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Free Downloads for CºNTINUUM: Scenarios   Sheets   Misc.
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You will also need the password from the main rulebook to open these files.

Continuum  CºNTINUUM Official Scenarios
  Updated AD 2006 February 05.

Original scenarios for the rpg.
The Death Hand of Saint No-One [PDF 24k]
1990s Brooklyn spanners encounter a little-known figure of the 10th Century who's misplaced a reliquary containing bits of himself. Antiques Roadshow ain't got nothing on this. [AD 1999 07.21]
Plum Pudding and Other Such
[PDF 52k]
This Victorian romp was originally only available to members of the Players' Fraternity. [AD 1999 12.15]

Continuum  CºNTINUUM Fan Scenarios
  Updated AD 2006 February 15.

Scenarios written by fans of the game. The following are available as HTML pages:
Identity Is All
An introductory scenario for novice spanners. When a stranger appears at the corner, with no memory of who he is and with only the corner's address on a slip of paper, the spanners must figure out what to do with him. By David Trimboli. [AD 2002 05.11]
Rogues and Politicians

A scenario for novice spanners. A mad narcissist wants to kill a baby and stop World War III from ever happening. By David Trimboli. [AD 2002]
Scenario Ideas

Six scenario starters in English, from an Italian page that has been down since 2003. But we're the Continuum, so we can still access it. Also, Valis, its main site (in Italian) still has a short CºNTINUUM resource page. By Michael Rees and Lorenzo Trenti. [AD 2001 04.01]

Continuum  CºNTINUUM Sheets
  Updated AD 2006 February 05.

CºNTINUUM Character Sheet [PDF 24k]
Note this does not include the Span/Yet cards. You may either photocopy those for personal use from the main rulebook, or acquire a copy of Aetherco/Dreamcatcher's SpanBook: Automated Time Travel Diary.

Tech Card, and Corner, Neighborhood & Society Sheets [PDF 52k]
These are the sheets from Further Information that help GMs keep track of their spanner NPCs. Descriptions of how to use the Corner and Neighborhood Sheets are included.

'Greatest Game' Sheet [PDF 15k]
As promised in the main rulebook, this sheet allows you to simulate the "play" of Span Fours in their obsessive hobby of charting nations and peoples throughout spacetime. Entirely ancillary to the main rpg, the "Greatest" Game is not for those allergic to record-keeping...
Includes a page of relevant errata.
[AD 1999 09.29]

Continuum  CºNTINUUM Miscellany
  Updated AD 2006 February 05.

The Special Calendars for AD 1582 and AD 1752 [PDF 21k]
These don't have the days passed/remaining as do the calendars in the book, but are otherwise precise and complete. [AD 1999 09.28]

The Atlantis Basic Overview Map, pg. 206. [PDF 38k]
This looked great in the proofs, better than we expected. It wound up printing extremely light. This PDF gives you a legible copy of the map at full-page size. [AD 1999 07.21]



All contents Copyright ©1998-2012 Barbara Manui & Chris Adams, and David Fooden, except as noted.
CONTINUUM™ is a trademark of Aetherco and Dreamcatcher Multimedia for their time travel game. All rights reserved.
NARCISSIST™ is a trademark of Aetherco and Dreamcatcher Multimedia for their alternating history game. All rights reserved.
AETHERCO™ and the book-and-branch logo are trademarks of Aetherco. All rights reserved.
Background by
Drew Tucker.
Other trademarks appearing herein belong to their respective owners. This site contains some content of editorial or satiric intent.
Updated 2023.08.07