthur's Court
1995 Aug 11
Merlin-induced time tunnel results in another modern teen summoned to save Camelot.
Kim Possible: A Sitch In Time
animated; 2003 Nov 28
The Tempus Simia Idol (aka Time Monkey) falls into the hands of Shego, giving Kim & Co. a temporal headache. Time
travel gets the usual Buffy Lite treatment the series is famous for. Presented in 2004 as three separate Kim
Possible episodes, "Present", "Past", and "Future".
The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow
series; 2003 Jan 27 - Feb 21 - Hong Kong -
aka 九五至尊
The Qing Emperor nearly falls to a Ming lady assassin, when they suddenly find themselves in 2003 Hong Kong. Later they make an
uneasy alliance against their co-workers at the tile company they end up employed by.
Kiteretsu Daihyakka
animated; 1987 Nov 02 - Nippon
TV special based on the manga. Schoolboy builds robot and time machine, has adventures.
Kiteretsu Daihyakka
animated series; 1988 Mar 27 - 1996 Jun 09 - Nippon -
aka キテレツ大百科; Kiteretsu Encyclopedia
331 episode anime based on the manga. Schoolboy and robot have more time machine adventures.
A Knight in Camelot
1998 Nov 08
Whoopi Goldberg and Michael York in yet another take on Twain.
The Lake House
2006 Jun 16
Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock portray residents of the same house, two years apart, who correspond and fall in
love, thanks to a mailbox that sends their letters through time. Typical time travel romance fare. One scene stands
as a charming, understated establishment that this relationship can alter events: He plants a tree in 2004 that
quietly appears in 2006 to shelter her from a downpour.
Lancelot: Guardian of Time
An Arthurian Knight in John Major's England... Los Angeles, actually. Anyway, Lancelot has to guard Arthur's butt all across spacetime.
The Langoliers
1995 May 14 - aka Stephen King's The Langoliers
It's got Dean Stockwell, so time travel must be involved. But time travel was never so unrewarding; horror, never
so dull.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
2001 Jun 11
The Illuminati are about to get their hands on an artifact with the power to control time, and it's up to a woman
with an incredible package to look good stopping them. The game is said to be better by most critics.
The Last Day of Summer
2007 July 20
Labor Day becomes Groundhog Day as young Luke Malloy makes a wish for summer vacation to never end, and to be
totally left behind.
Last Exit to Earth
Women in 2500 are in charge, but can't figure out how to propagate without sperm, which apparently no longer works
in the 26th Century. So they time travel to 2100 to get... well, to get some male villains and an action hero. Not
without its moments: sound clip
[MP3 1 Mb]
The Last Mimzy
2007 Mar 23
Time travel toys enter the lives of two ordinary children, and they're not playing around. But the screenwriters
are, as a nicely-anticipated link to ancient mandalas quickly goes uncomfortable. And stupid. Based on the 1943
short story "Mimsy Were the Borogoves" by Lewis Padgett.
animated; 1984 Jun 07 - Nippon -
aka SF 新世紀 レンズマン; Lensman: Secret of the Lens; SF Shinseiki Lensman
MagicDragon says: "Excellent
Japanimation combining Space travel and Time travel in unexpected and poignent way."
Life On Mars
series; 2006 Jan 09 - 2007 Apr 10 - UK
BBC series featuring a DCI who's thrown back in time from 2006 to 1973 via a motor accident. Miraculously, he already
has a job, an apartment and a car waiting for him in the seventies. Or maybe he's just in a coma...
Has a sequel series, Ashes to Ashes (see above), and an American remake (see below).
Life On Mars
series; 2008 Oct 09 - 2009 Apr 01 - USA
American remake, set in New York 1973, with Harvey Keitel as the hardass boss.
Lilovyj shar
1987 - CCCP - aka Лиловый шар; The Purple Ball
Edited from MagicDragon (who edited from
Boris Shafir): Spacefaring scientists discover a planet where the inhabitants have all perished from a virus, then
realize they somehow left said virus on Earth 26,000 years in the past: "The only chance to save the Earth is to
travel 26000 years back in time - to the epoch when witches, dragons and magicians lived along with usual people."
Logan's Run
series; 1977 Sep 16 - 1978 Feb 06
Short-lived series based on the movie, where the main problem the characters have with time is that their society
forbids anyone to live beyond the age of 30.
"Man Out of Time"
Episode 5; 1977 Oct 17
A time traveler from the runners' distant past (AD 2118) makes contact, and desires to prevent the disaster that
led to Logan's world. Episode written by David Gerrold, of The Man Who Folded Himself fame.
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
series; 1993 Sep 12 - 1997 Jun 14
Quirky idea based around some guy from another planet disguising himself as a member of the American press corps.
"Tempus Fugitive"
Season 2, Episode 18; 1995 Mar 26
H. G. Wells' time machine starts playing a role in the life of Superman.
"Tempus Anyone?"
Season 3, Episode 14; 1996 Jan 21
Lois is taken to a timeline where she died before meeting Clark.
"Soul Mates"
Season 4, Episode 4; 1996 Oct 13
If you could choose one person to interrupt your wedding night, it would be H. G. Wells
and his time machine, right? No?
"'Twas the Night Before Mxymas"
Season 4, Episode 11; 1996 Dec 15
Mxyzpltlk time loops Christmas Eve.
"Meet John Doe"
Season 4, Episode 14; 1997 Mar 02
AOL: "An evil time-traveler seeking the presidency brainwashes the country."
"Lois and Clarks"
Season 4, Episode 15; 1997 Mar 09
TVTome.com: "Lois needs to find a way to bring Clark back to this world, and she will count with the help of H.G.
Wells and the Clark from the alternate world, but they need to act quickly, or the real Clark will disappear in
time, forever."
Lola Rennt
1998 Aug 20 - Deutschland - aka Run Lola Run
Lola has twenty minutes to get 100,000 marks, or her boyfriend Manni will lose his life. Fortunately for her, she
seems to have a special power over time and fate. Even more fortunately for the audience is watching
Franka Potente getting all that exercise. Many, however, will wonder what she's doing with such a jerk like Manni.
2012 Sep 28
IMDb: "A killer who works for the mob of the future recognizes one of his targets as his future self." It's got Bruce Willis so
time travel and superpowers have to be involved.
The Lords of Magick
IMDb: "A pair of sorcerer brothers from 10th-century England show up in modern-day California and wreak havoc."
Lost In Space
1998 Apr 03
Oh, the pain... the pain. As if being Lost In Space weren't enough, Dr. Smith gets himself lost in time, and
emerges as some hideously mutated... Well. Who cares. A pointless film.
The Lost Saucer
series; 1975 Sep 06 - 1976 Sep 04
Sid and Marty Krofft escapade wherein robots (played by Jim Nabors and Ruth Buzzi) drag a couple kids around time.
2011 Aug 10
You can lead a spaceman to a monolith, but you can't make it Kubrick. Since you can't really tell from watching the movie, the
end credits' house techno music explains that it's the Singularity. I guess? Whatever.
Premiered February 2, 2011 at the 26th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival.
The Love Letter
1998 Feb 01
Antique desk delivers mail between lovers separated by 130 years.
The Lovers
2015 Feb 13 - Australia/Belgium/Bharat Ganarajya - aka Singularity
21st Century oceanographer throws himself into a coma while saving his wife. This puts him in the employ of the British East
India Company, in 1788. IMDb: "He falls deeply in love with an Indian She-warrior named Tulaja, an impossible love which
he must fight for." They always capitalized she-warrior back then.
Premiered October 25, 2013 at the Philip K. Dick European Science Fiction Film Festival; May 15, 2014 at Cannes; and
February 13, 2015 online at Amazon.
The Low Budget Time Machine
2003 May
It doesn't get much lower budget than a glowing hula hoop, does it?
Documentarians learn of the agenda of the Church of Lunology, founded by moon people from the future, and run for their lives.
A potentially tight plot hopelessly flawed by a tremendous overpadding of bad filler animation and a platoon of
in-universe conspiracy-theory talking heads. The climax is better than most that take place in mezzanine dinner lounges,
Magic Müller
1993 Nov 02 - Deutschland
Müller borrows his roomate's time machine, but fails to heed his roomate's warnings.
Les Maîtres du temps
animated; 1982 Mar 24 - France - aka Time Masters
Synopsis from dvdplanet.com (now gone): "Jaffar, a hero for hire, finds himself on the adventure of a lifetime as
he races across the galaxy to save a young boy from a menacing evil. Can he stop the heartless Masters of Time from
turning back the clock and stealing his home planet?"
The Man with Rain in His Shoes
1998 Aug 30 - USA/UK/France/Deutschland/España
aka If Only...; Lieber gestern als nie; Lluvia en los zapatos; Twice Upon a Yesterday
Magic sanitation workers give actor another chance with a girl by allowing him to relive some of the past.
series; 1972 Jan 03 - Feb 07 - UK
Dimensional Decade (now gone): "Three children - Kate, her brother Duncan and her friend Sammy, after discovering
a timewarp in a junkyard, help a group of scientists from the 26th century escape capture from the secret police
of the future by transferring the mind of their leader, Levin, into Sammy's dog Radnor."
Manhunt of Mystery Island
serial; 1945 Mar 17 - aka Captain Mephisto and the Transformation Machine
IMDb: "A young couple journeys to Mystery Island to rescue the girl's father, who is being held prisoner by the
evil Captain Mephisto, a pirate from 200 years ago who uses his Transformation Machine to travel forward in time
and disguise himself as one of the four owners of Mystery Island."
Manor House
miniseries; 2003 - UK - aka The Edwardian Country House
"This house has become a time machine..." Another reality show sequel to Channel Four's 1900 House, this
time recreating household life in an Edwardian manor, with moderns taking the roles of a titled man's family and
their staff. Brilliant insights into the labor and social tensions of the day.
Marching Out of Time
1993 - aka Back to the Fuehrer
An attempt to invade 1940s Britain lands fascist troops in 1990s US suburbia. What did we say about not
bringing Nazis through time? And we're sure Mr. Spielberg just adores that homage...
The Meeksville Ghost
2001 Aug 26
Sub-standard evil land developer yarn, with a helpful-but-annoying ghost. However, the titular spirit can drag the
kid that can see him back to 1878, with interesting results. The kid believes it's just another spectral illusion,
until he gets knocked over by a horse. "I'm the ghost," chortles his tormentor. "You're real!"
Meet the Robinsons
2007 Mar 30 - aka A Day with Wilbur Robinson
Disney ignored all challenges from the Lost in Space and Jimmy Neutron franchises in its bid for
retro boy genius/time travel entertainment dominance. They even threw in an unnecesary rip-off of Futurama.
Plot hinges upon villains bent on destroying Wilbur by stealing his ideas. Bald-faced and irony-free, folks.
Megas XLR
animated series; 2004 May 01 - 2005 Apr 26 - aka LowBrow
Gamer discovers mecha rusting in junkyard since the 1930s; performs mod, encounters its sexy creatrix from the
future and some enemy aliens. Since he's broken the mecha's time travelling element, don't expect a lot of it
during the series.
Men in Black 3
2012 May 25 - aka Men in Black III; MIB3
Productionweekly.com via
"When the world is threatened by an evil alien, Agent Jay travels back in time to 1969, where he
teams up with the younger Agent Kay to stop an evil villain named Boris from destroying the
world in the future."
series; 1999 Jun 12 - 2004 Apr 05 - Canada
Young Oliver Cates has invented a time portal the "VisiCron" through which he brings famous figures
of the past to teach him heartwarming lessons for 36 hours at a time.
Metal Mickey
series; 1980 Sep 06 - 1983 Jan 15 - UK
Robot exhibits wacky powers (including time travel) resulting in presumed hilarity for his respectible British
owners. The title character first appeared in the summer of 1978 on STV's Saturday Banana.
Midnight in Paris
2011 Jun 10
For Woody Allen, the future means being baked like a TV dinner, and served into a world of
mostly unwelcome people and giant chickens. So it follows that to him, the past is full of all
the best company and urbane conversation. Owen Wilson portrays Allen's proxy who is magically
transported to the 1920s upon the titular moment, to meet the storied creatives of the day.
To his credit, Allen makes all the name-dropping work in his favor, and his introspection
ultimately penetrates his own hubris of idolizing a bygone era.
Thanks to Steve Eppley for sending this one in!
1989 Aug 24
Future humans kidnap airline passengers in an effort to restore the genome.
Minority Report
2002 Jun 21
Many exciting and frightening possibilities are explored for a civilization with a tech that can show what mortal
crimes lay in the near future... But then there are scenes like the one where Tom Cruise is trying to catch his
severed eyeballs as they bounce away with great speed down a corridor. Please.
2008 Jan 25
Disney live-action yarn of high schoolers who bond through snowsuit-clad time travel. Thanks again to Mike H. for sending this one in!
Miraklet i Valby
1989 Oct 06 - Danmark - aka The Miracle in Valby
Motorskallen at IMDb: "...the time machine is a - caravan. That's right - a caravan! What more can I tell you? Well, it's fun to see
a bunch of kids go back in time and fight against middle age soldiers. It's fun to see how they change history in many ways."
Mirror, Mirror
miniseries, 1995 Sep 30 - Dec 23 - Australia/New Zealand
Mirror allows two girls one in 1995 and the other in 1915 to visit each others' decades.
Mirror, Mirror II
miniseries, 1997 Oct 11 - 1998 Mar 20 - Australia/New Zealand
Now the mirror has a 130-year time differential, and is in the lives of two other families.
Miss Morison's Ghosts
1981 - UK
Two women stray down a path in Versailles in 1901, and visit the 18th Century. Based on actual claims. Shown on
PBS' Mystery.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
2016 Mar 04 - USA
Tim Burton takes the helm for this adaptation of the New York Times beststelling novel by Ransom Riggs.
Mr. Nobody
2009 Nov 06 - France/Deutschland/Canada/Belgium - aka Mister Nobody
In 2092, an 118-year-old man recounts his endlessly alternating past.
Mr. Peabody & Sherman
2014 Mar 07
In an infinite and recursive universe, eventually we would once again witness "...a talking dog with a time machine."
Show-stealers from The Bullwinkle Show return to alter history in their 3-D WABAC Machine. Has Mel Brooks voicing
Albert Einstein, so that should be interesting.
Miu haan fook wood
2002 Jan 11 - Hong Kong - aka 無限復活; Wu xian fu huo; Second Time Around
Vegas gambler stumbles upon the legend of stones with powers over time and parallel universes.
miniseries; 1988 Feb 10 - Mar 16 - UK
Minty is a teen who really hates being thrown into her old aunt's house. Being thrown back in time is sure to lighten
her angst. IMDb and TV.com can't seem to agree when this was first broadcast, so there's a time rift there, too.
2011 Sep 24
US military messes up time travel, morlocks pursue. Syfy Original effort to make up for not having a Stargate to kick around anymore.
Mosura 3: Kingu Gidora raishu
1998 Dec 12 - Nippon - aka Rebirth of Mothra III; Mothra 3: King Ghidorah Attacks
King Ghidorah is in it, so time travel must be involved. IMDb: "While Mothra's powers are no
match for the dragon, he is sent to the past, in the time of the dinosaurs, to battle a
younger, and apparently less powerful, King Ghidorah."
series; 1994 Feb 17 - 1995 Mar 30 - UK
Wikipedia: "In the second series, the children... travelled into the past, thanks to a time-travelling ambulance, in order to prevent Mrs Dears
becoming a witch in the first place."
Murder Most Horrid
series; 1991 Nov 14 - 1999 Apr 02 - UK
Dawn French vehicle featuring murder, mirth and mystery.
"A Determined Woman"
Season 1, Episode 4; 1991 Dec 05
TV.com: "Scientist Rita Proops brings her equipment home to start working on the ultimate invention - the time machine. But this
causes friction at home with disastrous results."
My Future Boyfriend
2011 Apr 10
Tame romance in which a man from a future too nebbish for strong emotions uses a heavily-unguarded device to rediscover the
forbidden concept of Love. He arrives to appropriately annoy a pretty publisher.
My Science Project
1985 Aug 01 - aka Timebuster
Teen automotive aficianado digs up device that generates time warps and eighties tomfoolery.
Mystery Science Theater 3000
series; 1988 Nov 24 - 1999 Sep 12 - aka MST3K
Clock ratings below are of course rating the MST3K episode, not rewarding the film itself.
The Undead
Season 8; Episode 162; Experiment 806; 1997 Mar 08
Hooker is hypnotised to travel to a previous life, meets the devil and his witches, and enjoys the musical
stylings of Digger Smolkin.
Terror From the Year 5000!
Season 8; Episode 163; Experiment 807; 1997 Mar 15
MST3Kinfo.com: "The increasingly whiny and oleaginous Victor manages to use his time machine to summon a human from
the year 5000, the above-named Terror, who in a gesture of good will rips the face off an unsuspecting nurse and
hits on Victor, accidentally irradiating the poor dope."
Prince of Space
Season 8; Episode 172; Experiment 816; 1997 Aug 16
Wormhole distortion in the host segments is entertaining overall but the Chicken Puppet Sketch is a
time-travel masterpiece.
Time Chasers
Season 8; Episode 177; Experiment 821; 1997 Nov 22
Man builds time machine out of a Cessna and some 286-or-earlier computer. If any film was destined to be MSTied,
it's this one.
Future War
Season 10; Episode 199; Experiment 1004; 1999 Apr 04
MST3Kinfo.com: "Meanwhile, killer dinosaurs from the future are tracking down Runaway... fitted with special
collars which cause the dinosaurs to explode and disintegrate if they are harmed. The reason for this isn't clear,
but I'm sure the filmmakers knew what they were doing."
1999 Jan 18
Submarine crew tries to prevent century-old catastrophe.
Chas Lane at IMDb: "There is one interesting
scene where a scientist sees himself commit suicide in the future. Don't think I've seen that before!"
The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey
1988 Nov 16 - Australia/New Zealand - aka The Navigator: An Odyssey Across Time
Time travel as seen from inside the minds of realistic mediaeval peasants. Story takes refugees of a Mercian
village to a modern New Zealand city, and doesn't let up for a second. Brilliant achievement.
A Necklace for Julia
2006 May 15 - USA
All that the internet seems to know about this film is summed up thus: "It has been almost a full year since Julia's
disappearance. Vincent travels through time to discover what has happened to the woman he loves."
Nem Sansão Nem Dalila
1954 Feb 08 - Brasil
Jeep crashes into time machine, propels protagonists back into the "Gaza kingdom, circa 1153 B.C., where they get
involved in many funny situations." lukejoplin, IMDb. A notable chanchada, directed by Carlos Manga.
Nemesis 2: Nebula
1995 Sep 26
Human and Cyborg clash across time in this derivative straight-to-video sequel.
The New Scooby-Doo Movies
animated series; 1972 Sep 09 - 1973 May 27
Not so new now, are they? They never were very movie-like. But the Scoobies were present, and occasionally past...
"Mystery in Persia"
Season 2; Episode 19; 1973 Sep 08 - aka "Scooby-Doo Meets Jeannie"
AOL: "The gang travels back in time with Jeannie to help a prince battle ghosts."
2007 Apr 27
Nicholas Cage plays a Vegas entertainer who can see a few minutes into the future. Based on the Philip K. Dick
short story "The Golden Man".
Night Gallery
series; 1970 Dec 16 - 1973 May 27
Rod Serling's latter foray into macabre storytelling presented works framed for the observer.
"The Little Black Bag"
Season 1; Episode 2; 1970 Dec 23
21st Century experiment foolishly sends a medical bag from their era into a 20th Century trash can, where it is
found by a disgraced doctor-turned-mendicant played by Burgess Meredith.
"Lone Survivor"
Season 1; Episode 5; 1971 Jan 13
A Titanic survivor is rescued at sea in 1915. Yes, that is a bit late to be rescued.
"The Diary"
Season 2; Episode 14; 1971 Nov 10
Precognitive diary drives Patty Duke's character off the deep end.
"Tell David..."
Season 2; Episode 20; 1971 Dec 29
A woman visits a couple with strange tech in their house, and only afterward realizes it was her son, grown and
married, providing some kind of warning of impending murder.
1900 House
miniseries; 1999 Sep 22 - UK
Channel Four selects a real millennial family and makes them live as if it was 1900. Then videotapes
all their trials, complaints, and responses. Inspiration for the American miniseries Frontier House.
The 1940s House
miniseries; 2001 Jan 01 - Feb 01 - UK
Sequel to Channel Four's 1900 House, this time with a family living, in speeded up time, the privations of
a wartime British family. Not as fresh as the original, and the harmlessness of the pretend buzzbomb attacks border
on a disservice to those who truly lived through the blitz.
El Niño Invisible
1995 - España
IMDb: "A group of children find a magic stone that transports them to the XII century."
Non ci resta che piangere
1985 Jan 15 - Italia - aka Nothing Left to Do But Cry
Teacher and companion emerge from a storm in Tuscany to find themselves in the 15th Century. Then they go about
harrassing Leonardo and Columbus.
Norman's Awesome Experience
1989 Sep - USA/Canada - aka A Switch in Time
Canadians are thrown into the Roman Empire during the Gallic conquest. MagicDragon points out: "The only known
Sci-Fi feature with Latin dialogue."
2000 Sep 22 - USA - aka End of Century
He's a modern cop, having bumbled back to the 16th Century and gotten his timeline erased. Betcha never knew that.
Odyssey 5
series; 2002 Jun 21 - 2004 Oct 14
A space shuttle team witnesses the destruction of Earth, and then is sent back five years with full memory, and the chance to stop it.
Of Tomorrows Unknown
Student film that borrows heavily from The Terminator.
The Olden Days Coat
short; 1982
Girl whisked to Christmas past after donning an old piece of granny's outerwear.
100 Million BC
2008 Jul 29
Navy SEALS are sent back to Gondwana to rescue Navy time travellers from the 1940s. The time
travel explanations are okay, but it falls a bit short of its premise's promise of Greatest
Generation cavemen. Plus, some terrible CGI.
One Step Beyond
series; 1959 Oct 02 - 1964 Jun 19 - aka Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond
John Newland hosts an anthology of the paranormal, in a manner both personable and pedantic. The series repeatedly returned to
themes of prescience, which Timelinks doesn't cover exhaustively, but a couple eps stand out as more time-travelly than the rest:
"I Saw You Tomorrow"
Season 2, Episode 28; 1960 Apr 05
US Foreign Service attaché witnesses a murder before it occurs.
Onésime horloger
silent; 1912 Nov 01 - France - aka Onesime, Clockmaker
Carl Bennett writes at silentera.com: "...a Gaumont production starring
comedian Ernest Bourbon. Onésime inherits a fortune but cannot collect it for twenty years. To speed up the passage of
time, he alters the pneumatic central clock to a time-speeding clock." Early exploration of speeded-up motion via
an undercranked camera.
Out of This World
series; 1987 Sep 17 - 1991 May 25
SciFi Television Database: "This
show was syndicated in the US and was about a teenaged girl whose mother was the mayor of a small California coastal town and whose
father was an alien... This dual-parentage gave the girl (Evie) strange powers, such as the ability to suspend time."
Brian Boone at SplitSider:
"Perhaps the worst sitcom ever, or at least the most '80s sitcom ever."
Out of Time
1988 Jul 17
Bill Maher plays an LA cop/inventor whose cop great-grandson is temporally incorrect. The time travel effects are
simple but effective in this well-paced procedural, but purists can enjoy gnashing at the trivia that the major
action takes place on "Saturday, October 19, 1988" which was a Wednesday.
Out of Time
short; 1988
Bearing no seeming relation to the Maher film of purportedly the same year and title, this is a short homemade by the Shirley
Bros.: "Ray Bryman, a time-traveling detective, must stop a killer." Ray travels to a wood in WWI Germany in order to do this,
despite it being near a busy American suburban road. A 4 o'clock for plucky bemusement.
The Outer Limits
series; 1963 Sep 16 - 1965 Jan 16
"There is nothing wrong with your television set..." that a few weird stories wouldn't cure.
"The Man Who Was Never Born"
Season 1; Episode 6; 1963 Oct 28
TV.com: "An astronaut travels to the 23rd century, where he finds the Earth a blasted
wasteland inhabited by monsters." Actually, he lands in a desert of obelisks to find one
mutated Martin Landau, with a tale of humanity's end that surprisingly doesn't include atomic
war, but genetic tinkering leading to disaster. Then they come up with a plan to go back in
time and change things, as if that idea had no drawbacks.
"The Forms of Things Unknown"
Season 1; Episode 32; 1964 May 04
Mr. Hobart has invented a "time-tilting device" which allows him to slide things from the past into the
present including people who have been murdered. Edited from a failed pilot for a series titled "The Unknown".
"Demon With a Glass Hand"
Season 2; Episode 37; 1964 Oct 17
Robert Culp in a classic turn as a traveller who has come back 1000 years in order to save future humanity from his
alien pursuers, with the help of his talking artificial limb. Said to be the inspiration for The Terminator,
it likely seemed less silly back in the sixties.
"The Premonition"
Season 2; Episode 48; 1965 Jan 09
EoFFTV: "When a test pilot is involved in a crash, he recovers to find that he and his wife are caught in a time
warp and the rest of the world is moving much slower than them. As the rest of the world slowly catches up with
them, they have to get back to the places they were when the accident happened or they'll be trapped in limbo."
The Outer Limits
series; 1995 Mar 26 - 2002 Jan 18
"We shall control all that you see and hear..." down to repeating the original series' stentorian narrator that
rammed The Moral Of The Story down your throat at the beginning and end of each episode.
"Virtual Future"
Season 1; Episode 8; 1995 May 05
Young scientist accidentally invents a time viewing device out of his VR set, then struggles to save his future."
"A Stitch In Time"
Season 2; Episode 23; 1996 Jan 14
Dr. Givens' minority report issues from the barrel of a 9mm in this well-executed tale. Why 7-month-old fetuses are needed to
travel time is explained.
"Falling Star"
Season 2; Episode 41; 1996 Jun 30
A fan from the future shares a suicidal pop singer's mind, saving her. Then the time police
move in to murder the poor thing.
"Vanishing Act"
Season 2; Episode 43; 1996 Jul 21
Newlywed man goes for some champagne on New Year's Eve, 1949, encounters a bright light, and begins a process of reappearing at
10-year intervals.
Season 5; Episode 100; 1999 May 14
Meet Nicholas Prentice, witness to history, as he watches the Holocaust and rescues a wayward survivor's descendant, for his
future humanitarian tribunal.
"Deja Vu"
Season 5; Episode 104; 1999 Jul 09
Wormhole teleportaton device is sabotaged, creating a time loop.
Season 6; Episode 127; 2000 Jul 28
Prentice transports Civil War buffs back to the great battle, to see if history can be tweaked after all.
"Patient Zero"
Season 7; Episode 134; 2001 Mar 23
Time traveller arrives to kill the first carrier of a doomsday disease.
"Time to Time"
Season 7; Episode 147; 2001 Aug 21
TV Tome: "A dedicated daughter trips back in time to change her Dad's destiny." The last of the Prentice trilogy.
series; 2014 Jul 09 -
Nurse travels from WWII to the mid-18th Century in this adaptation of Diana Gabaldon's romantic epic novels.
series; 1986 Dec 28 - 1987 May 02
The Pike Gang and the sheriff that hunted them are sent forward 100 years to open a detective agency. (Thanks to
EmeraldIsle for tipping off Timelinks.)
series; 2009 Nov 24 - Dec 22 - UK
Detectives act upon information being beamed to them from the future.
Past Perfect
1996 Oct 11
Gang members start turning up dead, and officer Dylan Cooper begins to realize he's facing killers from the future,
attempting to improve their timeline.
A Path in Time
2005 May 19
Christians from across time band together to ensure that good triumphs.
Thanks again to Mike H. for sending this one in to Timelinks!
2003 Dec 25
2003's amnesiac movie bore a time travel twist, as Ben Affleck's character's erased memory holds the building of
a time-viewing device, and its dire warnings from the future (including the finality of a President launching
pre-emptive strikes based on information from the device). Intelligent, it's still a John Woo action flick
though the action tropes feel stale whenever prescience is not involved.
Peggy Sue Got Married
1986 Oct 10
Kathleen Turner's Peggy Sue faints at her high school reunion, and awakens with full memory as her teen self in
1960, with the seeming chance to undo all her youthful mistakes.
The Penitent Man
2010 Mar 29 - USA
Mr. Darnell (Lance Henriksen) comes to his psychoanalyst to explain how his time-viewing device is going to destroy
The Peter Potamus Show
animated series; 1964 Sep 16 - 1966 Feb 06 - aka Peter Potamus and So-So; Peter Potamus and His Magic Flying Balloon
Hippo and monkey sidekick travel time via a special compass installed on their combination balloon-boat. Any backstory
written for this would simply boggle minds.
The late Donald Markstien at Toonopedia: "Also on the
subject of corrections, many animation reference works list the show's original title as Peter Potamus & His Magic
Flying Balloon. But Mike Tiefenbacher, who also has strong credentials as a cartoon historian, has thoroughly
researched the topic, and concludes the balloon was never a part of its official name."
1999 Nov 10 - France - aka Maybe; Perhaps
A man, left to ponder whether he should start a family, winds up meeting his decendants.
Phil of the Future
series; 2004 Jun 18 - 2006 Aug 19 - aka The Out of Timers
Disney sitcom about a future family trapped in our time.
The Philadelphia Experiment
1984 Aug 03
WWII naval experiment accidentally throws sailors into the future.
The Philadelphia Experiment II
1993 Nov 12
Stealth aircraft sent back to Nazi Germany. Nazi 1993 ensues.
Piratas en el Callao
animated; 2005 Feb 24 - República del Perú
Peru's animation industry kicked off in 2005 with a time travel pirate adventure: "De pronto cae, accidentalmente,
por un portal del tiempo y aparece en el puerto del Callao del siglo XVII, el cual està a punto de ser atacado
por el temible pirata Jacques L'Hermite (quien, por si no lo saben, existó en la vida real)."
Pirates of the Plain
1999 Dec 31
Tim Curry plays Jezebel Jack, a pirate made to walk the plank, who falls into 20th Century Nebraska. Then he's
pursued there by his mutinous crew.
Planet of the Apes
1968 Feb 08
SF classic where Charlton Heston's lost astronaut begins as a sardonic realist aware that he's travelled so
far ahead in time that planting the US flag is laughable but ends up crying over lost Liberty.
Planet of the Apes
2001 Jul 27 - aka The Visitor
Marky Mark's astronaut has dimensional problems out by Saturn. Time dilations are in effect, since he arrives on the planet centuries
after the space station he left from crashed there, but before the test chimp he sent out arrives, late in the film. The "surprise"
ending stands dumb beside the original's.
Play for Today
series; 1970 Oct 15 - 1984 Aug 28 - UK
BBC anthology series with a notable time travel entry:
"The Flipside of Dominick Hide"
1980 Dec 09
Comedy/drama about Dominick Hide from 2130. He's only supposed to observe while visiting 1980 but falls in love.
"Another Flip for Dominick"
1982 Dec 14
Dominck's student, Pyrus Bonnington, tries to save a princess from terrorists in 1982.
Playing Beatie Bow
1986 Aug 07 - Australia
Lace collar transports girl to Victorian Era Sydney.
Pokémon 4Ever
2002 Oct 11 - Nippon/USA - aka Pokémon 4: The Movie; Pokemon 4Ever: Celebi - Voice of the Forest
Meet Celebi, the pokémon who can travel time. If you capture him, you can erase all the others from existence and win.
Portrait of Jennie
1948 Dec 25 - aka Jennie; Tidal Wave
John Seavey at IMDb: "Every time he sees her, she is older, and talks of things that happened long ago."
Power Rangers: Time Force
series; 2001 Feb 03 - Nov 17
The ninth series of the Power Rangers franchise capitalized on millennial angst by fighting it in
multicolored costumes.
Power Rangers Time Force - Quantum Ranger: Clash for Control
2001 May 05
Presumably a mashup of a two-part Power Rangers: Time Force episode of the same name, designed for home
video sales.
The Powerpuff Girls
animated series; 1998 Nov 28 - 2004 Aug 27; 2005 Mar 25 - aka PPG
PPG continued the time travel mayhem tradition begun in Dexter's Laboratory. Besides, we have a
theory about why we never see Ms. Bellum's face... Let's just say we suspect her irises are hot pink.
"Speed Demon"
Season 2; Episode 25; 2000 Jun 02
A race home from school results in the girls travelling 50 years into a dark future ruled by Him.
"Get Back Jojo"
Season 4; Episode 42; 2001 May 4
The Professor shows off a time machine for the Pokey Oaks class, which Mojo attempts to use to prevent the junior
Utonium from becoming interested in science in the first place.
2014 Aug 28 - Australia
The "Farthest South of time paradoxes" comes to Cleveland, as an agent of the Temporal Bureau ravels his mystery.
Based on Heinlein's classic "—All You Zombies—"; debuted at SXSW, March 8, 2014.
Prehistoric Park
miniseries; 2006 Jul 22 - Sep 24 - UK
Real-world 'wildlife adventurer'/'zoologist' Nigel Marven gathers extinct species and brings them live through a time portal in
this clever mashup of genres from the creators of Walking With Dinosaurs. Don't step on that butterfly, Nigel.
Prehistoric Women
1967 Jan 25 - UK - aka Slave Girls
Hammer Films sends a lucky explorer back through time via a magic rhino horn to an era when brunettes enslaved blondes.
2007 Mar 16
Normally, we don't include merely prophetic stories on The Big List, but this one looks like Sandra Bullock's
character damn well pre-lives future events. Early debut at the European Film Market, Feb 8 2007.
2004 Oct 08
Young engineers accidentally invent a time machine in their garage, and distrust ensues. While critics have compared it to Kubrick,
it actually falls just shy of true time travel (and storytelling) perfection but still one of the finest entries to the genre.
Best line: "He reverse engineered a perfect moment." Shown at the 2004 Sundance (Jan 16); winner of the Grand Jury Prize.
series; 2007 Feb 10 - 2011 Jun 08 - UK - aka Primaeval
Nick Cutter and crew chase after creatures falling into our time through an anamoly in the Forest of Dean. Then the anamolies start
popping up all over the damn place.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
2010 May 28
If we were console players, our thumbs would have been twitching during every action scene of this
videogame-inspired Disney entry. Pastward time travel is possible because of some pent-up vengeance of
the gods being installed in a hand controller in the shape of a magic dagger.
Project Almanac
2015 Jan 30 - aka Welcome to Yesterday; Almanac; Cinema One
Boisterous youths come upon plans for a time machine, build it, and start straight in on destroying causality.
February 2014
release postponed, until January 2015.
Timelinks thanks Mike H. for giving us a reminder about this one.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
animated series; 2011 Jan 07 - Apr 22 - Nippon -
aka 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ; Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika; Magical Girl Madoka of the Magus
Magical girls are doomed to become witches of despair... unless... "Madoka also learns that
Homura is a magical girl from a different timeline who had repeated the same month countless
times in order to try and save her from a grisly fate." -Wikipedia
Punching Hitler
short; 2004 Mar 26
Beer-drinking buds discover time machine. IMDb: "After a quick jaunt to 1908 Austria to punch an 8 year old Adolf
Hitler, the trio go on a madcap journey across Hitler's timeline to punch him every single day of his life."
La Puppé
short; 2002 May 15
A toy dog relives his fate in this charming spoof of La Jetée.
Quantum Leap
series; 1989 Mar 26 - 1993 May 05
Dr. Sam Beckett steps into the quantum accelerator, and into TV time travel history. He trades bodies and recent
eras at the behest of an unknown force, "setting right what once went wrong," but never explains how that doesn't
rewrite everything else he is and does except at the bittersweet end. It's got Dean Stockwell, so time travel
must be involved.
Quantum of Vengeance
2013 Jun 23 - USA
Straight-to-DVD indie from Wisconsin.
"In 1998, as a young girl, Emily Freeman witnesses her father being brutally murdered. 14 years later, her professor reveals
that he has successfully built a time machine, which inspires her to go back in time and seek vengeance."
Queen In-Hyun's Man
2012 Apr 18 - 2012 Jun 07 - Daehanminguk - aka Queen and I
17th Century scholar finds himself aiding a 21st Century actress who has taken the role of his queen in a Korean TV series. This
promises to get mightily meta indeed.
The Ray Bradbury Theater
series; 1985 May 21 - 1992 Oct 30 - France/UK/Canada/USA/New Zealand
aka The Bradbury Trilogy; Le Monde fantastique de Ray Bradbury; Mystery Theatre; Ray Bradbury présente
The late great SF grandmaster hosted a showcase of his life's work in fiction.
"A Sound of Thunder"
Season 4, Episode 6; 1989 Aug 11
Masterpiece about why you should never step on a protozoic butterfly.
"Touch of Petulance"
Season 5, Episode 6; 1990 Oct 12
Man encounters his elder self, and a future headline.
"The Toynbee Convector"
Season 5, Episode 8; 1990 Oct 26
innermind.com: "A man time travels
to the past to perfect the future."
TVTome: "A man time travels to the future and returns to show the people what they have to look forward to."
Hmm... unless he's faking out everyone.
Reading Rainbow
series; 1983 Jun 06 - 2006 Nov 10
LeVar Burton brought the joy of reading to kids stuck in front of the television.
Now we all read from a glowing screen.
"Alistair's Time Machine"
Season 9, Episode 1; 1991 Sep 16
TV.com: "LeVar goes to a totally-fictitious spot to find 'inventors' from all eras. True to form, these inventors come from the
distant past, Reading Rainbow's near-present, and the future."
Red Dwarf
series; 1988 Feb 15 - 1999 Apr 05 - UK
Classic series of misfits in space.
"Future Echoes"
Season 1; Episode 2; 1988 Feb 22
"Stasis Leak"
Season 2; Episode 10; 1988 Sep 27
Season 3; Episode 13; 1989 Nov 14
Season 3; Episode 17; 1989 Dec 12
"The Inquisitor"
Season 5; Episode 26; 1992 Feb 27
"Out of Time"
Season 6; Episode 36; 1993 Nov 11
"Tikka to Ride"
Season 7; Episode 37; 1997 Jan 11
Season 7; Episode 39; 1997 Jan 31
Season 8; Episode 50; 1999 Mar 11
The Ren and Stimpy Show
animated series; 1991 Aug 11 - 1996 Nov 14
One of the earliest and best deconstructive cartoons, created by the master of the form, John Kricfalusi.
"Space Madness"
Season 1; Episode 3; 1991 Aug 25
Ren loses his mind on a 36-year-long space journey, and assigns Stimpy to guard the History Eraser Button. What
happens if you push it? "Maybe something bad... maybe something good! I guess we'll never know..." An ironic
production note: Nickelodeon editors kept the Button, but deleted a time travel climax where our heroes would try
to fix it all.
Repeat Performance
1947 May 22
Actress guns down her playwright husband, but then gains the chance to relive 1946, the previous year of her life.
"If you would run from destiny, first learn to run from snow leaving no footprints."
Remade as Turn Back the Clock (1989).
2010 Sep 13 - Canada
Atonement or lack thereof haunt three twentysomethings in Canadian rehab as they learn that their Wednesday is repeating. Time for
mayhem without consequences! Awful lot of laid back rapists and rapist wannabes, though, so have a care. Maybe it's a Canadian thing.
1997 Jan 01
Disgraced Chicago police psychologist winds up using a lone scientist's time machine to pop back and stop a homicidal Texan from
killing everyone in sight. Except for a videotape that travels early in the film, consciousness is all that ever makes the
trip. But annoyingly, the cop seems to know more about the ramifications of time travel than the physicist doing the experiment.
2013 Aug 26 - USA
Failed TV pilot about a military/civilian team playing with an untested time machine to stop a terrorist attack.
The things that get funding these days.
The Ripping Friends
animated series; 2001 Sep 15 - 2002 Oct 13 - USA/Canada
Kricfalusi's demented take on supers included a time travel villain...
"The Man From Next Thursday, Part 1"
2002 Jan 19 - aka "Thursday Man, Part 1"
A miscarried thumb operation turns a fan into a foe.
"The Man From Next Thursday, Part 2"
2002 Jan 26 - aka "Thursday Man, Part 2"
Can Thursday Man's revenge succeed against Crag's intentions for Wednesday?
2002 Aug 19 - Nippon - aka リターナー; Returner
Girl from 2084 is sent back to 2002 to warn the world of an impending alien invasion. Action hero shoots her shortly after she arrives.
Being a time traveler, she manages to get even. (Premiered in US theaters 2003 Oct 15.)
Read our full review.
Roman Scandals
1933 Dec 25
A man dreams of Rome in this Busby Berkeley musical.
The Ruby Ring
1997 Nov 26 - UK/USA
Spoiled '90s girl makes a wish to live in a huge house. Wish granted by making her a scullery maid in the previous '90s.
Running Against Time
1990 Nov 21
Professor David Rhodes wishes to go back and save JFK, thereby saving his brother killed in the Vietnam War.
Running Out of Time
short; 1989
IMDb: "A teen-age girl returns to the times of slavery, segregation and the civil rights movement through her dreams."
Russkij Kovcheg
2002 - Rossiyskaya Federatsiya - aka Русский ковчег; Russian Ark
Modern filmmaker finds himself 300 years in the past, unable to be seen, but able to record some of Russia's lost history.
S. Darko
2009 Jul 10
In this sequel to Donnie Darko, Samantha Darko is racing away her youth, and her grief for her late brother,
across Clinton-era America. Then the future starts haunting her, too.
Safety Not Guaranteed
2012 Jun 08
IMDb: "Three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified ad seeking a
companion for time travel." Thanks to Liz for alerting Timelinks!
Saint Sinner
2002 Oct 26 - aka Clive Barker Presents Saint Sinner
A monk from 1815 is sent on the "Wheel of Time" to hunt down a couple succubi he let loose on us 21st Century
types. Half-hearted, retread Clive Barker freakfest.
Samurai Jack
animated series; 2001 Aug 10 - 2004 Sep 25
Achieving time travel ("back to the past") is mainly Jack's motivation rather than something that happens to him
every week, or the show would earn an even higher rating. But the most profound comment on time in this series is
not the premise of a samurai displaced by a demon to a future ruled by the fiend, it's the pacing of the show
itself. Perhaps the only show on television that actually demonstrated the strength of being able to wait, rewarding a patient viewer.
Sanatorium pod klepsydrą
1973 - Polska - aka Sanatorium Under the Hourglass; The Hour-Glass Sanatorium; The Sandglass
Wojciech Has' interpretation of Bruno Schulz' paean of surreal decay, set in a sanatorium where they "reactivate
past time". Lavish production, dreamlike and disturbed, the film's jumbling of events is not mere dadaism; it warns
against revisiting the past "time vomited back by humans" and makes efforts like The Langoliers
look like childish pranks.
Sapphire and Steel
series; 1979 Jul 10 - 1982 Aug 31 - UK
Dimensional agents Sapphire and Steel intrude on the lives of those assaulted by an insane universe. New audio
adventures from Big Finish are
set before the last story of the TV series.
Science Fiction Theatre
series; 1955 Apr 9 - 1957 Apr 16 - USA - aka Beyond the Limits; Science Fiction Theater
Truman Bradley welcomed you into his carefully curated lab each week to "show you something interesting". The first of the
two seasons was shot in full color, which really was pretty interesting for the mid-1950s.
"Time Is Just a Place"
Season 1, Episode 2; 1955 Apr 16
Wikipedia: "A young couple discovers that their neighbors, who possess a sonic broom and many other technologically advanced
household items, are fugitives from the future who have fled to the past to escape an oppressive government. Adapted from
Jack Finney's short story, 'Such Interesting Neighbors'."
Sealab 2021
animated series/shorts; 2000 Dec 21 - 2005 Apr 25

A fan favorite among Adult Swim's many recycled Hanna-Barbera sardonifests, the show is set a year after the
original series, after budget cuts and insanity have swept Sealab.
"Lost in Time"
2001 Sep 30
Stormy and Quinn are caught in a time loop, but keep being imprisoned with more and more of themselves.
Save it for Queen Dopplepopolous!
SeaQuest DSV
series; 1993 Sep 12 - 1996 Jun 09 - aka SeaQuest; SeaQuest 2032
Spielberg-produced series about a supersub of the near future.
Aetherco offers condolences to the family and friends of the late Jonathan Brandis
(1976 Apr 13 - 2003 Nov 12)
Season 2; Episode 29; 1994 Oct 23
SeaQuest is drawn into the 23rd Century, where the crew discovers that mankind has nearly videogamed itself into
"Second Chance"
Season 3, Episode 55; 1995 Dec 27
A "space-time sphere" sends the SeaQuest back to October 1962, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum
1999 Dec 21 - aka Mysterious Museum
Kids travel via magic painting back to 1632, where danger awaits. A few funny lines do nothing to offset the
surprise-free plot.
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne
series; 2000 Jun 18 - Dec 16 - Canada/UK
Jules Verne and Phileas Fogg encounter many famous real and fictional extraordinary gentlemen as they steampunk
their way around the world for Her Majesty's secret service. A marvelous series overall, but since the real Verne
never wrote about time travel (considering it unachieveable fantasy) their stab at the genre doesn't quite fit.
"The Cardinal's Design"
Episode 4; 2000 July 09
Alexander Dumas has written a code into The Three Musketeers hiding a secret which international spies will
kill for. It takes up a lot of screentime, and seems to have nothing to do with the time machine he's built from
plans signed by Cardinal Richelieu. By the end of the ep, the crew are in the 1620s, and the time travel plot seems
well under way...
"The Cardinal's Revenge"
Episode 5; 2000 July 16
...but then it devolves into a "parallel history" mistaken-identity yarn, and a lame excuse to swashbuckle with
D'artagnan. And no clue as to how or if Richelieu ever designed the infernal machine, or was even much out for
revenge, adding up to a pretty but pointless episode.
The Secret World of Polly Flynt
series; 1987 Feb 18 - ? - UK
SciFi Television Database:
"The adventures of a girl in a village lost in time."
See Ya Later Gladiator
animated short; 1968 Jun 29
Time machine whisks Daffy and Speedy to AD 65, where Nero awaits.
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising
2007 Oct 05
Boy travels time as part of his initiation into the order of The Light. Based on The Dark Is Rising by
Susan Cooper.
Selling Time
IMDb: "A man is given the unique opportunity to relive the worst day of his life, in exchange for seven years off
his own life expectancy." Mike Fleming at Deadline Hollywood:
"I feel like I have relived this project several times; I first wrote about it when McDermott sold it as a spec to Fox 2000
while he was president of DreamWorks Television in 2001."
Sengoku Jieitai
1979 Dec 05 - Nippon - aka 戦国自衛隊; Time Slip; G.I. Samurai
Modern platoon sent back in time to feudal Japan.
Sengoku Jieitai 1549
2005 Jun 11 - Nippon - aka 戦国自衛隊1549; Samurai Commando Mission 1549
Modern platoon sent back in time to feudal Japan.
Seven Days
series; 1998 Oct 07 - 2001 May 29 - aka 7 Days
Frank Parker travels back in time, and phones in to the Project: "This is Conundrum". You got that right. He should
be at the office every time he calls in, but no, he's just not there. Shouldn't we be facing a Frank Parker glut as
elder Franks arrive to fix problems and hang around with juniors who have no need to go back and fix any problems?
Dave Fooden's theory: Every time Frank phones in, the Project offs the Frank at the base. Must be a meadow somewhere
stuffed with bodies of extra Franks...
Shadow Chasers
series; 1985 Nov 14 - 1986 Jan 16
A stuffy anthropologist and a gregarious tabloid reporter are thrown together to investigate the paranormal.
"Ahead of Time"
Episode 14; unaired in US?
TV.com: "A student journeys back in time to prevent an assassination." Also according to RieSheridan at
TVTome: "Only nine episodes were actually shown in the U.S. Four others were only shown overseas on the Armed Forces
network in the original run of the series." Including, apparently, this one.
She-Ra: Princess of Power
animated series; 1985 Sep 09 - 1986 Dec 02 - aka She-Ra
Adora and Spirit are secretly She-Ra and Swiftwind. Oh, now I've given everything away.
"The Time Transformer"
Season 2, Episode 9; 1986 Nov 01
Professor Tempus tries to help Hordak with a history-altering magical machine, but robots are no match for sneezing powder.
Yeah, it was a golden age for cartoons. Also, Swiftwind can travel time like Superman, apparently whenever he feels like it.
Season 2, Episode 11; 1986 Nov 22
Wikipedia: "Brigis, a magical village, appears in the present world only once every five hundred years." Hordak cries,
"Brigis is doomed!" Do the estates of Lerner and Loewe have a case?
2011 Oct 21 - USA
IMDb: "Lovell Milo suddenly begins to experience his life out of chronological sequence." He's seeking out the reason for his
wife's death. So it goes.
Il Signor Rossi cerca la felicità
animated; 1976 Mar 04 - Italia/Bundesrepublik Deutschland
aka The Fantastic Adventures of Mr. Rossi; Mr. Rossi Looks for Happiness
Rossi and his dog Gastone are whisked off across space and time by a fairy godmother.
Silent Möbius
animated series; 1998 Apr 07 - 1998 Sep 29 - Nippon
Anime series about an all-girl demon-fighting squad of the 21st Century: the Attacked Mystification
Police Department. Based on the manga by Kia Asamiya.
Episode 16
Yuki is thrown from 2027 into 1997 armed only with an antique coffee grinder, and meets the guy of her dreams. A
few espresso moments amidst the usual anime grind.
Simón del desierto
1965 - Mexico - aka Simon of the Desert
5th Century ascetic preaches from a pillar for the entire film, until Satan gets fed up with it and drags him off to a 1960s
nightclub, in this classic Buñuel examination of religious fervor.
The Simpsons
animated series; 1989 Dec 17 -
Matt Groening's interest in SF themes surfaced long before Futurama, in the longest-running comedy series
in the world.
"Treehouse of Horror V: Time and Punishment"
Season 6; Episode 109; 1994 Oct 30
Ned Flanders becomes the ruler of an Orwellian world after Homer adversely uses a toaster to change the past.
series; 1975 Apr 07 - May 19 - UK
Time travelling youth finds himself stuck on Earth, pursued by the evil Goodchild.
1972 Mar 15
Faithful and arresting version of the Vonnegut classic about Billy Pilgrim, who has come unstuck in time.
2005 Feb 03 - USA/South Africa
Sean Astin plays a scientist with a handheld time machine that lets him trip back ten minutes into the past.
Premiered on Sci Fi Channel, February 12, 2005.
Somewhere In Time
1980 Oct 03
Playwright hypnotizes himself back to 1912 in pursuit of romance. The love story and most of the time travel
elements are presented movingly, and for many this film remains their favorite of the genre. But this reviewer
can't believe that hypnotism is quite that powerful a medium.
A Sound of Thunder
2005 May 15 - USA/Deutschland
Yahoo! Movies
reported the release date had been pushed back to August 20, 2004, then October 8, then March 11, 2005... it
finally premiered in the US on September 2nd. Movie loosely based on the Ray Bradbury short story of a time safari having dire
(albeit muddled) consequences.
Production company Crusader Entertainment
originally had the following synopsis on their site, until, it seems, the company itself vanished from the web:
"Travis tracks down Allison, the inventor of modern time travel, just as a 'Time Wave' rolls through New York
city. Instantly, swarms of bugs overwhelm New York. Whole buildings disappear. People cease to exist. Enlisting
Allison's help, Travis deduces that one of the self-indulgent billionaires must have brought a butterfly back
from the past, despite dire warnings against this." (The final Warner
sets the safari origin in Chicago 2054, and restores the butterfly-squashing of the original tale.)
Not to be confused with The Butterfly Effect, released in January 2004, the title of which comes from a
term partially inspired by the plot of the original Bradbury story.
Source Code
2011 Apr 01 - USA/France - aka 8 minutos antes de morir
Soldier placed into the consciousness of a doomed Chicago commuter. Suffers love, terror, pods. Fairly tight time
travel procedural with a bend toward the mania of time looping.
South Park
animated series; 1997 Aug 13 -
The vile, ugly albeit hilarious tireyard that is South Park takes on time travel with the same
satiric bravado it uses to defend selfish human squalor against the forces of progress.
"4th Grade"
Season 4; Episode 59; 2000 Nov 08
College students build a time machine out of Timmy's wheelchair, sending him back to some saurian epoch.
"My Future Self N' Me"
Season 6; Episode 95; 2002 Dec 04
Stan and Butters are visited by what appear to be their loser future selves.
Season 8; Episode 118; 2004 Apr 28 - aka "Goobacks From the Future"
Angry, jobless descendants from 4035 illegally emigrate to 2004, resulting in mass homosexuality in order to stop
their existence.
"Go God Go II"
Season 10; Episode 151; 2006 Nov 01
Cartman cannot wait for the release of the Nintendo Wii, and so has Butters freeze him in a glacier. Buried
beneath an avalanche, he awakens five hundred years later in a world of rival atheist organizations.
"Go God Go XII"
Season 10; Episode 152; 2006 Nov 08
Trapped in the future, Cartman, known there as "The Time Child," struggles through various adventures to attain
the lost Nintendo Wii. He finally resorts to making crank calls to the past, which prove to be mostly useless.
Southland Tales
2007 Nov 14
Director Richard Kelly (Donnie Darko) presents a vision of world-shattering authoritarian apocalypse.
It sounds like there's a lot we'd want to like about this movie... but an ocean turbine so powerful it
disrupts the fabric of space-time? Well, maybe it works as "art".
Space: 1999
series; 1975 Sep 04 - 1977 Nov 05 - UK/Italia - aka Spazio: 1999
Any show based on the Moon tripping on its own through space isn't going to be too strong on
science, but at least one entry made a decent effort at addressing a time issue that would
with the wacky lunamotive given have been in play...
"Journey to Where"
Season 2, Episode 3; 1976 Sep 18
22nd Century Earth calls Moonbase with designs for a tech to teleport the crew back home.
Koenig, Russell and Carter give it a go and get trapped in backwater 14th Century Scotland.
It's a 6 o'clock for attempting to address the twin paradox, with Earth having advanced by over
a century while the Moon was zipping along for mere months; and for not choosing a pivotal
event in history to strand the protagonists in. Thanks to Timelinks fan Chris L. for sending
this one in!
Space Patrol
series; 1950 Mar 13 - 1955 Feb 05 - aka Satellite Police
TVAcres.com: "Terra V was the last
space ship in the series. It was equipped with a Paralyzer Ray and a time drive... Another ship used on the
series was the XRC (Experimental Rocket Ship) also called the Rocket Cockpit Ship, equipped with a magnetically
controlled time drive."
"Lunatics from the Future"
Season 1; Episode 42; 1951 Oct 13
"The Chase in Time"
Season 2; Episode 103; 1952 Dec 13
"Marooned in the Past"
Season 4; Episode 173; 1954 Apr 17
Space Precinct
series; 1994 Oct 03 - 1995 Jul 24 - UK - aka Space Police; Space Precinct 88
Obscure Gerry Anderson series about cops in space.
"Time to Kill"
Episode 6; 1994 Nov 07
Kessler: "Brogan is stalked
by a time-travelling cyborg which manages to kill just about everyone but the cop himself." Thanks to Timelinks
reader JB for sending this one in!
1998 Feb 13
A US spaceship from the future is found buried in coral dating from the 1700s. Intriguing most of the way through,
it winds up having a very silly ending.
The Spirit of '76
1990 Oct 12
Americans from the far future confuse 1776 with 1976 in their wacky attempt to recreate the perfection of US
Split Infinity
Hayloft propels a 14-year-old from the 1990s into 1929. FamilyTV.com gives it 5 out of 5
diamonds for Work Ethic. Thanks again to "Mike" for sending this one in to Timelinks!
Sport Billy
animated series; 1982 Jun - Aug - USA/Bundesrepublik Deutschland
aka The Adventures of Sport Billy and Lilly Space Champions
Strange Filmation effort based around a German sports equipment logo. Sport Billy has a bag filled with an
infinite amount of said sports equipment with which he fights the evil Queen Vanda and her plans to spread
unsportmanlike behaviour across the Earth. He also has at his disposal a time machine.
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D
2011 August 19 - aka Spy Kids 4
The evil Timekeeper is set to speed lazy mankind to extinction using the Armageddon Device. Only
time puns and fart jokes can stop him now.
Star Trek
series; 1966 Sep 08 - 1969 Jun 03 - aka Star Trek The Original Series; Star Trek TOS
Julia Huston wrote at
"Whatever people do in the Star Trek universe, as long as they've got a starship, they can undo and redo to their
heart's content, so why don't they? ...So instead of chaos -- which makes for a really lousy TV show -- we have
Which makes for really lousy time travel. To its credit, the Original Series delved into some interesting
territory but made no hard-and-fast limits to the effects of travelling time. The subsequent series just keep
shooting in the dark whenever time travel comes up episodes that are nevertheless some of the most popular.
"The Naked Time"
1966 Sep 29
After "cold starting" the engines, the Enterprise crew find they've gone back in time a few days.
"Tomorrow Is Yesterday"
1967 Jan 26
An unwelcome trip around a black star has landed the Enterprise over 1960s Earth, thus 'inventing' the
slingshot effect. Much is made of covering up '60's photographic evidence of the ship even though the crew
seems to have methods of entirely erasing their presence, including the power to beam local witnesses back into
their junior selves.
"The City on the Edge of Forever"
1967 Apr 06
Classic tale of ensuring the death of one good person, so that uncounted future generations might live. Also the
suggestion that time travel is a cornucopia of adventure is rebuffed with cold anger by a heartbroken Kirk an
important lesson the franchise would never quite recapture.
"Assignment: Earth"
1968 Mar 29
Slingshot effect is used to spy on the 20th Century, which is also being watched by Mr. Gary Seven. Mr. Seven is
from farther in the future, but is surprised to see Kirk and crew there.
"All Our Yesterdays"
1969 Mar 14
Mr. Atoz' atavachron sends Kirk, Spock and McCoy into the past of the planet Sarpeidon. Just the thought of
bringing to life alien Middle Ages and alien prehistory was pretty neat for TV in 1969.
Star Trek
animated series; 1973 Sep 08 - 1974 Oct 12 - aka Star Trek The Animated Series; Star Trek TAS
The decanonized orphan series of the franchise had its share of time travel, too.
Episode 2; 1973 Sep 15
After a visit to the Guardian of Forever, Spock must return to his Vulcan childhood (AD 2237) to restore his
"The Time Trap"
Episode 12; 1973 Nov 24
Less a real time travel story than an inspiration for an episode of Voyager ("The Void").
"The Counter-Clock Incident"
Episode 22; 1974 Oct 12
The franchise's own take on a Bizarro universe, complete with black stars in white space, and a planet called
"Arret". People there age backwards, including visitors from the Enterprise, resulting in... Trek
Babies. A delightfully silly end to the kiddie series.
Star Trek
2009 May 07 - aka Star Trek XI
The Federation would be a great place to live... if it weren't for all the damn time travelers.
It's almost as though someone wants Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future to fail. This time around,
some Romulans take a shot at erasing Kirk from existence, only not, since old Spock goes and tells young Spock all
about it in this long-anticipated return to the years of Classic Trek.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
series; 1993 Jan 03 - 1999 Jun 02 - aka DS9; Star Trek DS9
Captain Sisko is believed to be a herald of the transdimensional beings living in the wormhole parked next to his
space station. Nice work if you can get it.
"Past Tense, Pt. I"
1995 Jan 02
"Past Tense, Pt. II"
1995 Jan 09
1995 Feb 27
"The Visitor"
1995 Oct 09
"Little Green Men"
1995 Nov 13
Ferengi Quark, Rom and Nog crash at Roswell in 1947.
"Trials and Tribble-ations"
1996 Nov 04
A Trek tour-de-force where Sisko's crew travels back to insure that Kirk's crew survives the tribble
incident. One of the few times that the tech and look of the Original Series is faced by a later series. Most
notable: Worf's disinclination to explain why Klingons look so different.
"Children of Time"
1997 May 05
"Wrongs Darker than Death or Night"
1998 Apr 01
Kira uses the Orb of Time, and lands in the past, in a Bajoran refugee camp.
"Time's Orphan"
1998 May 20
Miles and Keiko's child falls into a vortex, but is rescued only after she has lived without human contact for ten years.
Star Trek: Enterprise
series; 2001 Sep 26 - 2005 May 13 - aka Enterprise
The Star Trek prequel took the bold move of making a "Temporal Cold War" its widest story arc.
"Broken Bow"
2001 Sep 26
In the series opener, much revolves around Capt. Archer's mission to return a lost Klingon home,
but in the process he and his crew run afoul of the shape-shifting Suliban, and Archer learns of
the existence of the Temporal Cold War.
"Cold Front"
2001 Nov 28
Daniels, a humanoid soldier from 900 years in Enterprise's future, reveals himself
among the crew, and aids Archer in defeating the Suliban Silik. T'Pol voices doubt that time
travel is really possible, but after Daniels disappears, Archer has his room sealed anyway.
"Shockwave, Part I"
2002 May 22
The Suliban attempt to frame the Enterprise with the destruction of an alien colony,
and Daniels pops Archer around alternate timelines in order to help. But in the ensuing
conflict, Daniels strands them both in the 31st Century in a timeline where his time travel
equipment no longer exists.
"Shockwave, Part II"
2002 Sep 18
Daniels cobbles together a time communication device with some stuff Archer is carrying, and
allows him to contact the 22nd Century and plan countermeasures to the Suliban.
Bernd Schneider writes:
"No matter how we try to justify it, it remains stupid."
"Future Tense"
2003 Feb 19
The Suliban and the Tholians attack Enterprise for the 31st Century capsule they picked up. T'Pol keeps
dismissing time travel, which is starting to get annoying.
"The Expanse"
2003 May 21
Earth is attacked by a one-alien probe, and Enterprise is dispatched to find the perpetrators. Along the
way, the Suliban's Mysterious Figure from the future informs Archer that the attack was by the Xindi who have been
told that Earth will one day destroy them.
"Carpenter Street"
2003 Nov 26
Daniels spends five screen minutes unloading time-travel-Trekspeak to convince Archer to take T'Pol from the
Expanse to 2004 Earth in order to steal cars and act like a brownshirt stopping some local stinky guy who's
helping the Xindi make a bioweapon.
In the face of this much nonsense and evil, T'Pol's stoic skepticism is suddenly very welcome.
Our complete review.
"Azati Prime"
2004 Mar 03
On the eve of the Xindi weapon's launch, Archer determines to destroy it in a suicide mission. Daniels chooses
this moment to whisk the captain off to the Enterprise-J, four centuries hence.
2004 May 05
The Enterprise encounters a much later version of itself, full of the crew's decendants. T'Pol gets some
advice on romance from her elder self.
"Zero Hour"
2004 May 26
The cliffhanger episode ends with the Enterprise returning to a Nazified Earth.
"Storm Front, Part I"
2004 Oct 08
startrek.com: "Archer and the NX-01 find themselves in Earth's past, with events of World War II altered..."
Evil time travellers have built a "stealth time machine" and made the Temporal Cold War hot by helping the Nazis
win. On the up side, this has left Daniels a genetic mess, and he's dying.
"Storm Front, Part II"
2004 Oct 15
Bernd Schneider writes:
"There is no reason why the destruction of Vosk's (1944) facility should reset the timeline, as the damage has
already been done before in a logical order of events. The mention of Lenin's unscheduled assassination in 1916 as
the original reason for the timeline mess even complicates the rationalization."
"In A Mirror, Darkly, Part I"
Season 4; Episode 94; 2005 Apr 22
TV.com: "In the mirror universe, Commander Archer mutinies against Captain Forrest in order to capture a future
Earth ship found in Tholian space."
"In A Mirror, Darkly, Part II"
Season 4; Episode 95; 2005 Apr 29
TV.com: "In the mirror universe, Archer commandeers the 23rd-century Defiant from the Tholians and uses it in a
nefarious power grab."
Star Trek: First Contact
1996 Nov 22
The Borg stop Cochran's maiden warp voyage, and enBorgify Earth, so it's up to Picard's crew to stop their stopping
him. Many fine moments.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
1986 Nov 26
Saving the whales was never so entertaining as this entry from the original cast. As excellent as the synergy of
the arc, plot and characters is, and with the slough of classic lines and situations, one of the best time travel
scenes may simply have never been shot: A child playing Sulu's ancestor kept bawling during the shoot with George
Takei, robbing this tiara of a picture the gem of the grandfather paradox.
Star Trek Generations
1994 Nov 18
Malcolm McDowell as a twisted scientist opening an unwelcome time gate in the air. Oh, and Kirk and Picard meet
somehow to stop him.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
series; 1987 Sep 28 - 1994 May 23 - aka Star Trek: TNG; TNG
The crew of the Enterprise-D had the tremendous task of reigniting a classic series while boldly going...
where no one had gone... previously.
"Time Squared"
1989 Apr 03
"Yesterday's Enterprise"
1990 Feb 19
"Captain's Holiday"
1990 Apr 02
Vorgons from the 27th Century intrude on Picard's trip to Risa and inform him he will unearth the legendary Tox
Uthat, which is actually a starkiller from their time. Picard handles the time travel with marvelous nonchalance,
and gets lucky with a smart lady.
"A Matter of Time"
1991 Nov 18
"Cause and Effect"
1992 Mar 23
The Enterprise is caught in a "temporal causality loop" for 17.4 days during which attacks of deja vu become
increasingly uncomfortable for the crew, especially since they keep dying as part of the loop.
"The Inner Light"
1992 Jun 01
A probe from a dead civilization forces Picard to live thirty years of the life of one of its citizens in the space
of 25 minutes. Not true time travel, but the experience of it for one character who is affected by it for the rest
of the series.
"Time's Arrow, Part I"
1992 Jun 15
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
1992 Sep 21
1992 Oct 12
Scotty is picked out of a transporter buffer after 75 years, and faces his newfound inadequacy on the
1993 Feb 15
1993 Jun 14
"All Good Things... Part I"
1994 May 23
"All Good Things... Part II"
1994 May 23
Star Trek: Voyager
series; 1995 Jan 15 - 2001 May 23
Federation starship stranded in the Delta Quadrant, decades of travel away from home. If only...
there were some way... to......
"Time And Again"
1995 Jan 30
Janeway's loyalty to the Prime Directive is tested when she finds herself on a planet that she saw
explode tomorrow.
"Non Sequitur"
1995 Sep 25
Ensign Kim finds himself on Earth in a timeline where he was lucky enough not to get on
Voyager in the first place.
"Future's End, Pt. I"
1996 Nov 06
The Federation Timeship Aeon helps Voyager get back to Earth by firing on it
and sucking them all through to 1996. Or thenabouts.
"Future's End, Pt. II"
1996 Nov 13
The Voyager crew are pitted against a Silicon valley mogul until the Aeon
returns to strand them back in the 24th Century Delta Quadrant. The Doctor scores some 29th
Century swag.
"Before And After"
1997 Apr 09
Listen, chronotons make Kes come unstuck in time.
"Year of Hell, Pt. I"
1997 Nov 05
"Year of Hell, Pt. II"
1997 Nov 12
1998 Nov 18
1999 May 12
Captain Braxton of the 29th century is back with Seven of Nine doing his time policing.
"Blink of an Eye"
2000 Jan 19
Voyager orbits a planet where the surface inhabitants experience time at a much faster rate than
the rest of the universe.
2000 May 05
An aged Kes returns to Voyager to travel time for revenge.
2001 Jan 17
Different areas of Voyager are in different times.
"Endgame, Pt. I"
2001 May 23
"Endgame, Pt. II"
2001 May 23
Stargate SG-1
series; 1997 Jul 27 - 2007 Jun 06
Atop the wormholes, battle on distant planets, and giving exec producer Richard Dean Anderson all the choice
dialogue, the fine long-running SF military series also found room for a few fits of travelling time.
Season 2; Episode 43; 1999 Mar 05
Expecting to be off to another planet, SG-1 finds itself back on Earth in 1969, and needing the help of then-Lt.
Hammond to find a gate... and get back to where they once belonged.
"Window of Opportunity"
Season 4; Episode 72; 2000 Aug 04
Jack and Teal'c are aware they're caught in a perpetual 10-hour time loop, and go through the trouble of warning
everyone else, again and again.
Season 4; Episode 82; 2001 Jan 12
By 2010, a race called the Aschen have allied with Earth and defeated the Gou'ald but they've been secretly
sterilizing us, too. The only solution is to warn the past, and keep the SGC from ever contacting the Aschen in the
first place.
"Moebius, Part 1"
Season 8; Episode 173; 2005 Mar 18
SG-1 goes to 3000 BC to grab a ZPM from RA but all goes FUBAR. Their nerdy alternate selves are summoned to save
them, solely on the strength of a five-millennia old VHS.
"Moebius, Part 2"
Season 8; Episode 174; 2005 Mar 25
The alternate SG-1 goes and gets the alternate Teal'c, who still works for the Gou'ald, and hire him to rescue our
crew. They travel time some more.
2007 Jun 22
TV.com: "The SG-1 team extends a small time frame to several years to survive an attack of the
Ori and tries to find a solution to solve their problem."
Stargate SG-1: Continuum
2008 Jul 29 - aka Stargate: Continuum
Straight-to-DVD movie ender for the series. The Goa'uld attempt to sink the ship carrying the Terran stargate
as it crosses the Atlantic in 1939.
series; 2009 Nov 30; 2011 Dec 16 - 31 - UK
Captain Belinda Blowhard and the crew of the 31st Century stardreadnought Nemesis pursue their
enemies, the Reptids, back to the 21st, and get in touch with their emotions. Efforts to market
this British SF comedy series resulted in it going straight-to-DVD. Thanks to Liz for sending
this one in to Timelinks!
Static Shock!
animated series; 2000 Sep 23 - 2004 May 22
Superhero series with an electric soul...
"Future Shock"
Season 4; Episode 40; 2004 Jan 17
Static falls through a hole in the Batcave, and winds up stunting with Batman Beyond,
and rescuing his elder self.
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
animated; 2005 Sep 27 - aka Family Guy Presents: Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story
A special DVD release, the movie was later reedited into three Family Guy episodes.
The story is untold because the time travel completely erases it by the end.
The Sticky Fingers of Time
1997 Sep 09
H-Bomb test turns a writer into a time traveller. Michael Bennett Cohn writes, "But let me tell you, as a hetero male sci-fi
geek, I have no problem at all settling down to watch a story about time-traveling lesbians."
Studio One
series; 1948 Nov 07 - 1958 Sep 29 - aka Studio One Summer Theatre, Studio One in Hollywood, Summer Theatre, Westinghouse Studio One, Westinghouse Summer Theatre
CBS radio and television anthology series.
"A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"
Season 4; Episode 36; 1952 May 19
Boris Karloff as the noble king who marvels at the clever American technologist who has landed
in his lap.
The Suite Life on Deck
series; 2008 Sep 26 - 2011 May 06
Spinoff of the Disney Channel sitcom The Suite Life of Zack & Cody.
"International Dateline"
Season 1, Episode 6; 2008 Oct 24
Wikipedia: "Cody believes the time loop is caused by fate giving him another chance with Bailey, but eventually realizes that
lightning striking the ship as it crossed the International Date Line was what caused the time reversal, so he reduces the ship's
speed to break the time loop. In the end, he still fails to impress Bailey."
The Sun Is One Foot Wide
short; 2003 Apr 26
IMDb: "A man discovers that by looking in the sun he can travel in time." The Ledger (Lakeland, FL): "...an arty,
montage-filled faux documentary, tells the story of a man who has vanished from New York after claiming to have
discovered time travel."
Super Eruption
2011 Mar 08
Forest rangers communicate with themselves through time in an effort to mitigate the Yellowstone caldera.
1978 Dec 15
"It is forbidden for you to interfere in their destiny," warns the Big Dad Head In The Sky (Marlon Brando) to
Kal-El (Christopher Reeve), who's deciding time travel is just another one of those, y'know, superpowers he's got.
Okay, okay, he was really upset that Lois Lane died, and he had to keep her not dead. And that zipping around the
earth was a neat effect for 1978. But this is a classic case of deus ex chronomachina time travel solving
today's problem, only to be ignored tomorrow. An annoying irony of bad continuity that usually only plagues TV
series. (See Star Trek).
1979 - España/Italia/Türkiye
German scientist runs afoul of the Turkish mob, who naturally want his time machine. And just as naturally, costumed
Turkish superheroes leap about stealing the mobsters' fedoras in a show of athletic righteousness.
miniseries; 2002 Dec 02 - 13 - aka Steven Spielberg Presents Taken
Allie Keyes (played by gifted child actor Dakota Fanning) is the culmination of the ETs' breeding program,
and learns so much about time and destiny that she is heart-wrenchingly unable to make a wish over her birthday
cake but for all the many brilliant moments, the climax is unrealistic, unrewarding and unsurprising. For
a story based on kidnapping and government conspiracy, it ends with too much saccharine and not enough
Schindler's List.
Tales from the Darkside
series; 1983 Oct 29 - 1988 Jul 24
"Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality..." And then he turns to schlocky horror TV shows to
try and forget it all. He fails.
"Effect and Cause"
Season 2, Episode 11; 1985 Dec 08
TV.com: "A artist named Kate discovers that she under unknown circumstances, has the psychic ability to live backwards,
but things soon turn out for the worse when she realizes it's beyond her control."
"Sorry, Right Number"
Season 4, Episode 9; 1987 Nov 22
An incoming call warns a woman of her husband's impending death.
"The Apprentice"
Season 4, Episode 13; 1988 May 01
Job-hungry co-ed is tricked into being sent back to Puritan Massachusetts.
Tales of Tomorrow
series; 1951 Aug 03 - 1953 Jun 12
Early ABC-TV sci-fi anthology series, spun off from a radio precursor.
"The Little Black Bag"
Season 1, Episode 35; 1952 May 30
Down on his luck doctor discovers a medical bag from the 25th Century at a pawnshop. Likely inspiration for the Night Gallery
episode of the same name.
"Ahead of His Time"
Season 1, Episode 41; 1952 Jul 18
A 21st Century scientist discovers a slow chain reaction begun in the 20th Century is going to
destroy the world. Solution: time travel.
Thanks again to "Michael" for calling this to our attention!
"Past Tense"
Season 2, Episode 33; 1953 Apr 03
Dr. Harry Marko (Boris Karloff) is neglecting his practice in order to build a time machine in his basement. Best
line comes as Karloff grinningly strokes his new invention and proclaims, "So she thinks I'm losing my mind,
eh? I'll show her more money than she's ever dreamed of!" To which he matter-of-factly adds, "I'll show her
that the past can really be profitable."
Thanks again to "Michael" for calling this to our attention!
Teen Knight
1998 Oct 01
Modern teens drawn back to 1583 via a spell, find themselves battling a bad guy.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
1993 Mar 17
The Renaissance reptiles go ronin for real.
Tenchi Muyô! In Love
animated; 1996 Apr 20 - Nippon
The kid with the most incredible plethora of potential mates in all Japan finds himself
battling an ancestral enemy.
The Terminator
1984 Oct 26
James Cameron's original dark vision of fate and doom and a cybernetic assassin from the future.
Terminator 2
2017 May 19 - USA - aka Terminator 6
Sequel to the 2015 reboot.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1991 Jul 01 - aka T2
Cameron recants his apocalypse with a user-friendly Terminator vs. the evil 'Liquid Metal' guy. Sarah Connor finds
a new credo: "No Fate".
Terminator 2: 3-D
1996 - aka T2 3-D: Battle Across Time
Universal Studios theme park ride.
MagicDragon points
out: "Minute for minute, the most expensive feature ever filmed in Hollywood."
Terminator 3
2018 Jun 29 - USA - aka Terminator 7
Another sequel to the 2015 reboot.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
2003 Jul 02 - aka T3
Fine sequel with many nice time travel moments like Kate Brewster asking the Terminator how John Connor dies...
right in front of John Connor. The good bot vs. bad bot action is fine, but the concept was fresher in T2.
The outcome, however, is a bit more clear-eyed than Cameron's films. Our complete review.
Terminator Genisys
2015 Jul 01 - USA - aka Terminator 5; Terminator: Genesis; Terminator: Genisys
Reboot of the roided-out retropocalyptic robot.
Terminator Salvation
2009 May 22 - aka Terminator 4; T4
The fight is on as John Connor wars with the creations of man.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
series; 2008 Jan 14 - 2009 Apr 10
Sarah and John have a sexy new Terminatrix to bop them around time naked, and generally cause
trouble for the nascent SkyNet. Wikipedia: "The pilot was publicly screened for the first time
on July 28, 2007 at the 2007 Comic-Con International convention."
Terra Nova
series; 2011 Sep 26 - Dec 19
22nd Century civilization on the brink of collapse finds a rift to the Cretaceous, and tries to start anew. Intrigues abound between
the factions of Terra Nova settlement and some seemingly-rogue colonists called the Sixers. Future cop Jim O'Shannon finds himself doing
detective work in the midst of this, while struggling to keep his family life darlingly wholesome. Someday maybe Jim will win the fight,
then that ovisaur will stay out for the night.
Terror from the Year 5000!
1958 - aka Cage of Doom; Girl from 5000 A.D.
IMDb: "Latest find, a statuette, radiometrically dates to 5200 AD!"
Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000
1994 Jul 27 - aka Virgin Hunters
Andy's Anachronisms: "...little more than soft-core porn masquerading as light comedy. A sort of
Playboy Channel meets Mystery Science Theatre."
That Lady in Ermine
1948 Aug 24
19th Century countess facing invasion receives unexpected help from an ancestress from 300 years before, who
springs alive from a painting. Other ancestors also appear and act as the ancestress' Greek chorus.
The film quickly devolves into an unclear fable, as it is never stated whether these ancestors are ghosts or what-all,
and the plot meanders through a confusing mess of scenes. Not enough music to really rank this as a musical, nor enough
romance to expunge the undercurrent of rape. The 15th Century Countess does stop and reset time, but otherwise it all
comes off as a bad dream. Which maybe it is?
Some films get lost to time for a reason.
That Was Then
series; 2002 Sep 27 - Oct 04
Time-travel drama series that lasted for all of 2 episodes on ABC.
This is America, Charlie Brown
animated series; 1988 Oct 01 - 1989 May 01 - aka You're On Nickleodeon, Charlie Brown
The Peanuts gang travel across American history.
The Three Stooges Meet Hercules
1962 Jan 26
The underpaid nitwits take a ride with a 90-pound weakling on his makeshift time machine to ancient Ithaca; some
quality time aboard a galley turns the wimp into a he-man, but does nothing for the aging trio.
series; 1960 Sep 13 - 1962 Apr 30 - USA - aka Boris Karloff's Thriller
NBC television anthology series hosted by Boris Karloff; mainly thrillers.
"Cousin Tundifer"
Season 2, Episode 21; 1962 Feb 19
Tundifer hatches a plan to murder his rich uncle, and abandon his body in the distant past. Played more for laughs than thrills.
Thundarr the Barbarian
animated series; 1980 Oct 04 - 1981 Oct 31 - USA - aka The Venture Brothers
Ruby-Spears Productions' wanderer of a fantastical post-apocalyptic America was bound to stumble across a time portal somewhere.
"Portal Into Time"
Season 1, Episode 11; 1980 Dec 13
Thundarr, Ariel and Ookla have to find a spare part that hasn't been in stock since the 1980s. But hey, Krom has a time machine,
so no sweat. Thanks to Pat for pointing Timelinks in the direction of this one.
1999 Feb 12 - 2000 Sep 08 - Australia
Noah Daniels lives in 2020, after a comet has destroyed all higher orders of animal life. Huddled in his underground shelter
he accidentally builds a time machine, and so starts shuttling critters from 1999 up to the 2080s... beyond Thunderstone.
Thanks to "lipton" for sending this one in!
The Tick
animated series; 1994 Sep 10 - 1996 Nov 30
Ben Edlund's contribution to making the world safe for the completely insane.
"Leonardo Da Vinci & His Fightin' Genius Time Commandoes!"
Season 2; Episode 17; 1995 Sep 30
Villainous man calling himself the Mother of Invention has imprisoned many of the greatest inventors from across
time in his lab; all part of his scheme to rewrite history in his favor.
"The Tick vs. Prehistory"
Season 3; Episode 35; 1996 Nov 16
Unexpected encounter with a portable time machine strands the Tick and Arthur 3,500,000 years in the past with some
australopithecines. Then snotty big-brained humans from the far future press them all into service at their local
time tourist resort.
Tigerstreifenbaby wartet auf Tarzan
1998 Feb 16 - Deutschland - aka Tigerstripe Baby Is Waiting for Tarzan
In the future, men are immortal and women are extinct, so to get some action time travel is a must. Probably not
approved by the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate.
De Tijdscapsule
series; 1963 Oct 06 - 1964? - Belgium - aka The Time Capsule
Travellers from the turn of the 26th Century visit the 13th and the 20th.
Zeppos.co.uk: "Peter Bergen, an
archaeologist, is sent to the past in a time machine which he activates with his pocket watch. He travels to the
Middle Ages to save Isolde, the daughter of a witch, from being burned at the stake. He falls in love with her and
they continue their journey together."
Time After Time
1979 Aug 31
Well-crafted tale of H.G. Wells as the inventor of a real time machine that gets hijacked by Jack the Ripper.
Excellent period insights into the 1890s as well as a realistic time capsule of the late 1970s.
Time & Again
short; 2002
IMDb: "Steve Peters has found a way to control time, but how can he cheat death if fate has a mind of his own?"
Time and Again
2004 Dec 31
Convict escapes into the past to July 14, 1958—the day of the murder he was supposed to have committed.
Time and Again
2007 May 05 - aka Cheating Fate
Musicbox repeatedly alters the past of a successful interior designer who has lost her family.
Time at the Top
1999 Jan 17 - Canada
Teen girl takes Philadelphia elevator between 1999 and 1881.
Time Bandits
1981 Jul 13
Gilliam warming up for 12 Monkeys with a tale about a kid nabbed by a troupe of dwarves who have a map to
Time stolen from the Almighty. A fun bit of goofy.
Time Barbarians
Villain commits murder, time travels to modern LA. Buff swordsman follows for revenge.
Time Bokan
1975 Oct 04 - 1976 Dec 25 - Nippon - aka Time Fighters
Seventies anime crew face off villains in their chronobattlemecha. Which should totally be a word by now. Various eps were stitched together in 1984 into two US-released movies, Timefighters and Timefighters in the Land of Fantasy.
Special thanks to George A. H. for sending this one into Timelinks!
Time Changer
2002 Oct 25
A 19th Century Bible scholar gets thrown into the 21st to get taught a Christian lesson in this independent film.
Time Chasers
1994 Mar 17 - aka Tangents
Man builds time machine out of a Cessna and some 286-or-earlier computer. Tries to sell it to an evil corporation,
and becomes sad once he discovers they want to do evil with it.
Time Crimes
DreamWorks-crafted American remake of Los Cronocrímenes.
Time Express
series; 1979 Apr 26 - May 17
Jason and Margaret Winters (Vincent Price and Coral Browne) invited various guests to travel back to pivotal events
in their past, aboard the Time Express. Cancelled by CBS after four episodes.
Time Flies
1944 May 08 - UK
IMDb: "A minor music hall star uses a professor's time machine to go back to the days of Queen Elizabeth I."
Witty period comedy with an almost presciently sapient grasp of time travel tropes.
The Time Guardian
1987 - Australia - aka Time Guardians
Carrie Fisher fights for mankind and a place to land her time city in the Australian outback in this rightly
forgotten film. It's got Dean Stockwell, so time travel must be involved. I think at one point the hero yanks out the time
travel unit and uses time as a gun. Please don't make me watch it again to find out.
Time is Money
animated; 1988 Nov 25
Disney's quack crew take a time machine around to preserve Uncle Scrooge's riches. Later split into episodes of
Duck Tales.
Time Is the Enemy
series; 1958 Mar 18 - Apr 29 - UK
Man steps through his attic door in 1958 London and finds himself in 1808. He is soon accused of working for
Napoleon. This 1950s programme is believed to be lost, or performed live and never recorded.
Time Jumper
animated series; 2009 Jul 24 - 2010 Jan 26 - USA - aka Stan Lee's Time Jumper
Time-hopping guy has to stop evil.
Time Keepers
series; 1997 - Nippon
A "Time Hole" is created in 2040 that leads to 1997. Brave young members of the Time Police
battle against perverted villains who want to abuse the Hole.
Time Kid
animated; 2003
Nickelodeon sends kid off to rescue his timelost widower dad, in their take on Wells'
Time Machine.
The Time Lord from U.N.C.L.E.
short; 1986
Crossover of Doctor Who and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Fan producers The Federation write: "The Fifth Doctor
and Peri, temporarily stranded on Earth, join forces with U.N.C.L.E. agents Napoleon Solo (as played by Tom Baker) and Ilya
Kuryakin to stop a confused madman with a time machine."
The Time Machine
1949 Jan 24 - UK
Early TV adaptation of H.G. Wells. This 1940s programme is believed to have been performed live and never recorded.
The Time Machine
1960 Aug 17
The George Pal classic.
The Time Machine
1978 Nov 05
TV version of the Wells classic.
The Time Machine
2002 Mar 04
Brilliant young scientist watches girlfriend die, builds time machine, goes back in time, watches her die in a
different fashion, somehow decides this means the past can't be changed, and so goes into the future to find help.
He gets distracted by a cute babe in the 80th millennium, and her Morlock infestation; saves her life, and forgets
about old girlfriend. Not a strong statement on fidelity either of Love, or Causality.
The Time Machine (I Found at a Yard Sale)
2011 Nov 25 - USA
LA IT guy uses his amazing garage sale find to hook up with a berry-picking nun of the future,
whereupon they become the least exciting couple to have a first date that involved a stolen
starship and a time machine, ever. The use of professional music and NASA photography in this
amateur YouTube feature stand in high relief against the film's reviving of the lost art of
filling screentime with people walking and piloting vehicles. Nun She-Ba pretty much sums it up:
"Why don't you give me the time machine? I'll wait outside."
Time Machine: The Journey Back
Straight-to-video mix of a documentary of the George Pal classic, as well as an epilogue to the movie itself, with
Rod Taylor reprising his role.
Time Riders
series; 1991 Oct 16 - Nov 06 - UK
SciFi Television Database:
"Low-budget rip off of Back to the Future, where the mad-scientist rides a Yamaha instead of driving a Delorean."
Time Runner
1993 Mar 17 - aka In Exile
Mark Hamill as a two-fisted astronaut who flees an alien invasion of Earth on October 6, 2022, and winds up 30
years earlier in the midst of the conspiracy that leads to our conquest. He has visions of the near future for
some reason, which allows him to make changes while managing to convince a helmet-haired, part-alien Rae Dawn
Chong to betray her space masters.
Time Shifters
1999 Oct 17 - aka Thrill Seekers
Reporters on the trail of a time tourist with the typical taste for great disasters.
Time Squad
animated series; 2001 Jun 08 - 2003 Nov 26
Trio of future misfits have an ongoing mission to ensure historical figures act appropriately or at least
approximately. (Stop Lincoln from a life of mischevious pranks; get Eli Whitney to invent the cotton gin, not
flesh-eating robots, etc.) They even explain in one episode why they have to fix the past it slowly unravels
under the burden of increasing years thus doing in fifteen interesting cartoon seconds what it takes
The Langoliers three tedious "horror" hours to imagine.
Time Thugs
short; 2007
James Murray won NBC's $100,000 It's Your Show challenge with this infomercial about a past-enhancement
Time Tracers
1995 - aka Time Chasers
The Kronos Project is the pet hobby of a billionaire, and threatens to undo the universe.
Time Trackers
Stolen time machine leads a cop, a girl and some guy on a quest to mediaeval England.
Time Trackers
series; 2008 Sep 27 - Dec 15 - Australia/New Zealand
Kid's series with a future boy, a modern boy, and a cavegirl forming an alliance to save man's greatest inventions
from erasure.
They also have a talking robot dog named Balls. We just want you to know that going in.
The Time Travelers
1964 Oct 29 - aka Depths of the Unknown; The Return of the Time Traveler; The Return of the Time Travelers; This Time Tomorrow; Time Trap
Scientists build a time viewing device, and are startled to discover that it opens a door onto a bleak future.
Time Travelers
1976 Mar 19
Attempt to cure a plague leads time travellers to Chicago just days before the Great Fire.
Time Travelers
2003 Jul 09
Pilot for a tame, lame, extremely low-budget "reality" game show where contestants pretend they're in some period
of history vying for vaguely period prizes via vaguely period feats of skill and luck. If this was the best NBC News
and Discovery Channel could come up with, it wasn't their past they should have been worried about...
The Time Traveler's Wife
2009 Aug 14
Film based on Audrey Niffenegger's hit 2003 novel.
The Time Travellers of 1908
short; 2005 Oct 12 - UK
Two time tourists take their early motion picture cameras to the far-future year of 2003, and take home movies.
series; 1993 Jan 20 - 1994 Dec 03
Very watchable, but very formulaic, series about a policeman sent back to the 20th Century to round up fugitives
from his own era.
The Time Tunnel
series; 1966 Sep 09 - 1967 Apr 07
Irwin Allen's show about "America's greatest and most secret" operation, Project Tic Toc. It's kakked from Day One,
trapping two hapless government employees in a kind of chronal hopscotch. Back in the day, it was a fave of us
sixties kids, right up there with the first-run Trek.
The Time Tunnel
2002 - Canada
Unaired pilot for a Fox series.
We had a few responses to our query as to what happened to this pilot, thanks to everyone who wrote in. Reader
"Nicola" wrote: "I have a not very good copy of a time tunnel made in 2002 called timeslip, it certainly seems like
a pilot to me and I would have enjoyed seeing the series if they made one."
But Wikipedia has also provided the answer as to where to find it: "The unaired pilot episode is available on DVD
from Fox Home Entertainment on The Time Tunnel Season One, Volume Two."
This 2005
announcement mentions a new Time Tunnel being on SciFi's 2006-07 slate. According to
Wikipedia, this pilot was not
the one being considered; a whole new pilot was being made for that potential series, which never materialized.
Time Under Fire
1997 Nov 12 - Australia - aka Beneath the Bermuda Triangle
Submarine wades through a time hole under the sea, and embroils action hero in transchronal political intrigue,
none of which is presented believably.
Time Warp Trio
animated series; 2005 Jul 09 - 2006 Sep 02
Three boys acquire a magic tome that lets them travel time, three at a time. Then their three granddaughters from
2105, who are the same age as they are, show up using the book as well. Then they all take turns harrassing
historical figures.
series; 2003 Jul 05 - 2005 Apr 23 - Canada
A pair of "daredevil historians" whisk young Shakira across the ages to show her the origins of modern stuff in
this educational series.
1994 Sep 16
Van Damme vehicle that illustrates perfectly why timecops make no sense: Their job has to be stopping alterations
to the timeline but if they fail, how would they ever know? As usual, the movie is unaware of how pointless
it makes its own time enforcement endeavors look.
series; 1997 Sep 27 - 1998 Jul 18
Jack Logan, the title timecop from 2007, hunts down those pesky timerobbers. Inspired by the 1994 film.
Timecop 2
2003 Sep 30 - aka Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision
This went straight-to-DVD, until SciFi picked it up. The inablity for Timecop HQ to believe or even
understand that their timeline has "changed" whenever an agent tells them, may leave you slamming your head
repeatedly against the coffee table. But Jason Scott Lee is charming in the lead role, and the generational
intrigues are fairly well played.
IMDb: "A widower looks to travel back in time to solve a matter with his wife and he learns she has left him her fortune."
July 2012 in Manhattan, so seemingly unrelated to...
2016 - Deutchland/USA
...a dramedy about a soldier bounced around time. IMDb: "One day in 1932, Arnold Richter disappears, only to re-appear moments later in a totalitarian future. And that's
only the beginning of a travel through time, space and emotion, exposing the nature of power in a wild mix of genres
and styles. A film about time-travel, girls, art and revolution!", and unrelated to the upcoming UK production...
2016 - UK
...which looks like it's set in London. "Live in the past. Die in the Past." Well, maybe they're all the same movie from
different timelines. IMDb has like a baker's dozen of films called "Timeless", and the Pro paywall isn't helping sort them
all out.
Timeless Man
2011 Sep 10 - Ireland
24th Century fan disrupts his favorite ancient rock star's timeline. Or does he?
series; 1989 Feb 22 - Dec 20
TV news team conducts live broadcasts and interviews from famous mediaeval battles. All perfectly authentic
except... for that televison thing. An awesome, overlooked PBS series.
As of 2014, producer Leo Eaton has placed the
entire series on Vimeo.
Our complete review.
2003 Nov 26
The adaptation of Michael Crichton's
novel of modern researchers trapped in 1357 has slightly less plot than Colonial House, and notably smaller
battles than The Two Towers. The Scots characters seem to exist just so the party can have an in with the
mediaeval French army.
1995 Jul 21
Time Warner Cable: "Orphan goes back in time to prevent father's death." Pat Morita in the titular role of a guy
fighting his own people's most notable vice: Destroying worlds via time travel VR games, through which are created
yummy longevity potions.
2002 Apr 13 - aka Second Chance; Nobody Knows
jinniann at IMDb writes: "The world premier showing of this film, made here in Michigan, was truly a very
entertaining experience. The plot took us into a world that might have been if the assasination of John Kennedy
was foiled by information given to Jackie that morning in November, 1962..." Now on DVD as TimeQuest. Thanks to
Jesse Mazer for sending this one in to Timelinks!
1982 Dec 11 - aka Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann
Fred Ward and his dirt bike are shot back to 1877 courtesy a couple rogue "time cannons".
Wikipedia: "In the South Park episode
'Goobacks,' where various time-travelling techniques in movies are compared, this movie's time-travel rules are
described as being 'Just plain silly.'" That's Swann.
series; 1970 Sep 28 - 1971 Mar 21 - UK
Andy Thompson at TV.com:
"Uniquely the series tackled some heavy issues for a 'mere' children's series - some of which (like cloning, global
warming and laser tracking defence systems) were years (or decades) ahead of their time."
(Not to be confused with the 1985 pilot for an anthology series of the same name,
featuring John Taylor of Duran Duran. Despite his
insisting in its opening sequence that he's looking for a "password to the
future"... sorry folks, no time travel there.)
1987 Mar 10
Time Warner Cable sez: "The daughter of a 26th-century scientist takes a 1980s professor on a manhunt to the Old
West." Many fine moments; mainly marred by the villain's motivation being uncomplicated, power-mad spite. He's
plainly too wicked to win.
To the Ends of Time
1996 Jul 11
Time is the ultimate weapon in this unusual fantasy.
Toki wo kakeru shôjo
1983 Jul 16 - Nippon - aka 時をかける少女; The Girl Who Cut Time; The Little Girl Who Conquered Time
Schoolgirl Kazuko Yoshiyama faints at the scent of lavender, and awakens with the ability to leap time.
Toki wo kakeru shôjo
animated; 2006 Jul 15 - Nippon - aka 時をかける少女; The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Animated sequel to the original, set twenty years later.
Tomorrow Always Comes
Sponsored film from the Manhattan Undergarment Co. pushing the wonders of Burlington Mills'
Rayon®. A wife and mother in 1920 is whisked to the far future year of 1941, to experience
Rayon®, television, Betty Furness, and all that peacetime America promises to provide.
"Don't tell them you're from the past!" commands the male voice in her head, terrifying her.
Oh, fashion industry. Don't you ever change.
The Tomorrow Man
Unsold pilot about an android sent from the future to try and stop a world-shattering disaster, all while learning not to act
like a robot. Hammerman8699 at YouTube: "It was a change of pace for Alan Spencer, creator of the cult comedy 'Sledge Hammer!' Despite
it being a more serious piece, the writing still maintains a sharp sense of humor. 'The Tomorrow Man' has never been shown in the U.S.
but has been broadcast in overseas markets to acclaim."
The Tomorrow Man
2001 - aka Doug Campbell's The Tomorrow Man
1970s dad gets entangled in a case of the Shifter Project, learns of his son's criminal destiny, and struggles to
set things right. The time travel logic is predictably nonsensical, but much of the fourth-dimensional family drama
is well done.
The Tomorrow People
series; 1973 Apr 30 - 1979 Feb 19 - UK
Their tomorrow-ness primarily referred to their being "Homo superior" kids with genetically
enhanced powers of telekinesis, telepathy, and other X-men-like goodies. While not the overall premise of the
series, time travel did play a lead role in certain episodic story arcs. (The series was 'remade' in the 1990s,
and again in the 2010s, but the new episodes do not seem to touch on time travel at all.)
"The Medusa Strain, Part One"
Season 1, Episode 6; 1973 Jun 11
Dave Johnson: "Jedikiah tricks Peter (a telepath from Earth's future) into operating Rabowski's Time Key to take
them back to the 20th Century to the Tower of London."
"The Medusa Strain, Part Two"
Season 1, Episode 7; 1973 Jun 18
"The Medusa Strain, Part Three"
Season 1, Episode 8; 1973 Jun 25
"The Medusa Strain, Part Four"
Season 1, Episode 9; 1973 Jul 02
"A Rift In Time, Part One: Vase of Mystery"
Season 2, Episode 6; 1974 Mar 11
"A Rift In Time, Part Two: Turn of the Thumb"
Season 2, Episode 7; 1974 Mar 18
"A Rift In Time, Part Three: From Little Acorns..."
Season 2, Episode 8; 1974 Mar 25
"A Rift In Time, Part Four: Rise of the Roman Empire"
Season 2, Episode 9; 1974 Apr 01
Tom's Midnight Garden
miniseries; 1974 Jan 07 - UK
Three-episode adaptation of the Philippa Pearce novel about young Tom, who discovers a new playmate from a previous century.
Tom's Midnight Garden
miniseries; 1989 Jan 04 - UK
Eighties BBC adaptation.
Tom's Midnight Garden
1999 May 15 - USA/UK/Nippon
English boy discovers a means to "exchange time for eternity" in this charming outing of the Philippa Pearce novel.
series; 2006 Oct 22 - 2008 April 04 - UK
"Outside the government, above the police" and imploding from its ongoing ethical void, Torchwood is Russel
T. Davies' take on what would happen if the X-Files weren't run by two people railroaded by a conspiracy, but
instead by five people who could play around with all the alien tech and people's lives any way they damn well
please... in the Doctor Who universe.
Set atop a spacetime rift in Cardiff, timelost immortal Captain Jack Harkness herds the cats that are his team from
one alien threat to the next, and sometimes even does that thing the TARDIS does. Series title is an anagram of
"Doctor Who", not a reference to all the men Captain Jack seems to land. A couple of miniseries followed its extended hiatus in 2008.
"Out of Time"
Season 1; Episode 10; 2006 Dec 17
Three aeroplane travellers arrive from 1953, and find it difficult to adapt. Excellent episode, save for the
requisite senseless ethics-lapse, in this case: assisted suicide of an entirely healthy man.
"Captain Jack Harkness"
Season 1; Episode 12; 2007 Jan 01
Toshiko and Jack enter a haunted dance hall, and discover they've actually walked back to 1941. Would have had a
higher rating except the mathematical clues left in the past by Tosh are hidden in coffee tins and in antiquated
boiler sheds where no one would ever really look, and/or would have been long since thrown away.
"End of Days"
Season 1; Episode 13; 2007 Jan 01
The Rift opens, and "The Thing in the Darkness" arrives along with other stuff from across time.
Total Reality
1997 Apr 04
Rotten Tomatoes: "David Bradley stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through
time in a last ditch attempt to save the universe." Actually, four prisoners outfitted with Snake Plissken-style neck
exploder devices are sent from the 22nd Century to stop some rebels from stopping a self-help cult from destroying Earth.
...And actually, it gets pettier: The cult leader's ex-wife's financial interests become an important part of the plot.
The time travel is handled with center stage indifference.
1985 May - aka Future Cop
Trooper Jack Deth from 2257 follows his evil master back to 1985, and then tries to stop him from "trancing" the
weak-willed into serving him. Helen Hunt stars as a punker who is not at all weak-willed.
Trancers II
1991 Aug 22 - aka Future Cop II; Trancers II: The Return of Jack Deth; Trancers II: The Two Faces of Death
Happily married to Helen Hunt (as "Lena Deth"), Jack Deth now battles the brother of the guy he defeated last film.
Trancers III
1992 Oct 14 - aka Death Lives; Future Cop III; Trancers 3: Deth Lives
Jack and Lena are drawn back to 2247 to stop another camp o' trancers.
Trancers 4: Jack of Swords
1994 Feb 02 - aka Trancers 4: Journeys Through the Darkzone
Jack has lost Lena, but is now in bigger trouble as the time machine malfunctions, throwing him into an alternate
dimension. Helen Hunt is no longer in the series, as she was too busy at the time winning a Golden Globe award.
Trancers 5: Sudden Deth
1994 Nov 09
Time travel for Jack may involve a magic evil king returning to haunt him in the fairyland in which he is trapped.
Meanwhile, Helen Hunt was on her way to winning another Golden Globe and an Emmy.
Trancers 6
2002 Jul 23 - aka Trancers 6: Life After Deth
Jack Deth travels time, and into the body of his daughter, to fight even more trancers. In the meantime, Helen Hunt
won two more Golden Globes, three more Emmys, and an Academy Award for Best Actress.
A Traveller In Time
series; 1978 Jan 04 - Feb 01 - UK
20th Century girl tries to save Mary, Queen of Scots.
Igenlode Wordsmith wrote on 2007 Nov 09 at IMDb:
"The entire series is currently available to view for free at the 'Mediatheque' in the National Film Theatre in London. The
final episode is slightly truncated, though... Due to copyright reasons the Mediatheque material is not available for download,
DVD release or sale in any form. It is only licensed to be screened in this specific outlet, so in order to see it people have
to visit the South Bank in person, I'm afraid. Unless of course the copyright owners decide to make their own DVD release at
some point in the future."
Tree Shade
short; 1998 Jun
Time Warner Cable: "While constructing a family tree, a high school student travels through time to witness family
history." Savannah Mayfield faces the truths and fancies of the lives of three convicts in her family's past in
this award-winning short by Lisa Collins.
2009 Oct 16 - UK/Australia
Survivors of a yacht capsized in the Bermuda Triangle encounter the deserted ocean liner Aeolus from 1933. Deserted except for
various maimed corpses of themselves. Bears a striking resemblance to a 1998 X-Files
episode of the same name.
Der Trip
1996 Jan 11 - Deutschland - aka Die Nackte Gitarre 0,5
The power of Love draws a couple back to the year 1972.
A Trip Through Time
short; 1997
A very short trip, since the IMDb lists its runtime at 1 minute. Any info about this obscure minimovie would be
welcome: aethertales@gmail.com.
Tripping The Rift
animated series; 2004 Mar 4 - 2007 Dec 27 - Canada/USA
SciFi borrowed some of the Spike TV demographic
for their lowbrow trash comedy series. A 2008 straight-to-DVD movie did not bring the series out
of orbiting its hiatus.
"God Is Our Pilot"
Season 1; Episode 1; 2004 Mar 04 - aka "God Is My Pilot"
In the unfunny opener, Chode and Gus steal a 'timeplane' and go back to the Big Bang, where they
accidentally run over God while landing. Upon their return, everyone and everything is happy and nice.
But still unfunny.
"The Devil and a Guy Named Webster"
Season 1; Episode 5; 2004 Apr 01
Chode sells his soul for 6 hours, 6 minutes and 6 seconds of extra life, and a plasma TV. The crew travels time
to find Daniel Webster to get Chode out of his contract, but pick up contract-savvy Emmanuel Lewis instead.
Season 2; Episode 21; 2005 Sep 14
Surely the creators could have found more to say about this incident than anything Star Trek: DS9 or Futurama
could come up with. Because "time travel" isn't supposed to be a synonym of "derivative".
Tru Calling
series; 2003 Oct 30 - 2005 Apr 21 - USA/Canada
Tru Davies hears the voices of the corpses at the morgue she works at. Then she wakes up on a previous day in time
to stop their deaths.
short; 2009 Apr 30 - Bharat Ganarajya
IMDb: "A young man time travels 22 years into the past to save his father, who he believes was a victim of the 2006 Mumbai
train blasts."
Turn Back the Clock
1933 Aug 25
Struggling tobacconist has the chance to relive 20-odd years of his life, and discovers that
happiness doesn't come with wealth. A fine message for Depression audiences to enjoy.
Turn Back the Clock
1989 Nov 20
An unexplained chance to relive 1989 leaves an actress finding that destiny isn't so easy to
reverse. Remake of Repeat Performance.
Twelve Monkeys
1996 Jan 05 - aka Twelve Monkeys
Bucephalus' Comprehensive Guide
- Demetri's FAQ
The Gilliam masterpiece of an unwilling conscript in a post-apocalyptic society sent back to the 20th Century to
discover the origin of the virus that wiped out mankind. Inspired by La Jetée.
12 Monkeys
series; 2015 Jan 16 - - Canada/USA - aka Twelve Monkeys
Cole is a man from the future, having returned to our time to stop the Army of the 12 Monkeys, without even being
Bruce Willis.
1993 Jul 05
Office worker and the girl he hopes to win get caught in an infinite time loop. Apparently based on the short 12:01 PM, it
lowers the concept into a standard action picture, with the added problem of appearing on TV the same year
Groundhog Day was in theatres.
12:01 PM
short; 1990
The universe is caught in a time loop, eternally repeating the same hour, and only one very ordinary
man notices it happening.
The 25th Reich
2012 May 10 - Australia
IMDb: "A WWII sci-fi adventure - full of time-travel, duplicitous Nazi robots, faulty spaceships and giant mega-fauna...
Based on the classic novella, 50,000 Years Until Tomorrow by J.J. Solomon."
Twice in a Lifetime
series; 1999 Aug 25 - 2001 May 30 - Canada
Angelic guides allow recently-deceased sinners three days to kick their living junior selves into shape.
The Twilight Zone
series; 1959 Oct 02 - 1964 Jun 19
Rod Serling's landmark series revisited the "dimension of mind" that is time travel, again and again...
"Walking Distance"
Season 1, Episode 5; 1959 Oct 30
Successful executive harrasses himself as a child.
"The Last Flight"
Season 1, Episode 18; 1960 Feb 05
Cowardly Great War pilot discovers his destiny and his courage after a visit to a Cold War air base.
Season 1, Episode 26; 1960 Apr 01
1880 murderer is accidentally brought to 1959.
"A Most Unusual Camera"
Season 2, Episode 10; 1960 Dec 16
Three small-time criminals find a camera that takes pictures from five minutes in the future and put it to
their small-minded ends.
"Back There"
Season 2, Episode 13; 1961 Jan 13
Peter Corrigan pooh-poohs the notion of time travel at his 1961 Washington gentleman's club...
until he inexplicably steps into 1865, only hours before Lincoln is to die.
"The Odyssey of Flight 33"
Season 2, Episode 18; 1961 Feb 24
Passenger airliner bops around vast stretches of time by passing through a jet stream.
"A Hundred Yards Over the Rim"
Season 2, Episode 23; 1961 Apr 07
Pioneer leaves his wagon train in search of medicine, discovers a modern diner by an equally modern highway.
"The Rip Van Winkle Caper"
Season 2, Episode 24; 1961 Apr 21
Brilliant mix of honor among thieves, cryogenic time travel, and the relativity of value.
"Once Upon a Time"
Season 3, Episode 13; 1961 Dec 15
Delightful comedic detour in the series, with Buster Keaton as a janitor unhappy with 1890, who counts his
blessings after a trip to 1962.
"A Quality of Mercy"
Season 3, Episode 15; 1961 Dec 29
Soldier is swapped between bodies, sides, and years in the Pacific Theater of WWII. It's got Dean Stockwell, so time travel
must be involved.
"Valley of the Shadow"
Season 4, Episode 3; 1963 Jan 17
Time Warner Cable: "Townspeople can manipulate time, energy and matter" as a reporter discovers after taking a
wrong turn into "the capital of the Twilight Zone".
"No Time Like the Past"
Season 4, Episode 10; 1963 Mar 07
Paul Driscoll tries to change three important historical events having failed, he decides to retire to
1881 Indiana. Then he gets entangled with a pending school fire, and the assassination of James Garfield.
"Of Late I Think of Cliffordville"
Season 4, Episode 14; 1963 Apr 11
The excesses of greed destroy a rich man granted the chance to go back to 1910 Indiana and change things around.
"The Bard"
Season 4, Episode 18; 1963 May 23
Shakespeare is summoned with black magic to aid a hack TV writer. Parable marred only by the fact that the real
W.S. would have understood the backstage politics of running a show better than the symbol-on-a-pedestal Serling presents.
"A Kind of a Stopwatch"
Season 5, Episode 4; 1963 Oct 18
Oblivious bore is given a time-stopping stopwatch.
"The 7th is Made Up of Phantoms"
Season 5, Episode 10; 1963 Dec 06
War games in Montana lead three National Guardsmen to their doom.
"Spur of the Moment"
Season 5, Episode 21; 1964 Feb 21
"Warnings to the past must be accepted in the past..."
"What's in the Box"
Season 5, Episode 24; 1964 Mar 13
NYC cabbie witnesses his recent past and his dark, inevitable future on TV.
The Twilight Zone
series; 1985 Sep 27 - 1989 Apr 15 - aka The New Twilight Zone
A special thanks goes out to "Mike" for reminding us of this eighties iteration of the Serling series, which turns
out to have quite a few time travel episodes.
"A Little Peace and Quiet"
Season 1, Episode 2; 1985 Sep 27
Housewife discovers a time-stopping pendant. But the US and the Soviets aren't getting along.
"A Message From Charity"
Season 1, Episode 15; 1985 Nov 01
Teens separated by 285 years share a telepathic link.
"One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty"
Season 1, Episode 27; 1985 Dec 06
Bitter screenwriter travels back to his boyhood in a Pyrrhic effort to make it happier.
"A Matter of Minutes"
Season 1, Episode 38; 1986 Jan 24
Suburban couple stumbles across the union labor responsible for maintaining spacetime.
Season 1, Episode 43; 1986 Feb 07
Cryogenic sleeper awakens to a future Earth threatened by a spaceship experiencing time dilation, with the promise he'll
be reconfigured to travel space and time with his mind.
"Profile in Silver"
Season 1, Episode 49; 1986 Mar 07
Time travellers muck about the assassination of JFK. JFK himself helps.
"Grace Note"
Season 1, Episode 57; 1986 Apr 04
Child encounters her elder self, an opera singer.
"The Once and Future King"
Season 2, Episode 1; 1986 Sep 27
Elvis impersonator travels to 1954, kills Elvis. Guess what he has to do next.
"Lost and Found"
Season 2, Episode 8; 1986 Oct 18
College student is harrassed by 22nd Century fans, who keep snatching souvenirs.
"The Convict's Piano"
Season 2, Episode 11; 1986 Dec 11
Convict is the time traveller. Piano is the time machine. If only he can figure out how it operates.
"The Junction"
Season 2, Episode 14; 1987 Feb 21
1980s miner gets trapped below with a miner from 1912.
"Time and Teresa Golowitz"
Season 2, Episode 18; 1987 Jul 10
Deathbed lust and musical prowess are rewarded by the Prince of Lies with a trip back in time.
"The Girl I Married"
Season 2, Episode 21; 1987 Jul 17
Yuppies romance and argue with their hippie junior selves.
"Extra Innings"
Season 3, Episode 2; 1988 Oct 01
Injured 1980s baseball player finds a new career in 1910.
"20/20 Vision"
Season 3; Episode 12; 1988 Dec 10
Broken glasses reveal the future to an honest bank officer, who uses his foresight and authority to try to help those in need.
Remember, this is the Twilight Zone.
The Twilight Zone
series; 2002 Sep 18 - 2003 May 21
The classic series tried its legs once again on UPN, with Forest Whitaker in Serling's shoes.
Season 1, Episode 33; 2003 Feb 26
Ray Ellison is sent back from 2003 to April 2, 1968, and being black, knows what happens on April 4. His method
of time travel is being hit repeatedly by cars (he even tries to get hit once) which shows that chronolocomotive
equality is still a ways away.
Twilight Zone: The Movie
1983 Jun 24
Vic Morrow lost his life during production playing a hardened racist who is tossed about time to feel
the consequences of intolerance.
2009: Lost Memories
2002 Feb 01 - Daehan-minguk
Partnered agents find themselves fighting over the outcome of a 1909 assassination and an
ancient Manchurian time travel artifact. The stakes: Whether or not the Japanese Empire allies with the US and
wins WWII thus keeping Korea.
The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan
1979 Oct 31 - aka The Double Life of Jenny Logan
Lindsay Wagner in the title role of a tale of a dress that allows its wearer to travel back in time to meet a
doomed artist.
Ulysse 31
animated series; 1981 Oct 10 - 1982 Apr 03 - France/Nippon
aka 宇宙伝説ユリシーズ31; Uchu Densetsu Ulysses 31; Space Legend Ulysses 31; Ulysses 31
31st Century cartoon version of the Homeric saga.
"Cronus, Father of Time"
Season 1; Episode 9; 1981 Oct 31 - aka "Chronos"
Ulysses is trapped by the duplicitous demigod, and must escape his bonds, find the clock that
controls all the time in the universe, to return to August 22, 3019 15:15:00 UTC, and make the
most of it.
"Strange Meeting"
Season 1; Episode 24; 1982 Mar 13 - aka "Ulysses Meets Ulysses"
Telemachus 31 bumbles around in the Palace of Time, and winds up in ancient Greece, where his
dad has to go pick him up.
The Undead
1957 Mar - aka The Trance of Diana Love
Roger Corman classic, featuring a hooker hypnotised to travel to a previous life, and Digger Smolkin.
Unidentified Flying Oddball
1979 Aug 03 - aka The Spaceman and King Arthur; A Spaceman in King Arthur's Court; UFO
Nerd and robot twin go Twain in a shuttle rigged for lightspeed. Disney picture; just slightly better in places
than the rest of the studio's late-seventies output.
Valérian et Laureline
animated series; 2007 Oct 20 - 2008 Mar 05 - France/Nippon
aka Time Jam: Valerian & Laureline; ヴァレリアン&ロールリンヌ; Varerian ando Rorurinnu
Wikipedia points out two failed pilots from 1991 and 2001, and goes on to quote Animation World Network: "Time Jam - Valerian
& Laureline sets out to answer the question: Where on Earth has Earth gone? Valerian and Laureline, our two young heroes, seem
to be the only representatives of the human race in the unsafe galaxy where the nightmarish Vlagos are conspiring to control
the world. Sent out on an assignment by the head of STS (the Spatial-Temporal Service), Valerian and Laureline discover the
existence of a time-portal, a mysterious phenomenon, which may hold the key to the recovery of Earth."
Vampire Time Travellers
1998 Oct
Reviewer xbatmanx at IMDb claims, "No
arguments can save this: this is where bad taste ends." With character names such as "Man Who Never Calls Back",
"Man Coming Out Of The Closet/Werewolf", "The Voice From Heaven", and "Guy Who Says, 'Bite Her In The Butt'", we see
little reason to argue. Apparently features include vampires and time travel.
The Venture Bros.
animated series; 2003 Feb 16; 2004 Aug 07 - USA - aka The Venture Brothers
Adult Swim's mad popular send-up of Jonny Quest and the sad detritus of culture left over from the
Cold War. A mention of "Grover Cleveland's time machine" in the first season episode "Are You There God? It's Me,
Dean" doesn't make the list, since there's no actual time travel. But the second season playfully teases the
theme to the point where one is unsure whether any time travel ever happens... or can ever be noticed:
"Escape to the House of Mummies Part II"
Season 2; Episode 18; 2006 Jul 16
Egyptian cultists trap Team Venture with their time machine, except for Dr. Venture, who escapes and fails to
rescue the others. Second part of a three-part story, the other episodes of which do not exist.
"Twenty Years to Midnight"
Season 2; Episode 19; 2006 Aug 06
Alien watchers stalk the Venture family, and not in a wholesomely malevolent way, either. The creators again leave it
up to the audience to decide whether or not any time travel has occurred. Brilliant work.
"Victor. Echo. November."
Season 2; Episode 20; 2006 August 13
Two double dates at the same cafe lead to murder and hilarious disappointment. One of the series' best episodes, it
merits a mere "7 o'clock" because the time travel is but one of three conjectural origins of the Phantom Limb and
Billy Quizboy.
Le Visiteur du Futur
series; 2009 Apr - - France - aka The Visitor from the Future
Web series that proves that all time travellers are comparable to a part of the human lower torso, take your pick. English site claims,
"According to Dailymotion, it's the #1 web series in France." Believe them. Here's what's going to happen: You are going to watch
the series on YouTube, then you will literally Laugh Out Loud.
You already have? All part of my plan.
Les Visiteurs
1993 Jan 27 - France - aka The Visitors
Delightful tale of a knight and his vassal, arriving in our times to discover the outcome of their lineages, and of
France. Has a sequel (Les Couloirs du temps) Also, it was unnecessarily remade, with the same leads,
as the second-rate English-language Hollywood slapstick picture Just Visiting.
La Voie lactée
1969 Jul 06 - France/Bundesrepublik Deutschland/Italia - aka The Milky Way; Die Milchstraße; La Via lattea
Surrealist auteur Luis Buñuel's critique of Catholicism. Denis Maternovsky writes at IMDb: "Milky Way may be
called a road movie in a sense: two main characters are on a pilgrimage to Santiago-de-Compostella and while on
their way, also travel through time - Milky Way is unique in the way it handles this time travel." An important work
examining how a faith is ceaselessly at odds with itself across the centuries.
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
series; 1964 Sep 14 - 1968 Mar 31
Irwin Allen could never leave a weird idea alone for long, so of course submarines can travel time in his multiverse.
Thanks to Chris L. for sending these in to Timelinks:
"Time Lock"
Season 4, Episode 8; 1967 Nov 12
Nelson is a collectible figure... of history, to a pair of android time-hunters, and their boss, Alpha, in 2823.
"A Time to Die"
Season 4, Episode 11; 1967 Dec 03
First, it's dinosaurs off starboard. Then, a certain Mr. Pem wants to hijack the Seaview to power his time machine.
"The Death Clock"
Season 4, Episode 25; 1968 Mar 24
IMDb: "Corpsman Mallory's 4th Dimension Machine causes Captain Crane to kill Admiral Nelson, but did he really?"
"No Way Back"
Season 4, Episode 26; 1968 Mar 31
Mr. Pem returns, because of course he does. Final episode of the series.
Voyager from the Unknown
One of those ill-advised movies which are really just two episodes badly reedited from a
series; in this case, Voyagers! (see below).
series; 1982 Oct 03 - 1983 Jul 10
Well before entertaining the world with Forever Knight, James Parriott gave the world the historically-inept
time voyager Phineas Bogg (Jon-Erik Hexum), his pocketwatch time machine the Omni, and sidekick time kid Jeffrey
Jones (Meeno Peluce). Timelines were never in so much trouble than when these two were on the loose.
A Walk Through Time With Baxter Smalls
2007 - aka Baxter Smalls
Time-travelling documentarian does video anthropology on a Norse family.
Warehouse 13
series; 2009 Jul 07 - 2014 May 19
Secret Service agents are tapped to help guard a trove of paranormal gadgetry.
"Where and When"
Season 2; Episode 10; 2010 Sep 07
TV Guide:
"Pete and Myka travel to 1961 via H.G. Wells' time machine to stop a killer who is turning women into glass." Thanks to
M. A. Roberts for sending this one in to Timelinks!
1989 Jun 02
As a minion of Satan pursued across time by a 17th Century witchhunter, the warlock's aim is to blaspheme
God by destroying Creation via causal paradoxes. A particularly vicious movie for its day.
1988 Jun 17
Cursed dioramas provide mini-time-portals into supernatural evil.
Waxwork 2: Lost in Time
1992 Jun 16 - aka Lost in Time; Space Shift: Waxwork II
The couple who survived the first movie seek Bruce Campbell and a "time compass" to aid them in exonerating
themselves from the actions of a murderous disembodied hand.
Wei Xiao Bao zhi feng zhi gou nu
1993 - Hong Kong - aka 正牌韋小寶之奉旨溝女; Hero from Beyond the Boundary of Time; Hero from Beyond the End of Time
Kung fu and time travel. Enjoy.
W.E.I.R.D. World
1995 Sep 26
The Wilson Emery Institute for Research and Development (WEIRD) has young prodigies creating superscience
prototypes, including a means to travel time.
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story
animated; 1993 Nov 24
Captain Neweyes (voiced by Walter Cronkite [?!]) travels back in time, tames some dinosaurs, makes 'em smart, and
brings them to modern times where his evil brother Professor Screweyes awaits to show them the meaning of his name.
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse
series; 1958 Oct 06 - 1960 Jun 10
"Westinghouse: First With The Future". Desilu's entry into fifties anthology entertainment.
"The Time Element"
Season 1, Episode 6; 1958 Nov 10
Man tries to convince his psychiatrist that he actually travels through time involuntarily. Written by Rod Serling,
this is considered to be the unofficial pilot of The Twilight Zone.
When Time Expires
1997 May 10
Travis Beck has been demoted to the Bureau of Time Statistics and Calibration. So the only time travel he gets to do is
no more exciting than dropping a quarter in a parking meter in a desolate Nevada town. Except that event becomes the target
for transchronal intrigue.
Where Do We Go from Here?
1945 May 23
A playful entry of Fred MacMurray's brand of entertainment, wherein he plays Bill Morgan,
a despondent 4-F fellow who gets three wishes off a timelost genie, joining Washington's
army and Columbus' navy. German and Italian stereotypes (along with Dutch, Amerind,
female, etc. stereotypes) are stereotypically lampooned in this end-of-wartime musical
adventure but the carriage ride through the clouds and through the centuries is a
special treat.
Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?
series; 1996 Oct 07 - 1998
Kids' game show where contestants pit their historical knowledge against one another to see who catches
bad girl Carmen and her time bandits.
Willy McBean and His Magic Machine
animated; 1965 Jun 23 - USA/Nippon
Rankin/Bass stop-motion effort about the evil Rasputin Von Rotten's plans to take credit for all the great
inventions of history, and how Willy stops him.
The Winning Season
2004 Apr 24 - aka Honus and Me
TNT tv movie about a kid from 1985 transported back to the 1909 World Series.
World Without End
1956 Mar 25
IMDb: "Astronauts returning from a voyage to Mars are caught in a time warp and are propelled into a post-apocalyptic Earth populated
by mutants." Of course, there's a bunch of hot babes awaiting the manly Americans underground, unsatisfied with their puny tunic-and-hose
wearing mating pool. Can all still be rectified with bazookas and civil engineering? Thanks to Craig R. for sending this in to
The World's First Time Machine
2003 Dec 03 - aka Time Travel
One-hour Channel Four special that does a good job explaining the then-current thoughts on the subject in lay terms.
Features University of Connecticut physics professor Ronald L. Mallett's research into constructing the first time
machine (or at least the first time communication device).
It ran once on TLC on December 3, 2003; Time Warner Cable listed the show under the title "Time Travel".
A Wrinkle In Time
2004 May 10
Madeleine L'Engle's classic debuted on ABC's
The Wonderful World of Disney. They actually added a little time travel at the very end; but of course
the story is really all about alternate worlds.
The X-Files
series; 1993 Sep 10 - 2002 May 19
Mulder and Scully discovered no more "truth" about time travel than they did about anything else in the series,
despite a few interesting episodes in the genre.
Season 4; Episode 92; 1997 Apr 13
Jason Nichols, an inventor of a means to survive wormhole time travel, comes back from 2037 to prevent its
invention. Involving but unoriginal.
Season 6; Episode 120; 1998 Nov 22
The Queen Anne reappears after 50 years, and Mulder boards her, finding the crew and passengers alive.
Have they arrived in their future, or has Mulder stumbled into the past?
"Dreamland II"
Season 6; Episode 122; 1998 Dec 06
Mulder has switched into someone else's body, and only a special timewarp can fix it:
SCULLY. Well, that's just it. It's all about random moments in time... About a series of variables
approaching an event horizon. And even if we... could recreate that moment if we could sabotage another craft...
Mulder, if we were... If we were off... If the event were off by even one millisecond...
Season 6; Episode 131; 1999 Feb 28
The girlfriend of a disgruntled janitor is caught in a time loop that Scully and Mulder keep dying in.
Andy's Anachronisms: "With each subsequent loop, Mulder begins to have a sense of deja vu."
Season 8; Episode 167; 2000 Dec 10
A lawyer accused of murder keeps slipping back in time.
Season 9; Episode 186; 2001 Dec 21
Reyes and Doggett are up against a guy who can slip between worlds and affect events in each.
X-Men: Days of Future Past
2014 May 23 - UK/USA
io9: "Wolverine goes back in time
and tells everyone to stop acting like total assholes. It works, sort of."
Xena: Warrior Princess
series; 1995 Sep 15 - 2001 Jun 23 - US/New Zealand
The amazonian duo of Xena and Gabrielle took a couple detours into time... aside from the episodes where they got
silly with reincarnation...
"Been There, Done That"
Season 3; Episode 48; 1997 Oct 08
A time loop affects Xena, who has to examine every little detail of a day to make sure no one in town gets killed or anything.
"Forget Me Not"
Season 3; Episode 63; 1998 Mar 21
Gabrielle has to mentally relive her past in order to live with her memories or have them purged forever.
Xi you ji da jie ju zhi xian lu qi yuan
1994 - Zhōnghuà Rénmín Gònghéguó
aka 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒; 西游记第一百零一回之月光宝盒;
A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box; Sai yau gei: Dai yat baak ling yat wui ji - Yut gwong bou haap
Video Universe: "An ambitious, highly-produced costume fable based upon the folk legend 'Journey to the West,' which
finds the playful, once-divine Monkey King (now reborn in a human form) employing a mysterious time-travel device
(the titular box) in his quest to shed his human feet of clay."
Xi you ji da jie ju zhi xian lu qi yuan
1994 - Zhōnghuà Rénmín Gònghéguó
aka 西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣; 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘;
A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella; Sai yau gei: Daai git guk ji - Sin leui kei yun
Video Universe: "Convoluted continuation of the adventures of the time-traveling, now-human Monkey King, who attempts
to fulfill his divine destiny."
Xin nan xiong nan di
1993 - Hong Kong
aka 新難兄難弟; He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother; He Ain't Heavy... He's My Father; Once Upon a Mid-Autumn Festival
Yuen think his dad is just too nice until he finds himself a witness to his parents' courtship.
The Yesterday Machine
Dr. Ernst Van Hauser, a Nazi hiding under a Texas farmhouse, has built a time machine in order to go back and help
Hitler win.
Yesterday's Target
1996 Apr 28
IMDb: "Memory loss, separation and assassins threaten three time-travelers with special powers who are stuck in
the past."
You Are There
series; 1953 Feb 01 - 1957; Jun 09, 1971 - 1972
Walter Cronkite anchors news broadcasts from across time, uttering the ominous paradox, "All is as it was, only you are there."
Began as a radio program in 1947, and enjoyed a brief revival in 1971. Likely inspiration for the PBS series Timeline (1989).
A Young Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
1996 Apr 24
Young Hank isn't popular with girls, despite being able to play the guitar. Lucky for him, his learning curve
includes battling Lancelot.
Zabil jsem Einsteina, pánové
1970 Feb 27 - Československo - aka I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen
Atomic radiation causes all women to grow beards and be unable to birth kids, so the UN decides
a time traveller must be sent to off Einstein before he can do the math.
Zärtliche Chaoten II
1988 Jun 30 - Bundesrepublik Deutschland - aka Lovable Zanies II; Three Crazy Jerks II
Patent office workers use a time machine that's arrived for approval to travel to
the Canary Islands in 1988 in order to erase the siring of their oppressive boss.
animated series; 2001 Feb 17 - 2004 - Zhōnghuà Rénmín Gònghéguó/Hong Kong
Princess Megan escapes into the past to warn the world of the impending robot apocalypse, but
the robots follow her.
Zítra vstanu a opařím se čajem
1977 Aug 01 - Československo
aka Tomorrow I'll Be Scalding Myself with Tea; Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea; Zítra vstanu a oparím se cajem
Time tourism employee discovers plot to smuggle nukes to Hitler. EoFFTV: "The script
actually makes sense ? a rarity in time-travel films... Genuinely funny and very clever,
it's a tragedy that Zítra ráno vstanu a oparím se cajem is not as
widely known as it deserves to be." Based on a story
by Josef Nesvadba.